Senjecas - American Sayings

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


  • English Text
  • Devanāgari Text
  • Senjecas Translation
  • The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln
  • तु-न्यौ॓फ्तम् म़आ॓तु तआ॔द भंभ॓द मौ॓द ए॔यम् भआ॓नु ए॓स॥
  • tu-n̨őőftam m̃a̋a̋tu tááda vĭva̋da mőőda éȝam va̋a̋nu e̋sa⁝
tu=n̨őőft-am m̃a̋a̋t-u tááda vĭ~va̋a̋da-Ø mőőd-a éȝ-am va̋a̋n-u e̋s-a
your=future-A.s predict-SUP EL~good-ABS way-N.s 3-A.s create-SUP be-IND

  • If you wish to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan
  • ए॔बि तु तोध्र॓स् अ॔फ अबे॔ल्भौग़्को॓दोम् भौ॓ग़ु ल़ेले॓य। तोअ॔रि ओर्मोथ्तोम् नै॓रु उ-के॓ल॥
  • ébi tu toðra̋s áfa abélvooƣkőðom vőőgu ɫele̋ȝa. toári ormőþtom ne̋e̋ru u-ke̋la⁝
ébi t-u toðr-a̋s áfa abél-vooƣkőð-om vőőg-u ɫel-e̋ȝa toári t-u þúnt-u ormőþt-om ne̋e̋r-u u=ke̋l-a
if 2s-N start-G.s from apple-pie-A.s bake-SUP wish-SBJ then 2s-N first-ADV universe-A.s invent-SUP

  • Those that deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves. - Abraham Lincoln
  • अनु॔म् ओ स्वै॓तम् न॓भन्तुस् एयु-मिउ॓म् ए॔र ए॔यम् क॓क़ ने॥
  • anúm o še̋e̋vtam na̋vantus eȝu-miűm éra éȝam ka̋xa ne⁝
an-úm o še̋e̋vt-am na̋v-a-nt-us eȝu=mi-űm éra éȝ-am ka̋x-a ne
other-G.p to freedom-A.s deny-IND-AP-N.p their=self-G.p for 3-A.s deserve-IND not

  • Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible. - Frank Herbert
  • क़ोफ म़॓क क़ो॔फ्भि क्व॓त ने॥ क़ो॓फ म़॓क क्व॓त्युम् क़ै॓ल॥
  • xőfa m̃a̋ka xófvi k̬a̋ta ne: xőfa m̃a̋ka k̬a̋t̨um xe̋e̋la⁝
xőfa-Ø m̃a̋k-a xóf=vi k̬a̋t-a ne xőfa-Ø m̃a̋k-a k̬a̋t̨-un xe̋e̋l-a
absolute-ABS power-N.s absolute=ADV corrupt-IND not absolute-ABS power-N.s corruptible-A.p attract-IND

  • Numbers and equations are signs that mark the music of the spheres. – Nikola Tesla
  • लु॓कोस्क्वे पर्कआ॓थ्रस्क्वे ने॓उओस्–त॔ओस् गेलो॓म् कु॓मोम् तु॓स–ए॓स ॥
  • lűkosk̬e parka̋a̋þrask̬e ne̋uos—táos gelőm kűmom tűsa—e̋sa⁝
lűk-os=k̬e par.ka̋a̋þr-as=k̬e ne̋u-os tá-os gel-őm kűm-om tűs-a e̋s-a
number-N.p=and equal.assertion-N.p=and sign-N.p which-N.p sphere-G.p music-A.s mark-IND be-IND

  • Those who mind don't matter; those who matter don't mind. - Bernard M. Baruch
  • थौसचन्तुस् भि॓न ने। भि॓नन्तुस् थौसआ॓च ने॥
  • þoosa̋ṡantus vı̋na ne. vı̋nantus þoosa̋ṡa ne⁝
þoos-a̋ṡ-a-nt-us vı̋n-a ne vı̋n-a-nt-us þoos-a̋ṡ-a ne
against-move-IND-AP-N.p be.important-IND not be.important-IND-AP-N.p against-move-IND not

  • People who wonder whether the glass is half-full or half-empty miss the point. The glass is refillable. - Simon Sinek
  • ते॓लन्तुस्–ओ॔पि गि॓न्दो फेल्पै॓लोम़॓ फेल्म़आ॓म़्ऽ एसे॓य–सै॓इधोम् लो॓क॥ गि॓न्दो म़ेर्पै॓लथो इ॓लु म॓ग़॥
  • te̋lantus—ópi gı̋ndo felpe̋e̋lom̃e felm̃a̋a̋nom̃' ese̋ȝa—se̋e̋iðom lőka: gı̋ndo m̃erpe̋e̋laþo ı̋lu ma̋ƣa⁝
te̋l-a-nt-us ópi gı̋nd-őe̋l-o=m̃e fel.m̃a̋a̋n-o=m̃=' es-e̋ȝa se̋e̋ið-om lők-a gı̋nd-o m̃̋e̋l-a-þ-o ı̋l-u ma̋ƣ-a
wonder-IND-AP-N.p whether cup-N.s half.full-N.s=or half.empty-N.s=or=ELIS be-SBJ target-A.s miss-IND cup re.fill-IND-PP-N.s become-SUP

