User:Cedh audmanh/CBBCRIV

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Farwo n-Abebbu text

Heppen ketyaššou byau leva bainik. Tassarma metai ak rollu thanggek, odun bwalla but ak yougwan ryen simma mus. Kaddan ak dhongguk, wau sen ak pegga gya anyen ollo myuduk. Sei ksossou tasse ak ryen kedyá ressank, wau nadi seve oddek kepyassa ram ak ryen kyesso mudak. Sen lyettya bwazzeiku kwaffi wau norra-yabbu.

Tan krou thanggek wau heppen yenkobbu kwollak. Pyattai ak hyebu you yoddou oddek.


The navy soldiers began to march into the wetlands. As they kept on walking forward, the ground near them gradually became more and more soggy. They struggled to keep traveling, and they finally arrived at a dry spot. The reeds around them were similar to trees, and in the water there were fish which resembled birds. A turtle quickly escaped and swam away.

The men stopped walking and began to talk to each other. They were alone under the sun.

Interlinear gloss

heppen     ke-    tyaššou byau Ø-     leva    baini-k
start-PAST NOM.PL-sailor  into NOM.SG-wetland march-PL
The navy soldiers began to march into the wetlands.
tassarma      me- ta  -i    ak      rollu   thanggek
with.when.REL NEG-stop-IMPF 3PL.NOM forward walk.PL
As they kept on walking forward,

odu-n       Ø-     bwalla but  ak      yougwan   ryen Ø/-    wimma mus
be -PAST.SG NOM.SG-ground near 3PL.NOM gradually like NOM.SG-mud   grow
the ground near them gradually became more and more soggy.
kadda -n    ak      dhonggu-k
strive-PAST 3PL.NOM travel -PL
They struggled to keep traveling,

wau se-n    ak      pegga   gya anyen Ø-     ollo  myudu -k
and do-PAST 3PL.NOM finally to  dry   NOM.SG-place arrive-PL
and they finally arrived at a dry spot.
se-i    k-     sossou tasse  ak      ryen ke-    dya  ressan    -k
do-IMPF NOM.PL-reed   around 3PL.NOM like NOM.PL-tree be_similar-PL
The reeds around them were similar to trees,

wau nadi Ø/-    heve  oddek      ke-    pyassa ram ak      ryen k-     yesso muda    -k 
and in   NOM.SG-water be.IMPF.PL NOM.PL-fish   REL 3PL.NOM like NOM.PL-bird  resemble-PL
and in the water there were fish which resembled birds.
sen     lyettya Ø-     bwazzeiku kwaffi wau norra-yabbu
do-PAST quickly NOM.SG-turtle    escape and leave-swim 
A turtle quickly escaped and swam away.
tan       k-     rou thanggek wau heppe-n    yenkobbu          kwolla-k
stop-PAST NOM.PL-man walk.PL  and begin-PAST DAT.PL-each_other talk  -PL
The men stopped walking and began to talk to each other.
pyattai       ak      hyebu you   Ø-     yoddou oddek
EMPH.AUX-IMPF 3PL.NOM alone under NOM.SG-sun    be.IMPF.PL
They were alone under the sun.


morpheme type meaning
ak pron (3rd person plural, nominative)
anyen adj dry
baini v march, advance, progress
but pp near, next to
bwalla n earth, ground, soil
bwazzeiku n turtle
byau pp into, through, between
dhonggu v travel
dya n tree; mast (of a ship)
gya pp to, at
heppe aux start, begin
heve (NOM.SG seve) n water
hyebu adj alone, solitary, on one's own
-i suffix (tense/aspect marking: imperfect)
-k suffix (plural agreement on verbs)
k(e)- prefix (nominative plural)
kadda aux continue, resume, insist, strive, press on
kobbu pron each other
kwaffi v flee, escape, hide
kwolla v talk, speak
leva n marsh, swamp, wetlands
lyettya adv quickly, suddenly
me- prefix (negation)
muda v resemble, look like
mus v grow, become
myudu v arrive, reach, come to
-n suffix (tense/aspect marking: preterite)
nadi pp in, inside
norra v leave, exit, go away
oddek v (copula, imperfect plural)
odun v (copula, preterite singular)
ollo n place, location
pegga adv in the end, finally
pyassa n fish
pyatta aux do indeed (used for emphasis)
ram pron (relative pronoun)
ressan v be similar, have the characteristics of
rollu adv forward, ahead
rou n man
ryen pp as, like
se aux do (dummy auxiliary)
sossou n reed
ta aux stop
tassarma cj as, while
tasse pp around, surrounding, during
thai (PL thanggek) v walk
tyaššou n sailor; navy soldier
wau cj and
wimma (NOM.SG simma) n mud, silt, quagmire
yabbu v swim
yen- prefix (dative singular)
yesso n songbird
yoddou n sun
you pp under, below
yougwan adv gradually, more and more

Grammar notes

  • Farwo n-Abebbu is a lightly inflecting fusional language with basic AuxSOV word order.
  • Nouns inflect for number and for four cases (NOM, ACC, GEN, DAT), which are marked with prefixes. The citation form is the accusative singular, which is unmarked (and identical to the nominative for most nouns). A few nouns exhibit a mutation of their initial consonant in the nominative singular.
  • Personal pronouns inflect for the same four cases as nouns, but they do so in a fusional manner.
  • Adjectives precede their nouns.
  • Prepositions also precede their complement noun, which appears in the nominative case.
  • The majority of verb phrases contain both a content verb and an auxiliary.
  • Content verbs only inflect for the number of the subject, usually marking the plural by suffixing -k. Irregular plural forms are given in the wordlist.
  • Auxiliary verbs inflect for tense/aspect (present vs. preterite vs. imperfect) and polarity. Modal and further aspectual distinctions can be indicated by choosing different auxiliary roots.
  • The copula odu- functions much like an auxiliary verb, but it can appear in a sentence without a content verb, and therefore inflects for the number of the subject directly.


A very brief grammar overview exists here: