The Iulji Language

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The Iulji Language

The Iulji language (in Iulji, Лізіка Іуљјі), is a constructed language that is still in development. The Iulji language is using the Cyrillic script to write the language. There are 38 letters in the Iulji alphabet. The vocabulary of this language is mostly created and not borrowed from other languages but, some words (approx. 5-15%) are loan words from various languages. The grammar and language rules so far are not as complicated as other languages. Below there will be a table of all the Iulji letters.

If you would like to learn more about the Iulji language, go to the Iulji website: [1]

The Iulji alphabet

Letter Pronunciation
Aa a
Ээ ă (a with breve - sound of /ə/)
Бб b
Чч ch /č/
Ҷҷ tch /tč/
Дд d
Ee e
Фф f
Гг g
Ѓѓ ghe'
Ғғ deep/heavy g
Нн h
Њњ half h/h'
Іі i
Ъъ î
Јј dj
Жж zh
Кк k
Ќќ kh
Лл l
Љљ half l/l'
Мм m
Ии n
Йй ny/ñ
Әә o
Pp p
Ққ q
Пп r
Ѕѕ s
Шш sh/ș
Тт t
Цц ț
Уу u
Вв v
Хх ks/x
Яя ya
Өө yu
Юю yo
Зз z