  • The best portion of a good man’s life is his little nameless, unencumbered acts of kindness and of love. - Wordsworth
  • म़ीरु॓स् ग्वीत॓स् भंभाढे ने॓मो फस्त॓स्क्वे म़ेन्र॓स्क्वे फंफै॓तो भोनो एयु-भि॓भ्कोस् ए॓स॥
  • m̃iirűs ǧiita̋s vĭva̋a̋do ne̋mo fasta̋sk̬e m̃enra̋sk̬e fĭfe̋e̋to vőno eȝu-vı̋vkos e̋sa⁝
m̃iir-űs ǧiit-a̋s vĭ~va̋a̋do-Ø ne̋m-o fast-a̋s=k̬e m̃enr-a̋s=k̬e fĭ=fe̋e̋to-Ø v=őno-Ø eȝu=vı̋v=k-os es-a
man-G.s life-G.s EL~good-ABS portion-N.s kindness-G.s=and love-G.s=and PRV=name-ABS PRV=burden-ABS his=act-DIM-N.p be-IND

  • When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life or the life of another. - Helen Keller
  • मे॓तु म़ुस भंभआ॓दोम्–य कि॓उ म॓ग़–कि॓अ। म़ु-ग्वीत॓स्म़े अनु॓स् ग्वीत॓स्म़े ए॔न त॔ओ के॓उदोम् कि॓अथो इ॓लु सआ॓र नेतेनु॥
  • métu m̃us vĭva̋a̋dom—ȝa kı̋u ma̋ƣa—kı̋a. m̃u-ǧiita̋sm̃e anús ǧiita̋sm̃e éna táo ke̋udom kı̋aþo ı̋lu sa̋a̋ra neténu⁝
métu m̃-us vĭ~va̋a̋d-om ȝa kı̋-u ma̋ƣ-a kı̋-a m̃u=ǧiit-a̋s=m̃e an-ús ǧiit-a̋s=m̃e éna táo-Ø ke̋ud-om kı̋-a-þ-om ı̋l-u sa̋a̋r-a neténu
when 1-N.p EL~good-A.s that do-SUP do-IND our=life-G.s=or other-G.s life-G.s=or in what-ABS miracle-A.s work-IND-PP-A.s become-SUP know-IND never

  • You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourselve any direction you choose. - Dr. Seuss
  • तु-नीमो॓स् ए॔न त्वि॓नो तु॔स् ओ ए॓स। तु-था॓बोम् ए॔न पे॓दोस् तु॔स् ओ ए॓स। तु क्वे॓न चआ॓स्रम् दो ० त॔ओम् ओ॓प ० न्यनु म॓ग़॥
  • tu-niimős éna t̬ı̋no tús o e̋sa: tu-þaabőm éna pe̋dos tús o e̋sa: tu k̬e̋na ṡa̋a̋sram do—táom őpa—n̨a̋nu ma̋ƣa⁝
tu-niim-ős éna t̬ı̋n-o t-ús o e̋s-a tu=þaab-őm éna pe̋d-os t-ús o e̋s-a t-u k̬e̋na-Ø ṡa̋a̋sr-am do tá-om őp-a n̨a̋n-u ma̋ƣ-a
your-head-G.s in brain-N.s 2s-G to be-IND your=shoe-G.p in foot-N.p you-G.s to be-IND 2s-N any-ABS direction-A.s to which-A.s choose-IND steer-SUP

  • The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. - Mark Twain
  • तु-ग्वीत॓स् ए॔न द्वो॓ भंभि॓न अ॓हस् तु-जेगो॓स् अ॓ह द–मे॔ति तु फु॓स्रम् दै॓स–अ॓ह ए॓स॥
  • tu-ǧiita̋s éna d̬ő vĭvı̋na a̋has tu-żenős a̋ha da—méti tu fűsram de̋e̋sa—a̋ha e̋sa⁝
tu=ǧiit-a̋s éna d̬ő vĭ~vı̋na-Ø a̋h-as tu=żen-ős a̋h-a da méti t-u fűsr-am de̋e̋s-a a̋h-a e̋s-a
your=birth-G.s in two EL~important-ABS day-N.p your=birth-G.s day-N.s and when 2s.N reason-A.s find.out-IND day-N.s be-IND

  • I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine. - Neil Armstrong
  • मु स़्व॓र्मो गे॓होम् भि॓सु तल्योनु॓स् ओ ए॓सु न॓म॥ के॔नोम्–त मु॓स् ओ ए॓सु–ग़ौ॓सु पू॓त नॆ॥
  • mu ža̋rmo ge̋hom vı̋su tal̨onűs o e̋su na̋ma: kénom—ta mús o e̋su—ƣőősu pűűta ne⁝
m-u ža̋rmo-Ø ge̋h-om vı̋su-Ø tal̨on-űs o e̋s-u na̋m-a k̬én-om ta m-ús o e̋s-u ƣőős-u pűűt-a ne
1s-N limited-ABS number-A.s every-ABS human-G.s to be-SUP believe-IND any-A.s which-A.s 1s-G to be-SUP waste-SUP intend-IND not

  • The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs, the rivers our bloodstream, and what you do to the environment, ultimately, you do to yourself. - Ian Somerhalder
  • ग्वीआ॓रो म़ु॔म् ए॔न। ने म़ु॔म् ब। ए॓स॥ ह॓इसिस् म़ु-नो॓बोस् ए॓स॥ दआ॓एस् म़ु-षैग़्दआ॓एस् ए॓स॥ द तु नोम्–त॔ओम् तु ग्वीआ॓रोम् ओ कि॓अ–मु॔ग़्भि मिउ॔स् ओ कि॓अ॥
  • ǧiia̋a̋ro m̃úm éna. ne m̃úm ba. e̋sa: ha̋isis m̃u-nőbos e̋sa: da̋a̋es m̃u-seeƣda̋a̋es e̋sa. da tu nom—táom tu ǧiia̋a̋rom o kı̋a—múƣvi miús o kı̋a⁝
ǧii.a̋a̋r-o m̃-úm éna ne m̃-úm ba e̋s-a ha̋is-is m̃u=nőb-os e̋s-a da̋a̋-es m̃u=seeƣ.da̋a̋-es e̋s-a
life.area-N.s 1p-G in not 1p-G outside be-IND tree-N.p our=lung-N.p be-IND river-N.p our-blood.river-N.p be-IND
da t-u n-om tá-om t-u ǧii.a̋a̋r-om o kı̋-a múƣ=vi mi-ús o kı̋-a
and 2s-N that-A.s which-A.s 2s-N life.area to do-IND ultimate=ADV self-G.s to do-IND

  • The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton
  • ए॔पि मु ए॔योम् थु॓म। ए॔बि तु तुलि॓मोम् म़े॓च। तोअ॔रि सू॓मेम् ग्यो॓लु के॓ल॥
  • épi mu éȝom þűma. ébi tu tulı̋mom m̃e̋ṡa. toári sűűmem ɠőlu ke̋la⁝
épi m-u éȝ-om þűm-a ébi t-u tulı̋m-om m̃e̋ṡ-a toári sűűm-em ɠől-u ke̋l-a
as 1s-N 3-A.s understand-IND if 2s-N rainbow-A.s want-IND then rain-A.s put.up.with-SUP must-IND

  • Time decides whom you meet in your life. Your heart decides whom you want in your life. And your behavior decides who stays in your life. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
  • कै॓स रे॓क–त॔उम् तु ग्वीर॓स् ए॔नप॓न॥ तु-सु॓धो रे॓क–त॔उम् तु ग्वीर॓स् ए॔नम़े॓च॥ द तु-ति॓नर रे॓क–त॔उ ग्वीर॓स ए॔न ग्यआ॓ल॥
  • ke̋e̋sa re̋ka—táum tu ǧiira̋s éna pa̋na: tu-sűðo re̋ka—táum tu ǧiira̋s éna m̃e̋ṡa: da tu-tı̋nra re̋ka—táu ǧiira̋s éna ɠa̋a̋la⁝
ke̋e̋s-a re̋k-a tá-um t-u ǧiir-a̋s éna pa̋n-a tu=sűð-o re̋k-a tá-um t-u ǧiir-a̋s éna m̃e̋ṡ-a da tu=tı̋nr-a re̋k-a tá-u ǧii-ra̋s éna ɠa̋a̋l-a
time-N.s decide-IND who-A.s 2s-N life-G.s in meet-IND your=heart-N.s decide-IND who-A.s 2s-N life-G.s in want-IND and your=behavior-N.s decide-IND who-N.s life-G.s in stay-IND

  • The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. - Albert Einstein
  • भ्वै॓तो ने ल़आक़किलु॓म् कि॔अ। दे ए॔युन् पोतन्तु॓म् कि॔अ–क़ु ने॔ओम् कि॔अ–ओ॓लथो उ-इ॓ल॥
  • v̌e̋e̋to ne ɫaaxkilűm kía. de éȝun potantűm kía—xu néom kı̋a—őlaþo u-ı̋la⁝
v̌e̋e̋t-o ne ɫűm kía de éȝ-un pot-a-nt-űm kía x-u né-om kı̋-a ől-a-þ-o u=ı̋l-a
world-N.s not by but 3-A.p watch-IND-AP-G.p by who-N.s nothing-A.s do-IND destroy-IND-PP-N.s FUT=become-IND

  • I hope I can be the autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived. And when it was time to leave, gracefully it knew life was a gift. - Dodinsky
  • मु इफ्भ॓लो–त॔ओ नु॓मोम् ए-ज॓ब द ए-ग्वी॓अ–ए॓सु म॓ग़ु इ॓च॥ द–मे॔त भिदो॓र्द ए-ए॓स–ए॔यो ग्वी॓रम् दौ॓ओम् ए॓सु म॔ध्लऺभि ए-सआ॓र॥
  • mu ifva̋lo—táo nűmom e-ża̋ba da e-ǧı̋ı̋a—e̋su ma̋ƣu ı̋ṡa: da—méta vidőrda e-e̋sa—éȝo ǧı̋ı̋ram dőőom e̋su máðlĕvi e-sa̋a̋ra⁝
m-űl-o tá-o nűm-om e=ża̋b-a da e=ǧı̋ı̋-a e̋s-u ma̋ƣ-u ı̋ṡ-a da méta vid.őrd-a e=e̋s-a éȝ-o ǧı̋ı̋r-am dőő-om e̋s-u máðl-ĕ=vi e=sa̋a̋r-a
1s-N autumn.leaf-N.s who-N.s sky-A.s and PST=live-IND be-SUP hope-IND and when leave.hour-N.s PST=be-IND 3s-N life-A.s gift-A.s be-SUP graceful-EP-ADV PST-know-IND

  • Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain. - Vivian Green
  • ग्वी॓र धूो॓स् नु॓क़ु मे॓नु से॔प ए॓स ने॥ सू॓मेम् ए॔न मे॓बु तु॓नु से॔प ए॓सॖ॥
  • ǧı̋ı̋ra ðuuős nűxu me̋nu sépa e̋sa ne: sűűm̃em éna me̋bu tűnu sépa e̋sa⁝
ǧı̋ı̋r-a ðuu-ős nűx-u me̋n-u sépa e̋s-a ne sűűm̃-em éna me̋b-u tűn-u sépa e̋s-a
life-N.s storm-G.s pass-SUP await-SUP about be-IND not rain-A.s in dance-SUP learn-SUP about be-IND

  • Fall has always been my favorite season, the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale. - Lauren DeStefano
  • इ॓प्ऽ अरु॓ल्म मु-यै॓र भिस्ते॓नु एए॓स॥ के॓स–ते॔नि भिसो मु॓ग एय-गोभ्त॓स् क़े॔म रे॓उग। फै॔रि दआ॓फ ओ॓र दि॓लमऺ मे॓जो मुगो॓स् फ॔र गौ॓लन्त ए-भॅभू॓अ॥
  • ı̋p' arűlm̃a mu-ȝe̋e̋ra visténu ee̋̋e̋sa‒téni víso műga eȝa-govta̋s xéma re̋uga. fééri da̋a̋fa őra dı̋lamĕ me̋żo mugős fára gőőlanta e-vŭvűűa:
ı̋p-' arűlm̃a-Ø mu=ȝe̋e̋r-a visténu e~e̋s-a ke̋e̋s-a téni vís-o műga-Ø eȝa=govt-a̋s xéma re̋ug-a
fall=ELIS favorite-ABS my=season-N.s always PRF~be-IND time-N.s when everything-N.s last-ABS its=beauty-G.s with burst-IND
fééri da̋a̋f-a őra-Ø dı̋l-am=ĕ me̋żo-Ø mug-ős fára gőől-a-nt-a e=vŭ~vűű-a
as.if natur-e-N.s all-ABS year-A.s=EP grand-ABS finale-G.s for save-IND-AP-N.s PST=PRF~be-IND

  • All you really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. - Charlie Brown
  • ओरो–त॔ओम् ते॔भु म़ै॔र्भि ई॓ग़–भ़े॓न्रए॓स। ए॔स्ति कमो क॔कम़े॓दो इ॔मुक्वे पो॔सुक्वे दे॓ब ने॥
  • őro—táom tévu m̃éérvi ı̋ı̋ƣa—m̃e̋nra e̋sa. ésti ka̋a̋mo kákam̃e̋do ímuk̬e pósuk̬e de̋ba ne:
őr-o tá-om tév-u m̃éér=vi ı̋ı̋ƣ-a m̃e̋nr-a e̋s-a ésti ka̋a̋m-o kákam̃.e̋d-o ímu=k̬e pósu=k̬e de̋b-a ne
all-N.s that-A.s one-N.s real=ADV need-IND love-N.s be-IND but bit-N.s now=and then=and hurt-IND not

  • I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. - Ruth Stout
  • मु क्वेन्भ॔इ के॓सम् म़े॓न। ए॔स्ति। ए॔बि ओ॓पु मग़े॓य। पआथो॓स् ए॔न भिस्ते॔नु ए॔यम् ग्वेरे॓य॥
  • mu k̬envái ke̋sam m̃e̋na. ésti. ébi őpu maƣe̋ȝa. paaþős éna visténu éȝam ǧere̋ȝa:
m-u k̬en.vái ke̋s-am m̃e̋n-a ésti ébi őp-u maƣ-e̋ȝa paaþ-ős éna visténu éȝ-am ǧer-e̋ȝa
1s-N any.where spring-A.s love-IND but if choose-SUP garden-G.s in always 3-A.s welcome-SBJ

  • No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep. - Hal Borland
  • ने॓अ कि॓ध भिस॔नु स्वे॓द॥ ने॓अ के॓स ए॓भ्रम् ह॓य॥ चआर्फ्य॓ग क्वे॓तो–त॔ओम् नन्फ्य॓ग तआ॓बु के॓ल–ए॓स॥
  • ne̋a kı̋ða visánu še̋da: ne̋a ke̋sa e̋vram ha̋ȝa: ṡaarf̨a̋ga k̬e̋to—táom nanf̨a̋ga ta̋a̋bu ke̋la—e̋sa:
ne̋a-Ø kı̋ð-a visánu še̋d-a ne̋a-Ø ke̋s-a e̋vr-am ha̋ȝ-a ṡaar.f̨a̋g-a k̬e̋t-o tá-om nan.f̨a̋g-a ta̋a̋b-u ke̋l-a e̋s-a
no-ABS winter-N.s forever last-IND no-ABS spring-N.s turn-A.s lose-IND antler.grow.month-N.s promise-N.s which-A.s bloom.month-N.s obey-SUP must-IND be-IND

