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Proto-Hispanic is the reconstructed common ancestor of the fictional group of Hispanic languages. Not yet estimated when it was spoken, and maybe it's asociated to Cardium pottery in Iberian peninsula. It is based on Basque and the Northern Caucasian languages.



  Labial Laminodental Apicoalveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal
Nasal *m *n
Stop Aspirated *pʰ *tʰ *kʰ *h
Voiceless *p *t *k
Voiced *b *d *g
Affricate Aspirated *tʰz *tʰs *tʰʃ
Voiceless *tz *ts *tʃ
Voiced *dz *ds *dʃ
Fricative *z *s *x
Lateral Fricative
Aproximant *l
Rhotic Aproximant
Trill *r

Consonant gradation

  Lenis Fortis Lenis/Fortis
Nasal *n *m
Labial Stop *b *p *pʰ
Dentoalveolar Stop *d *t *tʰ
Velar Stop *g *k *kʰ
Laminodental Affricate *dz *tz *tʰz
Apicoalveolar Affricate *ds *ts *tʰs
Postalveolar Affricate *dʃ *tʃ *tʰʃ
Sibilant Fricative *z *s
Laringal *h *x
Lateral *l
Rhotic *r


  Front Central Back
High *i *u
Mid *e *o
Low *a

Ablaut patterns

Type 1 *a *e *i
Type 2 *a
Type 3 *a *o *u



  1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person
Exclusive Inclusive Masculine Feminine Animate Inanimate
Singular Plural Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Absolutive *ni *gu *ɬu *hi *zu *bi *su *be *pe-rǝ *ɦa *ɦa-rǝ *no *no-rǝ
Ergative *da, *ni-kǝ *gu-kǝ *ɬu-kǝ *xa, *hi-kǝ *zu-kǝ *na, *bi-kǝ *su-kǝ *be-kǝ *pe-rǝ-kǝ *ɦa-kǝ *ɦa-rǝ-kǝ *no-kǝ *no-rǝ-kǝ
Dative *da-ɦi, *ni-r-ɦi *gu-r-ɦi *ɬu-r-ɦi *xa-ɦi, *hi-r-ɦi *zu-r-ɦi *na-ɦi, *bi-r-ɦi *su-r-ɦi *be-r-ɦi *pe-rǝ-r-ɦi *ɦar-ɦi *ɦa-rǝ-r-ɦi *no-r-ɦi *no-rǝ-r-ɦi
Instrumental *ni-ta-z *gu-ta-z *ɬu-ta-z *hi-ta-z *zu-ta-z *bi-ta-z *su-ta-z *be-ta-z *pe-rǝ-ta-z *ɦa-ta-z *ɦa-rǝ-ta-z *no-ta-z *no-rǝ-ta-z
Genitive possesive *ni-re *gu-re *ɬu-re *hi-re *zu-re *bi-re *su-re *be-re *pe-rǝ-re *ɦa-re *ɦa-rǝ-re *no-re *no-rǝ-re
Genitive locative *ɦi-ni-nǝ *ɦi-gu-nǝ *ɦi-ɬu-nǝ *ɦi-hi-nǝ *ɦi-zu-nǝ *ɦi-bi-nǝ *ɦi-su-nǝ *ɦi-be-nǝ *ɦi-pe-rǝ-nǝ *ɦi-ɦa-nǝ *ɦi-ɦa-rǝ-nǝ *ɦi-no-nǝ *ɦi-no-rǝ-nǝ
Vocative *zo *ʃe *ɬe *do *ze *mo *se *da, *la *ta, *ɫa *za *sa *ga *ka
Reflexive *mi-ɦiŋǝ *ʃi-ɦiŋǝ *ɬi-ɦiŋǝ *bi-ɦiŋǝ *zi-ɦiŋǝ *ni-ɦiŋǝ *si-ɦiŋǝ *ɫi *ɫu *dsi *dsu *tʃi *tʃu


  Proximal Medial-proximal Medial Medial-distal Distal Indeterminate
Singular Plural Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular
Absolutive *ɦa *ɦa-rǝ *ɦi *ɦi-rǝ *ɦe *ɦe-rǝ *ɦo *ɦo-rǝ *ɦu *ɦu-rǝ *gǝ *kǝ-rǝ


  Original Interrogative
Inanimate (What) *za *za-ɦi
Animate Non-human (Which) *kʰɨ *kʰɨ-ɦi
Human (Who) *nǝ *nǝ-ɦi

