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Khangaþyagon Adjectives

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The stem of an adjective in Khangaþyagon often ends in a vowel, but this is not obligatory.

The stem is followed by the following segunakar, in the order they follow the root.


forms antonyms, usually in the sense of "lack of X".


reductive (less)
minimative (least)

Noun agreement

Khangaþyagon adjectives agree with the noun, and thus carry all the segunakar that the nouns they qualify carry. One exception to this is cardinal numbers, since all cardinal numbers greater than one are implicitly plural, they do not carry plural marking, but they do agree with all other segunakar on the noun.

Examples of antonyms and negation agreement

As the segunak "she" can occur either to form an antonym or in agreement with a negated noun, it may seem ambiguous what it means in a given context. Here are some examples that illustrate how to disambiguate them with the help of some worthy and unworthy men.

rik nello
worthy man
rik nelloshe
unworthy man
rikshe nelloshe
no worthy man
rikshe nellosheshe
no unworthy man
rik nelloezhm
worthier man
rik nellosheezhm
unworthier man
rikshe nelloezhmshe
no worthier man
rikshe nellosheezhmshe
no unworthier man

Adjective/verb compounding

When an adjective is used as the predicate of a sentence, rather than qualifying the noun, it compounds with the verb, forming an adjectival verb. This occurs most frequently with the verbs

make, cause

In this case there is no noun agreement. Verb compounding follows negation and degree. yurishdahi mihyu

yurish- dah- i mihyu
good be 3 cat

The cat is good.

Paradigm Summary

In general the form of an adjective is

stem+[negation]+[degree]+{noun agreement,verb}

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