  • If someone has never walked in your shoes, don't let him tell you how to tie the laces.
  • ए॓बि ते॓भु तु-थआबो॔म् ए॓न नऺने॔द नेते॓नु। तोअ॔रु तु॓स् ओ मौ॓दि चि॓गोन् तु॔कु तै॔उ ए॓युम् हेने॓य मै॥
  • ébi tévu tu-þaabőm éna nĭne̋ða neténu. toáru tús o móódi ṡı̋gon tűku te̋e̋u éȝum hene̋ȝa mee:
ébi tév-u tu=þaab-őm éna nĭ~ne̋ð-a neténu toáru t-ús o móódi ṡı̋g-on tűk-u te̋e̋-u éȝ-um hen-e̋ȝa mee
if someone-N.s your=shoe-G.p in PRF~walk-IND never then 2s-G to how lace-A.p tie-SUP tell-SUP 3-A.s let-SBJ not

  • You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • तु ओ-स॓म़ोम् नेउदे॓ल॥ मु–य ए॔यो नो–त॔ओम् तु–य ए॔यो फु॓ल–न॓म–फु॓ल–न॓म ने॥
  • tu o-sa̋m̃om neude̋la: mu—ȝa éȝo no—táom tu—ȝa éȝo fűɫa—na̋ma—fűɫa—na̋ma ne:
t-u o=sa̋m̃-om neud-e̋l-a m-u ȝa éȝ-o n-o tá-om t-u ȝa éȝ-o fűɫ-a na̋m-a fűɫ-a na̋m-a ne
2s.N that=word-A.s use-FRQ-IND 1s-N that 3.s-N that-N.s which-A.s 2s-N that 3s-N mean-IND think-IND mean-IND think-IND not

  • I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house, So I spend almost all they daylight hours in the open air. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • मु म़ैसो॓स् ए॔न ग्यआ॓लु मौ॔द क्वे॔नोम् ए॔पि अ॓रो ए॔पि इ॓पो सूल्फ्यो॓थोम् ग़ौ॓सु पै॓उ फै॓अ॥ स॔रु आ॓रो गआलो॓स् ए॔न जो॔कु अह्फ्योथो॓स् ओ॓र आ॓र्दन् कै॓स॥
  • mu m̃eesős éna ɠa̋a̋lu móóda k̬énom épi a̋ro épi ı̋po suulf̨őþom ƣőősu pe̋e̋u fe̋e̋a. sáru a̋a̋ro gaalős éna żóku ahf̨oþős őra őrdan ke̋e̋sa:
m-u m̃ees-ős éna ɠa̋a̋l-u móóda k̬én-om épi a̋ro-Ø épi ı̋po-Ø suul.f̨őþ-om ƣőős-u pe̋e̋-u fe̋e̋-a
1s-N house-G.s in stay-SUP by anything-A.s as precious-ABS as autumn-ABS sun.light-A.s waste-SUP endure-SUP be.unable-IND
sáru a̋a̋ro-Ø gaal-ős éna żóku ah.f̨oþ-ős őra-Ø őrd-an ke̋e̋s-a
so open-ABS air-G.s in almost day.light-G.s all-ABS hour-A.p spend-IND

  • Summer ends and autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night. - Hal Borland
  • कू॓र मु॓ग। द इ॓प तो॓प द ए॔यु—त॔उ अ॔न्भि ए॔योम् उदे॓य—भिस्ते॔नु मेजु॓न्तेम्क्वे भि॓स लआत॓स् ब्यआ॓गेम् उदे॓य॥
  • kűűra műga. da ı̋pa tőpa. da éȝu—táu ánvi éȝom uðe̋ȝa—visténu meżűntemk̬e vı̋sa laata̋s b̨a̋a̋gem uðe̋ȝa:
kűűr-a műg-a da ı̋p-a tőp-a da éȝ-u tá-u án=vi éȝ-om uð-e̋ȝa visténu meż.űnt-em=k̬e vı̋sa-Ø laat-a̋s b̨a̋a̋g-em uð-e̋ȝa
summer-N.s end-IND and autumn-N.s arrive-IND and 3s-N who-N.s other=ADV 3-A.s have-SBJ always great.tide-A.=and every-ABS night-G.s full.moon-A.s have-SBJ

  • The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider. - Jane Hirshfield
  • इफती॓थो कऊर्तीथो॓ऽ सो॔म गो॓यो ए॓स॥ सो अबे॓लिनॅ निक़ि॓द। नो अ॔बेल्है॓लोन् ए॔योन् उ॓ल॥
  • iftı̋ı̋þo kuurtiiþő' sóma gőȝo e̋sa: so abe̋linĕ nixı̋d̨a. no ábelhe̋e̋lon éȝon űla:
if.tı̋ı̋þ-o kuur.tiiþ-ő-' sóma gőȝ-o e̋s-a s-o abe̋l-in-ĕ nix-ı̋d̨-a n-o ábel.he̋e̋l-on éȝ-on űl-a
autumn.hear-N.s late.summer.hear-G.s-ELIS from different-N.s be-IND this-N.s apple-A.p-EPEN ripe-TRZ-IND that-N.s apple.cider-A.p 3-A.p turn.into-IND

  • Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day. - Shira Tamir
  • क्वे॔नु—त॔उ फौ॓लथो भ॓लोनऺ ने॓चोन् ए॓सु न॓म—म़ै॓ऽ अह॓स् मे॓बन्तो ए॔योन् गंगे॓थ नेते॔नु॥
  • k̬énu—táu főőlaþo va̋lonĕ ne̋ṡon e̋su na̋ma—m̃e̋e̋' aha̋s me̋banto éȝon gĭge̋þa neténu:
k̬én-u tá-u főől-a-þo-Ø va̋l-on-ĕ ne̋ṡ-on e̋s-u na̋m-a m̃e̋e̋-' ah-a̋s me̋b-a-nto-Ø éȝ-on gĭ~ge̋þ-a neténu
anyone-N.s who-N.s fall-IND-PP-ABS leaf-A.p-EPEN dead-A.p be-SUP think-IND windy-ELIS day-G.s dance-IND-AP-ABS 3-A.p PRF~watch-IND never

  • Why are leaves green all summer and only beautiful colors when they die?
  • Maybe, after their work is done, they get one last wish to be what they really wanted to be. - Real Life Adventures cartoon
  • भ॓लोस् ओ॓र लै॓तम् ध॓लोस् क़॔रु ए॓स द गोभ्तै॓रोऽ सौ॔लभि—ते॔नि ने॓स॥ म॔ग़्भि। एय-दआरो॓स् थु॓कथोस् इलथो॓स्। थु॓न् मु॓गो ल़ै॓लोम् ते॓क। ए॓सु नो—त॔ओ ए॓सु म़ै॔रभि ए-म़े॓च॥
  • va̋los őra le̋e̋tam ða̋los xáru e̋sa da govte̋e̋r̈o' sóólvi—téni ne̋ṡa: máƣvi. eȝa-daarős þűkaþos ilaþős. þűn műgo ɫe̋e̋lom te̋ka. e̋su no—táo e̋su m̃éérvi e-m̃e̋ṡa:
va̋l-os őra-Ø le̋e̋t-am ða̋l-os xáru e̋s-a da gov.te̋e̋r̈-o-' sóól=vi téni ne̋ṡ-a
leaf-N.p all-ABS summer-A.s green-N.p why be-IND and beautiful.colored-N.p-ELIS only=ADV when die-IND
máƣ=vi eȝa=daar-ős þűk-a-þ-os il-a-þ-ős þűn műgo-Ø ɫe̋e̋l-om te̋k-a e̋s-u n-o tá-o e̋s-u m̃éér=vi e=m̃e̋ṡ-a
possible=ADV their=work-G.s finish-IND-PP-N.s become-IND-PP-G.s one last-ABS wish-A.s get-IND be-SUP that-N.s which-N.s be-SUP true=ADV PST=want-IND

  • Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. - Stanley Horowitz
  • हे॓म रु॓स़ो ए॓स। केस हुर्तै॓रो। लै॓त मस़्स़ि॓क़थो। द इ॓प ओ॓र एय॔म् न्येम्गी॓रो॥
  • he̋ma rűzo e̋sa. ke̋sa hurte̋e̋ro. le̋e̋ta maz̈ı̋xaþo. da ı̋pa őra eȝám n̨emgı̋ı̋ro:
he̋m-a rűz-o e̋s-a ke̋s-a hur.te̋e̋r-o le̋e̋t-a maz.zı̋x-a-þ-o da ı̋p-a őra-!Ø éȝ-as n̨em.gı̋ı̋r-o
winter-N.s engraving-N.s be-IND spring-N.s water.color-N.s summer-N.s oil.paint-IND-PP-N.s and autumn-N.s all-ABS 3-N.p gem.picture-N.s

  • I guess I'm feeling Septemberish. All the trees change color, the days get very clear-with a little smoke on the horizon from burning leaves. Pumpkins begin to come out. - George Selden
  • मु मुम् आक़्फ्य॓ग़्नुमऺ मु॓यु ग़े॓उस़॥ ओ॓रि ह॓इसिस् यु॓ल्ब॥ अ॓हस् ये॓क़स् इ॓ढ॥ नुम्म़ुयोस् ए॔न भ॓लोन् अ॓इधु ह पि॓नो मू॓क़ो भू॓ल॥ क्वर्क्व॓तिस् न॓क्यिस् इल॓स॥
  • mu mum aaxf̨a̋ƣnumĕ műȝu ƣe̋uza: őri ha̋isis ȝűlba: a̋has ȝe̋xas ı̋la: k̬ark̬a̋tis na̋k̨is ila̋sa: numm̃uȝős éna va̋lon a̋iðu ha pı̋no műűxo vűűla:
m-u m-um aax.f̨a̋ƣ-n-um-ĕ műȝ-u ƣe̋uz-a őri-Ø ha̋is-is ȝűlb-a a̋h-as ȝe̋x-as ı̋l-a num.m̃uȝ-ős éna va̋l-on a̋ið-u ha pı̋no-Ø műűx-o vűűl-a
1s-N 1s-A color.leaf.month-ish-A.s-EPEN feel-SUP guess-IND all-ABS tree-N.p change.color-IND day-N.p clear-N.p become-IND sky.limit-G.s on leaf-A.p burn-SUP from little-ABS smoke-N.s
k̬ark̬a̋t-is na̋k̨-is il-a̋s-a
pumpkin-N.p visible-N.p become-INC-IND

