Sky Pisceesum

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Sky logo in New Pisces

Sky Pisceesum is the television contractor of the New Piscean Workers' Nation. Sky Pisceesum, which is owned by News Corporation, uses a format based on that of Sky Digital, in the UK, and Sky Italia.

New Pisces and Taurus is served entirely by the Sky Pisceesum satellite network and every home provided by its government includes a ready-to-use Minidish; this is then wired through the house, where it reaches sockets in each room, as if it were an aerial. No set-top box is required: all televisions on the Piscean market have inbuilt decoders, which decompresses the signals from a coaxial cable that is plugged into the wall socket.

Available Channels

Tauro-Piscean television would at first be limited; however, it would aim to use international programming (with overdubs or subtitles). The list that follows contains the names of the channels: