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Khangaþyagon Questions etc

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Questions, commands, conditionals and counterfactuals

This section mainly concerns the use of Khangaþyagon's verbal moods.


A polar question is formed simply by putting the verb in the interrogative mood

nellodahidau rik?

nello dah i dau rik
worthy be 3p int man

Is the man worthy?

Yes is , no is sheshe

Negative questions are answered with

Indeed not
on the contrary, yes

nellodahidaushe rik?

nello dah i dau she rik
worthy be 3p int neg man

Is not the man worthy?

wenu means that the man is not worthy, ngip that he is worthy.

There are no interrogative pronouns per se, but any noun may be made into a wh- word by the modsegunak dau

nellodahi rikdau?

nello dah i rik dau
worthy be 3p man what

Which man is worthy?

nellovlanting rik nazdauol?

nello vlant i ng rik naz dau ol
worthy become 3p pt man means what inst

By what means did the man become worthy?


The imperative in Khangaþyagon can be used in any person, and can thus be regarded as including the semantics of an optative or hortative. It is not pro-drop

iðuzhalt ya sarmneye!

iðuzh a lt ya sarmne ye
see 1P IMP 1P friend VOC

Behold a friend! (Customary greeting between wizards)

ærkriuflt kriāriþon glæstæpontol

ærkr i uf lt kriā riþ on glæs tæp ont ol
heal 3P PASS IMP blood flow PrP spirit command PrP INST

Let the bleeding be healed by conjuration!

Conditionals and counterfactuals

A condition is marked with the conditional mood segunak, azh

nellodahiazh rik, yagakh ya yiakh

nello dah i azh rik yag a kh ya yi akh
worthy be 3P COND man speak 1P FT 1P 3P RECIP

If the man is worthy, I will speak to him.

If two conditionally marked clauses occur together without an intervening conjunction, the sentence expresses a counterfactual.

nellodahiazh rik, yagaazh ya yiakh.

nello dah i azh rik yag a azh ya yi akh
worthy be 3P COND man speak 1P COND 1P 3P RECIP

If the man were worthy, I would speak to him.

If two or more conditions occur together, they are separated by a conjunction.

nellodahiazh rik beb yagaazh ya yiakh, gelikh yi.

nello dah i azh rik beb yag a azh ya yi akh gel i kh yi
worthy be 3P COND man and speak 1P COND 1P 3P go 3P FT 3P

If the man is worthy and I speak to him, he will go.

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