Altherkin Itak Word List

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Altherkin Words - Altherkin Itak

Clothing - Thatpei

straw hat -bochifelapei

felt hat - bochithato

cloth hat - bochitasuthato

crown - altherbochi

shirt/ blouse - cerotei samuthatpei

coat/ jacket - jathato

sweater - gaelthato

vest/ waistcoat - cerotei jathato

shawl - anakothato

pants - tinsa'atsu

shorts - sa'atsu

skirt/ kilt - wosamuthatpei

dress - babthatpei

leather belt - doushi

obi/ cloth belt - tasuthatoshi

robe - samuthatpei

coveralls - mohltasuthato

slippers - ta'asuthato

boots - ta'asudou

shoes - tinta'asudou

sandals - ta'asufelapei

socks - sokusu

undergarments - pantsu

Body Parts - Jinchachu

component - chachu

hand - manou (modified from Spanish)

leg - sha'achu

foot - ta'asu

toe - ootasu

skin - dou

bone - amun (Kolyma Yukaghir loanword)

blood - yawar (from Quechua)

head - ata (modified from Japanese "Atama")

mouth - ana (Kolyma Yukaghir loanword)

hair - atathato

eye - ata'oye

boob - ibisi (Kolyma Yukaghir loanword)

neck - red

brain - kurl

arm - quor

Relationships - Jinjin

tribe - kazoku (Japanese loanword)

humans/ mankind - kidu (Chaldean loanword)

person -jia (Modern Altherkin Suffix)/ jin (Japanese loanword)

our (plural posessive of "we/ us") - jia'meh

name - namaewae

he - ab

she - bab

man - jia

woman - bin

child - bou

children - bous

father - abbous

mother - babbous

grandfather - abba

grandmother - baba

uncle - utoekojinsu abbous

aunt - utoekojinsu babbous

cousin - utoekojin

niece/ nephew - bahs

son - ahs

daughter - kahs

sibling - kojin

boyfriend - abai

girlfriend - babai

husband - a'abbai

wife - ba'abbai

coworker - jinkoh

everybody - minsan

neighbor - utajak'a (Aymara loanword)

feminist/amazon/lesbian - binkazoku

Emotion - Kamjong

Negative Emotions - Dili-Kamjong

Loneliness -

sadness -

grief - atavas-tin

loss -

anger - hu'hu'jong

rage -

fury -

bloodlust - param'yawarjong

disgust/ revulsion - hyojong

despair - cholmanjong

Positive Emotions - Goi-Kamjong

joy - goi

contentment - sasemarap

peacefulness - paki (from "Pacific")

Love - zarang (from Korean "sarang")

empathy - ul

Neutral Emotions -

detachment -

nothingness -

lack of emotion - esas'jong

horny - asulzarang

Verbs - Werben Itak

(lit. "to act words")

intent/ plans/ will - dei'fo'ver

learn - rahb (Modified from Hebrew for "teacher")

heal - jinchako

play - purei (Wasei-eigo loanword)

enjoy - enjoru

like - lan (from Alther Ta'achs)

meet - horoima (from Altherkin Itak for "hello" and Japanese for now "ima")

thank - sankyu (Wasei Eigo loanword)

speak - ta'ach (from Alther Ta'achs)

gossip - uwasurani (Ainu loanword)

fun - punu

think (generally) - atakoh

think (philosophically) - yenu (root: yaynu - to think, Ainu)

stop/ desist - deshitsu (modified from Wasei-Eigo deshishuto meaning desist)

cry - atavas (From Japanese for head "atama", and German for water "wasser")

defend/ protect - proteto (Venetian loanword)

pound/ smash/ hit - faust (German loanword)

Adventure/ exploration - bouken (Japanese loanword)

give - nimo (Bisaya Loanword)

to forget - zya

to cause/ because of - jianxi

want/ desire - param

have/ posess - marap (this is param backwards)

translate - ta'achnimo (lit "give words")

look/ see - ata'oyera

go - iki

interest - par'rahb (to desire to learn)


stupid - ata'akeru (lit. head empty)

beautiful - atomte (Ainu loanword)

smart - otokan (Bisaya loanword)


aeroplane - riñ'ineñ (Chukchi loanword)

car - chara'chara

Work - Koh

he - ab

she - bab

it - ang

they/ them - ahs

their (possesive) - ahsu

we/ us - warei

I/ me/ my - ye

you/ your - yi

our (plural posessive of "we/ us") - jia'meh

(jobs and honorifics come after the person's name in a sentence)

