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Khangaþyagon Adverbs etc

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Adverbs, Pronouns and Conjunctions


Adverbs agree with the verb they qualify, and thus carry all the same segunakar.

hirrihangar rissuwanihangar zerrishar

hirr- i- ha- ng- ar rissu- wan- i- ha- ng- ar zerrish- ar
fly 3P CONT PT PL fast ADV 3P CONT PT PL bird PL

The birds were flying swiftly.

Adverbs are usually derived from adjectives with the segunak -wan. This follows the degree of comparison, when present.

hirrir rissuezhmwanir zerrishilar

hirr- i- r rissu- ezhm- wan- i- r zerrish- il- ar
fly 3P PL fast COMP ADV 3P PL bird this PL

These birds fly more swiftly.

When an adverb is used to qualify an attributive adjective, it takes a participle segunak. This is usually the past participle -osht', but if the adjective is itself a present participle, the present participle segunak -ont is used.

rik tra mœzawanosht

rik tra mœza- wan- osht
man strong great ADV PP

The very strong man.

glaf peshtont rissuwanont

glaf pesht- ont rissu- wan- ont
horse run PrP swift ADV PrP

The swiftly running horse.


The first, second and proximate third personal pronouns of Khangaþyagon are formed as y+person, where the person ending is the same as that for verbs. They may take the same segunakar as nouns, with the exception of modsegunakar (deixis doesn't make much sense with pronouns). There is also an obviate third person pronoun, de, and a reflexive pronoun, ansidi. See the syntax section for more on the usage of pronouns.


Conjunctions in Khangaþyagon have a very strong tendency to be palindromic, eg

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