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Usage: {{CGJ|<character with diacritic>|<combining diacritic>}}

The Combining Grapheme Joiner is the legitimate means to prevent Mediawiki's canonical "recomposition" of unicode characters with diacritics. This is often useful e.g. to get í͏̨ with the CGJ against į́ without it. NB: since the CGJ character itself is zero-width and invisible it is provided as a Template:CGJ which automatically inserts the CGJ between its two parameters!

This is in fact the most graceful way of handling the problem with ugly diacritic recomposition: the day browsers or Mediawiki or Unicode or whatever learns to handle these combinations gracefully we can just change the definition of this template by removing the CGJ. Sure the template will then actually do nothing, but it's better than having obsolete hacks lying around forever. BPJ 12:37, 9 March 2009 (UTC)