King - Altherk

Leader/ Captain - Alther (suffix 'al' also means leader)

Prince - Ashu'altherk

General - Danalther

Militia - Dan

Lazy bastard/ public servant (lit."fat worker")- plapkoh

hero - Asch

war hero - dan'asch

son of - ashu (ex: Ryan ashu Daniel)

teacher - rabal

doctor - kiduchakojia

veternarian - enchakojia

theif - te'eme

pirate - tinumi te'eme

farmer - mohmko

potter - mohl'ko

hunter - enjia

mountain person/ highlander - motonjia

yamabushi - motodan

lowlander - sujia

murderer - jingétal

chef - aklu

librarian - honjia

book keeper - honjin

author -

Weapons/ Armament - Shingdan

sword - tin tushingda

knife - tushingda

tank - torutugada

(Torutugada is from the Navajo code, translated into Spanish and spelling modified for ease of spelling in ver 6 script.)

hovercraft - turtu

Geology and Geography - Jeorab

Earth/ land - Jeo (Greek loanword)

lake - umi

Sea - tinumi

river - pet (Central Hokkaido dialect Ainu Loanword)

channel - kanare

field - felopsei

farm - mohm

dirt/ soil/ clay - mohl

city - tinsivu

town - sivu

villiage - mokotan/ mohmkotan (kotan - Ainu loanword)

forest/ woodland - enjeo

swamp/ marsh - en kanare

mountain - moton

valley - su

canyon/ chasm/ abyss - kuosu

clouds - afufotei tinumi/ kurodo'ya

Japan - Altei Solei Jeo

USA - Amerimohm

Religion - Jeon

Suprieme Diety - Altherkjeon

Heaven - Jeon'yajeo

Holy/ Sanctified - beilahjeon

forgiveness - luswerzya

sin - luswer

let it be so/ Amen - Ohmaen

glory - pa'a'me

holiday - deikabeilahjeon

Atheism - Nei'altherkjeon

Atheist - Nei'altherkjeon-jia

Judaism - Yeuujeon

Torah - Tora

Christianity - Kurisujeon

Bible - Baiboru

Christmas - Deikabeilahjeon no Kurisu

Islam - Muhammajeon

Shinto - Kamijeon

神 - Kami

Youkai - je'

巫女 - babdetei kamijeon

Bhuddism - Cidahartajeon

Kenshou (見性) - ye rabye

Prince Sidharta - Cidaharta Ashu'altherk

Myths and Legends - Meitho

Elementals - Erumentaru

Fire - Lus

Earth - Jeo

Wind - Kaze'ya

Water - Vazer

Lightning - Altherkjeon Ap'ya

Metal - Lusojeo

Wood - En

Chi/ Chakra - anwar

The Force/ divine power - Jeonji

Electricity - Ap'ya Jeonji

gold - gael

Philosophy - Ka'ye (question oneself)

Freedom/ Anarchy - Nei'altherkjeo

Tyrant/ dictator/ president - Altherkjeo

Free Market - Ayopa

rules/ common law - toak

Natural Rights - En Haiye-meh

human rights - Kidu Haiye-meh

mala en se - angdili

mala prohibitorum - meithotoak

right (op of wrong)/ good - hai

right - haiye

wrong (as in bad) - dili

wrong (as in incorrect) - chigau'yo (from Japanese, lit. "you're wrong")

think - yenu (root: yaynu - to think, Ainu)

kill - gétal (Old Irish loanword)

die - timiquican (Nahuatl loanword)

violence/ violent- timidan

fear - uath (from Old Irish)

to know - yatshi (from yatxi, a Jaqaru word of the same meaning)

Colors - Shite

ordinary/ plain - tymñe (Chukchi prefix, can be used as whole word or prefix in Altherkin)

black - kuoshite

white - shioshite

blue - aoshite

green - mishite

yellow - solshite

orange - chin'shite

red - akashite

purple - morashite

pink - akioshite

brown - kapeshite

gray/ grey - kumoshite

pattern - pattan

striped - ladah

Numbers - Unba

enough - sase

without/ minus - esas

prefix 'u' means number

suffix 'meh' means group

all - 'mej

also - nyan

add - e'ea'u

enough - guhnook

0 - cero

1 - nop

2 - uto

3 - uta

4 - uko

5 - ugo

6 - usa

7 - ushi

8 - uchi

9 - ukyu

?0 - uzen

?00 - u'hyak

?,000 - uman

?0,000 - ujuu

?00,000 - ujii

?,000,000 - ujou

example for 2,006,348 -

uto ujou usa uman uta u'hyak uko uzen e'ea uchi

This would be written using ideograms and is much shorter in that form.

