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CBB Conlang Relay 8/Classical Ngade n Tim Ar

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Classical Ngade n Tim Ar text

Tínggu ha3ál khëmé ü lír khëmé mís tíran hae aktön ulus rmí émi hé. 5aghmal hé: Kéhemal í3 cn lam 3égu? Í Ha3ál Khëmé, tábhá al ar khús n 3égu cn. 5ûô ris ha3ál athûn n 3égu? Óndó erg ü mís na3ám 3ík ü édí mís ô3 édí!” Ngaskar hé: “Íur 3égu, éu ris cn hae töhír cn kn éhndet séul! hóun 3égu cn! Nihus kmi khíre ngus!” Tínggu keis á3 ö3 keis ö3 kíhís uéng. Ngaskar hé: “Tíran! Tábhá édí ngus!”

Tínggu ris uéng ar hún ng ngus, hae üm íktal hae ïdn tïnha édí. “Í Éjan, trnï 3égu! Hû uéng ar tik hakh mís tejet hae na3ám nî 3ík ü!”


A subject appears before the king and begins to tell him about these things. He asks: “What are you doing to us? King, you are taking all of our farmland. Therefore, shall our warrior comes here? Oh, the children will flee to the tree and they will succeed!” He yells: “Help us, so you can live in these lands! You insult us, I kill you all!”

A big bow, a small bow, and a quiver appear. He shouts: “Begin! I’ve got them!” So, with a sword like a sound, my black arrows appear. “God, save us! Take two of them and tell the tree to flee to freedom!”

← MesakCBB Conlang Relay 82xthe →

loglorn - Däldlen - torch

cedh - Ndok Aisô - torch - full torch and gloss

Sḿtuval - Classical Kauzic - torch

Iyionaku - Caelian - torch

allynnidalar - Tirina - torch

elemtilas - Querenaran - torch

Jackk - Dubarne - torch

protondonor - Mañi - torch - full torch

Adarain - Mesak - torch

Linguifex - Classical Ngade n Tim Ar - torch

Boehijt - 2xthe - torch

DesEsseintes - Ullxānthaxt - torch

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