Noun morphology


  Animate Inanimate
Singular Plural Indeterminate Singular Plural Indeterminate
Absolutive/Nominative/Essive *- *-rǝ *- *- *-nǝ *-
Ergative *-kǝ *-kǝ *-kǝ *-kǝ *-kǝ *-kǝ
Dative /elative *-ɦi *-ɦi *-ɦi *-ɦi *-ɦi *-ɦi
Instrumental (Attributive/dative) *-z *-z *-z *-ɬtu *-ɬtu *-ɬtu
Genitive *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ
Allative *-la *-la *-la *-ɫa *-ɫa *-ɫa
Comitative *-ki-n *-ki-n *-ki-n *-ki-n *-ki-n *-ki-n
Innesive *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ *-nǝ
Locative general *-dǝ- *-dǝ- *-dǝ- *-dǝ- *-dǝ- *-dǝ-
Essive/Prolative *-tʰʃǝ *-tʰʃǝ *-tʰʃǝ *-tʰʃǝ *-tʰʃǝ *-tʰʃǝ
Locative series *-g-a- *-k-a- *-x-a- *-g-a- *-k-a- *-x-a-
Instrumental/Comitative *-tʰzǝ *-tʰzǝ *-tʰzǝ *-tʰzǝ *-tʰzǝ *-tʰzǝ
Instrumental *-bǝ *-bǝ *-bǝ *-bǝ *-bǝ *-bǝ
Elative *-ɦi *-ɦu *-ɦǝ *-ɦi *-ɦu *-ɦǝ

Other cases

Oblique marks: *-rǝ-, *-ɦi- Directive: *-rǝ Locative: *-rǝ, *-tʰʃu ad series: *-kǝ-, *-tʃǝ-, *-xǝ-, *-gǝ- post/close series: *-kǝ, *-gǝ complete series: *-ɬtʰ- empty series: *-ɦ-

Negative particles

  • bǝ /*-bǝ (negative/prohibitive)
  • dǝ (prohibitive)
  • dse/*tse
  • -g- (privative)
  • ɦu

Other particles

  • -d- (substantivator/adjective)
  • -d- (frequentative)
  • -t- (substantivator of adjectives)

Class markers

Animate indeterminate: *(ɦ)a- Animate maculine: *(ɦ)u- I Animate feminine: *(ɦ)i- II

Inanimate (Factitive/frequentative): *-b- III

Affective *-ǝ-

Verb morphology

Personal particles

  Singular Plural
Subject Object Subject Object
1st person Exclusive *n- *da *gu *gu
Inclusive - - *ɬu *ɬu
2nd person Masculine *h- *xa *zu *zu
Feminine *b- *na *su *su

Third person particles

  Subject Object
Indeterminate *ʃ- *ga
Proximal *p- *ɦa
Medial-proximal *d- *ɦi
Medial *tʰ- *ɦe
Medial-distal *ɫ- *ɦo
Distal *z- *ɦu

Phonemic correspondences with real languages


Proto-Hispanic Iberian Basque
 ? n-/-0-/-n
*n  ? n
*m  ? m/n
*b  ? b
*p  ? p/b-
*pʰ  ? p
*d  ? d/t-
*t  ? t
*tʰ  ? t
*g  ? g
*k  ? k
*kʰ  ? h/0
*dz  ? z
*tz  ? z-/sU-/-tz-/-tsU-
*tʰz  ? z-/sU-/-tz-/-tsU-
*ds  ? z
*ts  ? tx-/tsU-/-tz-/-tsU-
*tʰs  ? z/sU
*dʃ  ? z
*tʃ  ? tx-/tsU-/-tz-/-tsU-
*tʰʃ  ? z-/sU-/-tz-/-tsU-
*z  ? z
*s  ? z
 ? s
 ? ɦ/h/0
*h  ? h/0
*x  ? g/h/0
*l  ? l-/-ɾ-/-l
 ? l
 ? l-/-lh-/-rC-/-l
 ? ɾ
*r  ? r
 ? ɾ/r?


Proto-Hispanic Iberian Basque
*i  ? i?
 ? i/u?
*u  ? u?
*e  ? e?
 ? e/o?
*o  ? o?
*a  ? a?

Thematic lexicon

Personal relations

Proto-Hispanic English meaning Spanish meaning Basque cognate Notes
*ɦa-ma mother madre  ? -
*da-da-ɦi father padre  ? -
*i=tʰsi/*e=tʰsi sister hermana  ? -
*u=tʰsi/*o=tʰsi brother hermano  ? -

Day's cycle

Proto-Hispanic English meaning Spanish meaning Basque cognate Notes
*zeu̯ŋǝ / *ɦǝtʰsa / *tʰsaɦǝ yesterday ayer atzo, átzo -


Proto-Hispanic English meaning Spanish meaning Basque cognate Notes
*ɦˈaɬtǝ-lǝ brach, pod rama, vaina adar, ádar -
*ɦˈakʰǝ-ŋǝ brach, pod tronco, rama, haz aihen, aien, axen -


Proto-Hispanic English meaning Spanish meaning Basque cognate Notes
*ɦaɫǝ-ɦǝ weak, slow débil, lento ahul, aul, abol, áhül, aultu -


Proto-Hispanic English meaning Spanish meaning Basque cognate Notes
*e-(a)tʰzei̯-n catch, gather, take atrapar, coger, llevar, tomar, recoger, reunir atzitu, atzipe, atzipatu, atsipatu -