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How are /ke/ /ki/ /ge/ and /gi/ represented? Nik 19:35, 2 May 2006 (PDT)

/ke ki/ are not represented (they don't occur). /ge gi/ would be <gue gui>. — Sectori 11:51, 13 May 2006 (PDT)
What about in loan-words? Surely there must be a few borrowings with /ke/ and /ki/ in them? Nik 19:35, 13 May 2006 (PDT)
In such cases, the spelling would probably use whatever letters the foreign word had. Give me a minute...and another...ah. Probably <ch> would be used. Now that I think about it, <gh> would probably be used with /ge gi/ as well. Surrounded as it is by Italian, and with Mònzo near Milane, some borrowings were bound to slip in. Thanks for making me think. I'll add them to my list now. — Sectori 14:58, 14 May 2006 (PDT)