  • October is the opal month of the year. It is the month of glory, of ripeness. It is the picture-month.
  • गुस्फ्य॓ग दिल॓स् अ॔इथ्न्येम्फ्य॓ग ए॓स॥ म्यग़्फ्य॓ग। निक़्तऺफ्य॓ग ए॓स॥ गीरफ्य॓ग ए॓स॥
  • gusf̨a̋ga dila̋s áiþn̨emf̨a̋ga e̋sa: m̨aƣf̨a̋ga. nixtĕf̨a̋ga e̋sa: giirf̨a̋ga e̋sa:
gus.f̨a̋g-a dil-a̋s áiþ.n̨em.f̨a̋g-a e̋s-a m̨aƣ.f̨a̋g-a nixt-ĕ-f̨a̋g-a e̋s-a giir.f̨a̋g-a e̋s-a
falling.leaf.month-N.s year-G.s many-colored.gem-month-N.s be.IND glory.month-N.s ripeness-EPEN-month-N.s be.IND picture.month-N.s be.IND

  • Ah, lovely October, as you usher in the season that awakens my soul, your awesome beauty compels my spirit to soar like a leaf caught in an autumn breeze and my heart to sing like a heavenly choir. - Peggy Toney Horton
  • आ॓ गो॓ब गुस्फ्यग॓। मे॔ति तु—त॔अ मु-च्यू॓उम् स़े॓ल—यै॓रम् ऊ॓अ। अइस्नआृअ तु-गो॓भ्त म़ैके॓स् ए॔न ल॓भथो भलो॓ऽ सो॔म मु-ऊ॓नम् फी॓लु द द्ये॓म़ु गआउलियुस् सो॔म गआ॓यु न॓म़॥
  • a̋a̋ gőba gusf̨aga̋. méti tu—táa mu-ṡ̨űűum ze̋la—ȝe̋e̋ram űűa. aisna̋a̋a tu-gővta m̃eeke̋s éna la̋vaþo valő' sóma mu-űűnam fı̋ı̋lu da d̨e̋m̃u gaailiȝűs sóma ga̋a̋ȝu na̋m̃a:
a̋a̋ gőba-Ø gus.f̨ag-a̋ méti t-u tá-a mu=ṡ̨űű-um ze̋l-a ȝe̋e̋r-am űű-a
ah lovely-ABS falling.leaf-month-V.s as 2s-N which-N.s my=soul-A.s awaken-IND season-A.s̋a̋-a tu-gővt-a m̃ee-k-e̋s éna la̋v-a-þo-Ø val-ő-' sóma mu=űűn-am fı̋ı̋l-u
revere.fear-ABS your-beauty-N.s wind-DIM-G.s in catch-IND-PP-ABS leaf-G.s-ELIS like my=spirit-A.s soar-SUP
da d̨e̋m̃u-Ø gaai-l-iȝ-ű-' sóma ga̋a̋ȝ-u na̋m̃-a
and heavenly-ABS sing-AG-COL-G.s-ELIS like sing-SUP compel

  • October is a fallen leaf, but it is also the wider horizon more clearly seen. It is the distant hill more clearly seen, and the enduring constellations above that hill once again. - Hal Borland
  • गुस्छ्॓ग फौ॓लथो भ॓लो ए॓स। दे फॅफु॔ल़्भि न॓कथो एनै॓नो नुम्म़ु॓यो ए॔तु ए॓स॥ फॅफु॔ल़्भि न॓कथो थि॓फो र॓यो ए॓स। द ओ-रयो॓स् उ॔प स्वे॓दन्तो चुक़्गी॓रोस् ए॔स्ति थु॔नस्॥
  • gusf̨a̋ga főőlaþo va̋lo e̋sa. de fŭfúɫvi na̋kaþo ene̋e̋no numm̃űȝo étu e̋sa: fŭfúɫvi na̋kaþo þı̋fo ra̋ȝo e̋sa. da o-raȝős úpa še̋danto ṡuxgı̋ı̋ros ésti þúns:
gus.f̨a̋g-a főől-a-þo-Ø va̋l-o e̋s-a de fŭ~fúɫ=vi na̋k-a-þo-Ø en~e̋e̋no-Ø num.m̃űȝ-o étu e̋s-a
falling.leaf-month-N.s fall-IND-PP-ABS leaf-N.s be-IND but ELT~clear=ADV see-IND-PP-ABS ELT~wide-ABS sky.boundary-N.s also be-IND
fŭ~fúɫ=vi na̋k-a-þo-Ø þı̋fo-Ø ra̋ȝ-o e̋s-a da o=raȝ-ős úpa še̋d-a-nto-Ø ṡux.gı̋ı̋r-os ésti þún=s
ELT~-clear=ADV see-IND-PP-ABS distant-ABS hill-N.s be-IND and that=hill-G.s above endure-IND-AP-ABS star.picture-N.p yet one=ADV

