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LCC8 Relay/Jamnutya

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This is the Jamnutya text for the LCC8 Relay's Ring 1, by Krishna May.


Bingcinsa sushku rufzehida

Lingniku, hesa fonki vocla sangdomshu 'urshalyu lutzifhisha, kanhibe.
Beki fesyo ghinla talhibe, ve shomtashu kanyakhibe.
Yungyo liki gilshu zirumhisha, shaki lupnisa gilzehisha 'inme he solzitsa 'ulzuda.
Sharme jipelki pesniku xahisha, veje mishbalyu rumyashisha, veje liki pesascheku yehisha.
Veje lengxiyo tengyakyo balyu, lengki shursa lungyak'imhida.
Veje yunggilyo sokki, liki gilniku welkan'imhibe.
Perte, walla so'imyo gilku kan'imhibe.
Moki soniyo ghalla bingcinsa bopyanhida, 'igu mensa vahida, heha 'urtoski xechsa 'edulda, solsa ceku lutnehida.
'urxecki pesyasniru mishbalyu rin'imhisha, veje junlingniyo pesyaschenisa zuchyu chugala danhisha.

Smooth English

The snow covers the earth

I saw the son who quietly escaped the holy place last night.
I stood behind my window and looked from the darkness.
They(?) hid (from) the moon's small light, their small eyes shone with fear that dawn would arrive.
They had leathery feet with hair, and they sneaked like mice, and they set small steps, and, like the bite of winter, a cold wind began to blow.
And I would see a small light, unlike the moon's light.
To you, I began to see the light of dawn in the sky.
For many days, snow had been falling, and remembering one thing.
How unimportant the pain may be, the sun made the thought leave,
With slow steps the mouse began to escape, and the steps of the sons of the forest were not orderly.

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Ring 1 Ring 2
Tobias "Slorany" Fernandez — Edoki — text
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