Shapes - Shakh

angle/ corner - shashakh

rectangle/ square - nijosha

cirlcle/ round - yensha

triangle - keisha

orb/sphere - tamasha

cylinder - xaisha

tube - akeru xaisha

piramid - pirasha

hollow - akeru

solid - kanzen

long - tinshakh

short - nit

tall - tinsha

thick - plapsha

thin - neiplapsha

flat - petan

wide - plapsso

rare/ uncommon - uilleann (only found in Teeromoyle inscription, meaning unknown)

Directions - Tei

turn - timotei

up/ above/ over - altei

down/ below/ under - dontei

left - dextei

right - migitei

back/ rear - afutei

front/ forward - forutei

middle/ center/ half - cerotei

we are here - warei cerotei

from - detei

North - Notei

South - Sutei

East - Earutei

West - Watei

inverse - afufotei

far (distance) - jaal (Chukchi loanword)

Time - Jikan

second - seikan

minute - minkan

hour - horakan

day - deikan

week - wukan

month - lukan

year - soleikan

decade - zenkan

century - juuzenkan

past - ankikan

present - imakan

future - fuutoukan

wait - mateikan

Morning - brekky jikan

noon - alteisoleikan

night - neisoleikan

again - nyankan

Plants - Haki

Tree - Enki

oak - dair (from Old Irish)

(replace ki with foo for the fruit:)

apple/ pear - malki

orange - nihrki

lemon/ lime/ kalamansi - calamanki (replace ki with foo for the fruit)

hawthorn - wyrmki (because it has fangs)

Root - Xi (pronounced: zshee)

Flower - Hanai

leaf - ha

Shrub - nitenki

Medicinal Herbs - haha'ue

Animals - Ak

group - add suffix "meh" (pluralizer from Nahuatl)

school of fish - hicba-meh

herd of deer - budoe-meh

Aquatic Animals - Vasserak

freshwater fish - hicba

saltwater fish - shiojeo'hicba

shellfish -

squid - geso

octopus - dako

frog - kero'ak

shrimp -

lobster -

whale -

shark - same'ak

dolphin - iruak

orca -

eel - tinshak'hic'ba

Birds - Maowe

Land Animals - Jeoak

rabbit - kisar (Ainu loanword)

deer - budoe

bear - kamuya (Ainu loanword)

bison - enkuu

wolverine - enbake (From Japanese "Bakemono")

squirrel - kithato'ak

chipmunk - jeothato'ak

mouse - tamathato'ak

serpent - wyrm (Welsh loanword)

dog - aknu

wolf - aki

coyote - koyoti

cat - nyane

Tools - Manoukoh

Woodworking Tools - Enki Manoukoh

circular saw - noko yensha

dovetail saw - noko maowe

keyhole saw - noko mawashibiki (mawashibiki is from Japanese)

Western rip saw - chigau'yo noko

trimming saw - noko turimu

japanese 2-sided saw - noko-noko

2 man saw - tin-noko



brace (ye olden drill) - marumaki

drill bits

electric drill

chisel - chiisa

corner chisel - timotei-chiisa

mallet - enfaust

pocket knife

carving chisel

rasp/ file - lusojeo-samedou (metal sharkskin)


molding plane

bow lathe - timotei-timotei

shavehorse - en'cloppos


log dog - en'aknu

axe - furansi

carpenter's hatchet - furansiin

felling axe -

broad axe - furaplapsso

blade - tushing

Metalworking Tools - Lusojeo Manoukoh

ingot/ bar - tine (from Old Irish, tinne)

hammer - lusojeofaust

Pnumatics and Plumbing - Akeru-xaisha por Vasser (pipes for water)

toilet - nettie (Geordie loanword)