  • October is the month of painted leaves. Their rich glow now flashes round the world.
    • गुस्फ्य॓ग स़ि॓क़थ भलो॓म् ए॓इदए॓स॥ ल़े॓नो एयो-आ॓सो भ्वै॓तोम् आ॔न इ॔मु पआृ॓उग॥
    • gusf̨a̋ga zı̋xaþo valőm e̋ida e̋sa: ɫe̋no eȝo-a̋a̋so v̌e̋e̋tom áána ímu pa̋a̋uga:
  • As fruits and leaves and the day itself acquire a bright tint just before they fall,
    • ए॔पि मआ॓लोस्क्वे भ॓लोस्क्वे अ॓हक्व्ऽ एय-मि॓अ आ॔रु इप॓स् फे॔स दी॓ओ तै॓र्कोम् दे॓क़।
    • épi ma̋a̋losk̬e va̋losk̬e a̋hak̬' eȝa-mı̋a ááru ipa̋s fésa dı̋ı̋o te̋e̋rkom de̋xa.
  • so the year near its setting. October is its sunset sky, November the later twilight. - Henry David Thoreau
    • ए॔पि दि॓ल एय-दूर॓स् यो॔ब॥ गुस्फ्य॓ग एय-सूल्दूर॓स् नु॓मो ए॓स। चध्फ्य॓ग क़ंक़॓ल है॓ल्य॥
    • épi dı̋la eȝa-duura̋s ȝóba: gusf̨a̋ga eȝa-suulduura̋s nűmo e̋sa. ṡaðf̨a̋ga xĭxa̋la he̋e̋l̨a:
gus.f̨a̋g-a zı̋x-a-þo-Ø val­-őm e̋id-a e̋s-a ɫe̋no-Ø eȝo=a̋a̋s-o v̌e̋e̋t-om áána ímu pa̋a̋ug-a
falling.leaf-month paint-IND-PP-ABS leaf-G.p month-N.s be-IND rich-ABS their=glow-N.s world-A.s around now flash-IND
épi ma̋a̋l-os=k̬e va̋l-os=k̬e a̋h-a=k̬-' eȝa=mı̋-a ááru ip-a̋s fésa dı̋ı̋-o te̋e̋rk-om de̋x-a
as fruit-N.p=and leaf-N.p=and day-N.s=and-ELIS its=self-N.s just fall-G.s before bright-ABS tint-A.s acquire-IND
épi dı̋l-a eȝa=duur-a̋s ȝóba gus.f̨a̋g-a eȝa=suul.duur-a̋s nűm-o e̋s-a ṡað.f̨a̋g-a xĭ~xa̋la-Ø he̋e̋l̨-a
so year-N.s its=setting-G.s near falling.leaf.month-N.s its-sun.setting-G.s sky-N.s be-IND rut.month-N.s ELT~late-ABS twilight-N

  • Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding
    • मुलुभ॓स् —मे॔ति ग्वे॓नुस् म़े॓येस् ए-ए॓स—अल्के॓नथु॓म्रएभू॓ल —
    • muluva̋s–méti ǧe̋nus m̃e̋ȝes e-e̋sa–alke̋na þűmra e-vűűla–
  • that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy.
    • य स़य॓स गआ॓युक्वे धेउस्क॓स् गआ॓युक्वे बय॓स् क़े॔म भ्वै॓तोम् य॓कु ए-ए॓स॥
    • ȝa zaȝa̋s ga̋a̋ȝuk̬e ðeuska̋s ga̋a̋ȝuk̬e baȝa̋s xéma v̌e̋e̋tom ȝa̋ku e-e̋sa:
  • The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated. -Terry Tempest Williams
    • म़े॓येस् नोम्—त॔ओम् म़ुस् म़ॅम़ु॓न —ओ॔दुजू॓म—य भ्व॓तो च्वे॓नथो इ॓लु पू॓तथो इ॓ल॥
    • m̃e̋ȝes nom– táom m̃us m̃ŭm̃űna– ódu żűűma– ȝa v̌e̋e̋to ṡ̬e̋naþo ı̋lu pűűtaþo ı̋la:
muluv-a̋s méti ǧe̋n-us m̃e̋ȝ-es e=e̋s-a al=ke̋na-Ø þűmr-a e=vűűl-a
yore-G.s when woman-N.p bird-N.p PST=be-IND PRV=difficult-ABS understanding-N.s
ȝa zaȝ-a̋s ga̋a̋ȝ-u=k̬e ðeusk-a̋s ga̋a̋ȝ-u=k̬e baȝ-a̋s xéma v̌e̋e̋t-om ȝa̋k-u e=e̋s-a
that dawn-G.s sing-SUP=and dusk-G.s sing-SUP=and joy-G.s by world-A.s heal-SUP PST=be-IND
m̃e̋ȝ-es n-om tá-om m̃-us m̃ŭ~m̃űn-a ódu żűűm-a ȝa v̌e̋e̋t-o ṡ̬e̋n-a-þ-o ı̋l-u pűűt-a-þ-o ı̋l-a
bird-N.p that-A.s which-A.s 1p-N PRF~forget-IND still remember-IND that world-N.s celebrate-IND-PP-N.s become-SUP mean-IND-PP-N.s become-IND