The Tarânian State's Language Policy

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The Tarânian Empire's state regarding its languages can be described with the phrase

The more, the merrier

Apart from real languages such as English. Saami languages or Swedish, the Tarânian Empire uses three constructed languages called Eòlas, Te Rêo Tarânia and Diès of which Diès is by far the most used one.

His Imperial Highness will gladly answer letters written in any of the following languages;




Scottish Gaelic

All Saami languages

Writing to Embassies

When writing to a Tarânian Embassy, one shall adress the ambassador in the language of the state in wich he or she is living, or in English, as ambassadors are not from the Swedish part of Tarânia, but from the country in which he or she is residing!

Electing Ambassadors

Tarânian ambassadors are chosen by His Imperial Highness and / or the Prime Minister of the Tarânian Empire and anyone may apply for the right to call him- or herself a Tarânian Ambassador, however there can only be a maximum of one ambassador per country, preferably residing in the capital of his or her native country, and a maximum of 1 consul per province (known as Länder or Kantonen in German speaking countries, Estados in Spanish speaking countries and states in many English speaking countries)

A family may be an ambassador family, where both the mother and the father are considered embassadors as is the case in Germany.


As Diès is a language with different pronounciations and spellings if the speaker or writer is male or female, both Diès and Díis will be accepted. Diès is spoken and written by men, whereas Díis is spoken by women.