Weather - 'Ya

sky - cero'ya

wind - kaze'ya

clouds - afufotei tinumi/ kurodo'ya

rain - ame'ya

lightning - Altherkjeon Ap'ya

snow - yuka'ya

sunny - solei'ya

hot - asul

cold - furi

fog - sukurodo'ya

Household Goods - Betkoh

Reading and Writing:

book - hon

paper - shioha (white leaf)

pen - penji

write - penben

pencil - penshu

crayon - karuyon

sewing machine - wañenañ/wa-nye-na-nya (Chukchi loanword)

map - petan tamasha

Food and Cooking - Go'ah e'ea Lusgo'ah

smoking section / smoking room - Semonkong (from Sesotho, lit "place of smoke")

Cooking Methods - Lusgo'ah Kohwerben

boil - chi'impu (from t'impu, Aymara language)

Eating and Drinking -

delicious - keran (Ainu loanword)

consume (eat or drink) - ata'kerugo

Nuts - Wugal

coconut - wiyog-gal (Wiyog is Tagalog for Coconut)

chestnut - kastenea-gal (Castenea is the genus name for Chestnut trees)

peanut - mani-gal

walnut - tomo-gal (a reference to Azumanga Daioh, Tomo is a nut.)

acorn - dair-gal

pecan - kurl-gal (it looks like a brain, the Altherkin word for brain is Kurl.)

almond - arud-gal

Vegitables - Vejitas

potato - potas

garlic - gatas

round onion - alliatas (onions are Alliums)

green onion - pa (Korean loanword)

cabbage - bae (from Korean "baechu" meaning "Nappa Cabbage")

seaweed - tinumihaki

lotus - vasserhanai (lit. Water Flower)

taro - motonpotas

yam - chinpotas

carrot - chin'xi

spinach - supinakas

iceberg lettuce - chu'u

romain lettuice - chu'u-romana

radish - nitmu (little daikon)

daikon - mu (Korean loanword)

asparagus -


Fruit - Foo

apple - malfoo

banana - banfoo

guava - koyabefoo

red chili - lusfoo'aka

green chili - lusfoo'mi

Pineapple - soleitei'ukafoo (3 year fruit)

Grains - Ina

flour - inko

corn/ maize - solei'ina

oats - gaelina

barley - suina

wheat - eurina

rice - hanina

buckwheat - soba'ina

amaranth - azina

millet - ainuina (lit: the people's grain)

Legumes - Mame

black bean - kuome

white bean - shiome

green bean - mime

red bean - akame

azuki bean - akame'ame

soya bean - some

pinto bean - kapeme

Meats - Ye'u

lamb/ mutton/ chevre - felap'ak ye'u

beef - cuu ye'u

chicken/ phesant - to'rhi ye'u

turkey - ento'hri ye'u

fish - hicba ye'u

squid - geso ye'u

octopus - dako ye'u

Drinks - Chowa

tea - lus'hachowa

black tea - kuoshite lus'hachowa

green tea - mishite lus'hachowa

milk - muo

coffee - kapechowa

Alcoholic Drinks - Arl Chowa

wine - foo'arl

rum - lusame'arl

beer - felarl

whiskey - lusfelarl

brandy - lusfoo'arl

tuba - wiyog-gal'arl

Sweet Foods - Ame Go'ah


sweet bread


ice cream

halo halo

shave ice

Fermented Foods - Ae Go'ah

pickles - gimshee

onion pickle - pashee

bread - kae'a (from Old Altherkin, caeah)


salt - shiojeo (lit 'white earth')

black pepper - paiperkuo

sansho - paipermi

red chili - lusfoo'aka

green chili - lusfoo'mi

garlic - gatas

onion - alliatas

sugar - ame'inko

soy sauce - somesusu

tare sauce - amesomesusu

Sauce/ Condiment - Susu

soy sauce - somesusu

sweet bean sauce - amesusumeo

Question Words - Ka

verbal ? mark - ka

what - angka

when - kanka

why/ howcome - nazeka

how - nareka

where - jeoka (here - angjeo)

who - jinka/ jia'ka

is? - deka

Connector Words (Articles)

and - e'ea

for - por

from - detei

of - no

to - lat

the - ta

a/ an - eh

it - ang

is - de

are - ang de

are not - ang di de

them/ they (inanimate) - angmeh

to be - beilah

but - da'a'te

inside of / in - naebu (Korean Loanword)

--Motonjia 07:56, 26 December 2011 (PST)

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