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Conlang Relay 19/Emyt

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Emyt (ral-ęmut sur’atkan) is a agglutinative-fusional language of a priori type.

Received text translation

Once upon a time, two stones on the top of a hill stood out. "Hey (polite)! What is on the mountain top?" said the first stone. "All stones can't discover" the second stone.

One day, a raven and a mole came to the two stones. They greeted each other and the stones asked the animals to make a discovery on the mountain. The raven and the mole agree and go.

The raven quickly fly and return. "I flew on the top, I saw a wide river" it said. "I wish to see (inc.) it." said the first one. "Happiness in nothing" said the second one.

By the great time, the mole walked "I went on the top, I saw many trees and many blades of grass and crop plants etc." it said. "I wish to see (inc.) it with you." said the first one. "Make me happy" said the second one.


A-rentyvek, ratgynektyvyh ęgǫtoranmuv.
Ekmut toran sur’ąimuv: “Dot, ratgynekty eptyvyh ęvihtyv?”
Gotyt: “Kyh toran kiś-gorty̨iravrak.”
A-vortyvek, gǫ-torantyvyhtik ųsǫimuv hardiśvanśat ni hardiśtaryn. Ny̨it ny̨itik “Dajręgan”-sur’ąimuv. Gǫ-toran ny̨-gevantytik sur’ąimuvni itytik, ratgynekty eptyvyh kardęigavun.
Hardiśvanśat ni hardiśtaryn sar-sur’ąimuv ni sǫimuv.
Hardiśvanśat kysenty̨imuv ni śatmįimuv. Sur’ąimuv: “Kysenty̨men eptyvyhtik, evzel-dipa-sylnįmenni.”
Ekmut: “Ito-sylnitbyś-miltąten.”
Gotyt: “Kiś-pątulty̨ten.”
Meh rentyvek, ųsǫhardiśtarynmuv: “Sǫmen eptyvyhtik, ny̨-kevnen- ni ny̨-vybak- ni ny̨-karo-sylnįmenni.”
Ekmut: “Doak ito-sylnitbyś-miltąten.”
Gotyt: “Metik pątulkędośrak.”

Sent text translation

One time, on a hill (small mountain) there were two stones.
The first stone said: "You, what is on the top of the hill?"
The second one: "No stone can get to know."
One day, a raven (blackbird) and a mole (blackdigger) came to the two stones. They said "hello" to each other. The two stones told the two animals to make discovery on the top of the hill.
The raven and the mole said "yes" and went.
The raven flew and returned. It said: "I flew onto the top and I saw a wide river."
First: "I want to see it."
Second: "I am unhappy."
During a great time, came the mole: "I went onto the top and I saw trees and grass and so on."
First: "I want to see it with you."
Second: "Make me happy."


  • dajręgan = hello (to plural)
  • dipat = river
  • dot = you
  • ekmut = first
  • ep = top
  • et = to be, to exist
  • evzel = wide
  • gevan = animal
  • gor = to know
  • gotyt = second (num.)
  • hardiś = black
  • ih = it
  • it = he, she
  • kardet = to discover
  • karot = other
  • kevnen = tree
  • kyh = everything, every (ina.); anything, any (ina.)
  • kysen = to fly
  • meh = big
  • met = I
  • miltat = to want, to wish
  • ni = and
  • pątul = happy
  • ratgyn = mountain, hill
  • ren = time
  • sanun = to listen
  • sar = yes
  • sot = go
  • sur’at = to say, to speak
  • sylnit = to see
  • śatmit = to return
  • taryn = to dig
  • toran = stone
  • ųsot - come
  • vanśat = bird
  • vih = what
  • vor = day
  • vybak = grass, grass field

(there are also two names of animals, translated here as compounds)


  • a- = indefinite pronoun
  • -ak = comitative, “with”
  • -byś = abstract noun / gerund form
  • -doś = imperative 2nd person
  • -ek = diminutive
  • -gav = conditional mood
  • gǫ- = two
  • -(ś)ket = causative, “make”
  • kiś- = negation
  • -i- = 3rd person placeholder
  • -men = past 1st person
  • -muv = past tense
  • -ni = conjunction, simultaneousness
  • ny̨- = plural
  • -rak = inchoative, inceptive
  • -rav = generic tense
  • -ten = present 1st person
  • -tik = dative, “to”
  • -tyv = present tense
  • -un = subjunctive verb
  • -vek = essive, “during”
  • -vyh = adessive, “on”, “near”



Subject stays in the nominative case, the default form.

If it’s definite, it is omitted or stays before a verb. If it’s indefinite, it is attached to verb or stays after it.

For verbs in 3rd person, there must be something attached to verb, the default placeholder is “-i-”:

“Ęten.” (I am.)
“Ęityv.” (It is.)
“Śek ęityv.” (The dog is.)
“Ęśektyv.” (A dog is.)
“Ęityv śek.” (A dog is. / There is a dog.) – the long verson

Direct object

Direct object stays in the genitive case.

The genitive case is made by changing final “-at -et -it -ot -ut” to “-a- -e- -i- -o- -u-“. Other endings, including “-yt” remain unchanged.

Object is attached before verb and separated by a hyphen. The same concerns the situation when one noun (in genitive) describes another.


Verbs are in the predicative form, always ending with a nasal.

Verb can have derivational affixes of causative, passive and receptive voice.

The predicative form is made by changing final

  • “-at -et -it -ot -ut” -> “-ą -ę -į -ǫ -ų”,
  • “-yt -h -p -k -v -r -l -n” -> “-yty̨ -ty̨ -pty̨ -kty̨ -vty̨ -rty̨ -lty̨ -nty̨”
  • “-ś -j” -> “-śę -zę”

Then the subject is attached (when 3rd person) and the person-tense and other endings.

Reciprocal is done by double-marking the person.

“X is Y” construction is made with X as subject and Y as verb/predicative.

The imperative suffix is placed instead the tense suffix, e.g.

  • "Ęten." (I am. / I exist.)
  • "Ędoś." (Be! / Exist!)

The causative suffix is modifying the root. It is "~śket" for "-at -et -it -ot -ut" roots and "-ket" elsewhere:

  • "Eśkęten." (I make exist.)
  • "Gorkęten." (I make know.)

The undergoer is in dative:

  • "Eśkęten itytik." (I make it exist.)
  • "Dotik gorkęten." (I make you know.)

Indirect object

Other objects are based on the possessive case.

The possessive case is made by changing final

  • “-at -et -it -ot -ut” -> “-a -e -i -o -u”,
  • “-yt -h -p -k -v -r -l -n” -> “-yty -ty -pty -kty -vty -rty -lty -nty”
  • “-ś -j” -> “-śi -zi”

Then another ending is attached or a relative noun is added.

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