Major faith (Kasshi Empire)

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The term major faith is used within the Kasshi Empire to refer to certain religions with legal privileges. They are permitted to elect representatives to the Grand Assembly. They are also granted certain legal rights over their followers, for example, being permitted to inflict certain legal punishments on those who break the laws of their faith, and receive government funding. They are required to provide certain social services, officially without regard to religion, though in practice, they tend to favor their own followers. All citizens are registered as being either a member of one of the major faiths or as being "none of the above", the official term translates as "secular", but in this context, is somewhat misleading, since it can be used for not only non-believers, but also members of religions without "major faith" status.

Most of the major faiths are large religions, but Nrastaism and Kasshi Paganism, both of which in modern times are relatively small religions, have major faith status due to their historical significance to the Kasshi people. The largest religion among the modern Kasshi is Neopaganism, which is based on traditional paganism, but with large-scale syncretism with other religions.