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LCC8 Relay/Ndok Aisô

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This is the Ndok Aisô text for the LCC8 Relay's Ring 2, by Jan Strasser.


Taxaha dixêheu, roits a kêdasteu êxaspulog nte ristêd, wôskêhadeu lestôspok.
Eu nodadeu at'eu dixêkloixa tsi mege hoi reu od ngi mot'oi wôspeu, tsuts wôldos taxeutêneu.
Eu dôlbitadeu êb tsi kuposoi dêp'ahêdog ke sêlatra laixêg.
Tsêskadeu eu tsi lêg od êhêkoi uhaidos k'eulag widilboi wôdôxag, od sudeu t'a tsi nêp'eu gêmog.

Smooth English

The king's daughter, trapped by fate, went to the king's hall.
She went to her father's house twelve times, this wicked female warrior.
She brought along a small tiger on her secret mission.
She was hiding her face in the dark, pure body too, and also her evil quest.

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Tobias "Slorany" Fernandez — Edoki — text
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