LCC8 Relay/Tekhwos

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This is the Tekhwos text for the LCC8 Relay's Ring 1, by Joey Windsor.


Kirikhtakh shofikhtash yanim

Suromatfe! Mashinontash shoyamisnu sin rimnant takhtikhtur nans wesopilsnu twarurmanshef.
Wi tikhw rakhtwisikhtur twetwasnu: shoyamusnu shukhroyol.
Suromatfe! Mas kanronshef fans lusukranu, lokhw yamukhontakh nans shiniref weshalanu fa lormanoshikhtakh lasepilu.
Finef werum wi khrofoyash sakanrfokin yons wi shilwokin lurimnantrsopalinu wi khorefoyash nans kanu.
Lolo fornimakh finikirash warnu finikirlofikht ropkwarikhtef.
Lolo pam manshikht kanroyakh fans tweyamisro.
Yutsna, lormanoshikht kharafikhtash kwan twenotwu kwulikhtef yamis.
Kirikhtakh lakhartoshmun sopaltikhtef fikhoyol makan, sumiyash lat sepatilnu rutikhtef kwols tekhw manoshikhtol two lukwefikhtakh sin yirsakh yistwakash warpesu. Sipi khorefontakh shilwokin nans rutikhtef sopils wenotwu, wi mashinont shilwokin khorefontakh sipirash wewarnu.

Smooth English

Snow is shrouding the ground

Listen to me!
I saw the children that secretly fled to the peaceful place last night. And I was at my window, watching from the darkness.
Listen to me! Although they were hidden in the dim moonlight, their little eyes shone with fear because the dawn was coming.
They were clad in fun and had leather-like legs, and they secret-walked & made little footprints. At that moment, the air became cold with winter's bite.
I could no longer see the moon's dim light.
Instead, I began to see the dawn's white sky.
Snow had been falling for many days, leaving only the memory
of our sun, akin to the way that pain becomes dull.
Quickly, the little mouse-like footprints began to scatter and the footprints of the mouse-like children were chaotic.

← LCC7 RelayLCC8 RelaydLCC Relay →
Ring 1 Ring 2
Tobias "Slorany" Fernandez — Edoki — text
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