CBB Conlang Relay 8/Caelian

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Caelian text

Pownyen sicüdra, sihülyal pëc hatzë sibüktil:

- “Song Zan kitdisbeil, vaplon Zan foranuid pyerret sibinunir kyefoc?

- “Rer Zeng rutoknyadbeil.”

- “Nos foranuid Zabye pyëller berjäiz?”

- “Tet jannui bürergirför, töng zavjagez züpulrapiw ës sibyäis, kyët Tet Tang kë küterdis.”

- “Vür Zan Reng hivurein, Rer rotugerwyalnas viz Rer Zang furernadvene pirvugyen. Wej Zan dicgak Rebre fen pëc Reng dicunein, bojvowyek Zan rokilkyam. Zan dirgik tirnuing Zabye!

- “Zan cidri kyefoc pëc kitdis Tijöng!”

- “Rer kyanahokyat rangok berjäi hat vontuiw zulerimnas arras!”

- “Dyot tivürwaf, kyët vorworef girarez Reng rohünokgeir vpum Rer Zeng nutoksal.

- “Dyot tivürwaf, kyët vorworef girarez Reng rohünokgeir vpum Rer Zeng nutoksal.


The general came, looked over it and said to that:

- “What do you want to achieve, as you moved so few soldiers here?”

- “We want to defeat you.”

- “Where are your other soldiers?”

- “They try to find the person who swam through the river fastest, but they struggle.”

- “If you defeat us, we can (…) you to that region. But if you turn against and (…) us, you certainly have (…). Put away your bow!”

- “Come and get it!”

- “We have enough arrows to make-nas the sky black!”

- “That may happen, but then the shadows protect us while we attack you.”

After he had said that, the messenger left.

← Classical KauzicCBB Conlang Relay 8Tirina →

loglorn - Däldlen - torch

cedh - Ndok Aisô - torch - full torch and gloss

Sḿtuval - Classical Kauzic - torch

Iyionaku - Caelian - torch

allynnidalar - Tirina - torch

elemtilas - Querenaran - torch

Jackk - Dubarne - torch

protondonor - Mañi - torch - full torch

Adarain - Mesak - torch

Linguifex - Classical Ngade n Tim Ar - torch

Boehijt - 2xthe - torch

DesEsseintes - Ullxānthaxt - torch

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