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1. Venus-3000


Venus-3000 is a depiction of a Terraformed Venus in the year 3000, based on Chris Wayan's Venus. However, it is designed with some of the more embarassing parts removed, such as the "humans mate in large rookeries on beaches". It is different from conventional depictions of the future as the Singularity is altered to a more biological , rather than mechanical side. Hence, no Archailects. This isn't the Orion's Arm Universe. As such, it tends to be more Ursula K. Le Guin style- I didn't choose this depiction, Wayan did- which means more vegetarians, less AI overlords and insane cultural complexity of 38 - yes, I said 38 correctly- sentient species, which equates to the inane levels of S>1 beings, aliens, Blights, Perversities, nanobots and so forth of the Orion's Arm Universe. Now let's get started.