Nuxálk Han'gǔl

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This is a joke-orthography for Nuxálk. The idea is to use Han'gǔl to write the language which it is the least suited for.

Phoneme inventory

The pronunciation of the Nuxálk consonants has been given phonetically, because it might be interesting to compare the actual pronunciation of those consonants with the choice of jamo given to them. (Question marks mark characters whose pronunciation in Korean is unclear.)


Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Central Lateral Palatalized Labialized Plain Labialized
Nuxálk romanization <p t k kw q qw 7>
Phonetic value [ kʲʰ kʷʰ ʔ]
Jamo <ㅍ ㆆ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo / ŋ ŋ ʔ/
Nuxálk romanization <p' t' k' kw' q' qw'>
Phonetic value [ kʼʲ kʼʷ qʼʷ]
Jamo <ㅃ >
Korean pronunciation of jamo / / ? ?
Nuxálk romanization <ts>
Phonetic value [tsʰ]
Jamo <ㅊ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /tɕʰ/
Nuxálk romanization <ts' tl'>
Phonetic value [tsʼ tɬʼ]
Jamo <ㅉ ㅈ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo [tɕ͈ ]
Nuxálk romanization <s lh c cw x xw h>
Phonetic value [s ɬ χ χʷ h]
Jamo <ㅅ ㅎ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /s lh/ ? ? / h/
Nuxálk romanization <m n>
Phonetic value [m n]
Jamo <ㅁ ㄴ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /m n/
Nuxálk romanization <l y w>
Phonetic value [l j w]
Jamo <ㄹ * *>
Korean pronunciation of jamo i u/

*See Vowels and Other notes below.


Neutral vowels
Front Central Back
Nuxálk romanization <i a u>
Phonemic value /i ɐ u/
Phonetic value [i, ɪ, ɪː, e, ɛː] [æ, a, ɑ] [o, , o̞ː, ɔ, ɔː]
Korean pronunciation of jamo /i ɛ o/
Nuxálk romanization <yi ya yu>
Phonemic value /ji ju/
Phonetic value [ji, ] [, ja] [jo, jo̞, jo̞ː, , jɔː]
Jamo <ㅢ ㅛ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /ɰi jo/
Nuxálk romanization <wi wa wu>
Phonemic value /wi wu/
Phonetic value [wi, , we] [, wa] [wo, wo̞, wo̞ː, , wɔː]
Jamo <ㅟ ㅝ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /wi /
Labial vowels
Front Central Back
Nuxálk romanization <i a u>
Phonemic value /i ɐ u/
Phonetic value [i, ɪ, ɪː, e, , e̞ː, ɛː] [æ, a, ɐ, ɑ] [u, ʊ, o, ]
Korean pronunciation of jamo /e a u/
Nuxálk romanization <yi ya yu>
Phonemic value /ji ju/
Phonetic value [ji, , je, je̞, je̞ː] [, ja, ] [ju, , jo, jo̞]
Jamo <ㅖ ㅠ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /je ja ju/
Nuxálk romanization <wi wa wu>
Phonemic value /wi wu/
Phonetic value [wi, , we, we̞, we̞ː] [, wa, ] [wu, , wo, wo̞]
Jamo <ㅞ ᆍ>
Korean pronunciation of jamo /we wa/ ?

Syllable blocks

Sequences of CV, CVC or VC are stacked together into a syllable block, if possible. The consonants ㆁ, ㆆ, ㆀ and ㆅ are not stackable, and therefore left out from syllable blocks. The vowel ᆍ is also not stackable, and therefore left uncomposed. The consonant ㅀ can only appear at the tail position of a syllable block. Unstackable consonant jamo, ㅀ that is not preceded by a vowel, and any consonants that are neither preceded or followed by a vowel are written alone using the Hangul Compatibility Jamo of Unicode. So for example, the word sps (northeast wind) which contain no vowels is written ㅅㅍㅅ.

Vowels, with the exception of ᆍ, are always used in syllable blocks. If the vowel is not preceded by any stackable consonant, the null initial is used.

The consonants p, t, k, and kw are represented by ㅂ, ㄷ, ㄱ resp. ㄱ in the tail position of a syllable block.

How to mark labialized consonants

There are three kinds of consonant jamo: labial (marked with red in the chart), non-labial (marked with blue) and neutral (black text), and two kinds of vowels: labial and neutral. The labial consonants are identical to their non-labial counterparts, so they are instead distinguished by the use of vowels before them.

Labial vowels are used if they are followed by a labial consonant, otherwise neutral vowels are used. There may be any number of neutral consonants between the labial vowel and the labial consonant. There may not be any other vowels or non-labial consonants between them. They must also be both in the same word.

낏마ㅜ For example, in the word k'ismaw (nine), the vowel a is followed by the labial consonant w, so the a is represented by the labial jamo ㅏ. The i however is not followed by any labial consonant before the second vowel, so it is represented by the neutral vowel ㅣ.

Word-final i is written with ㅣ however, if preceded by k, k' or c.

In cases where a labial consonant is in such a position that its labialness can not be marked on any vowel, the jamo ㅱ is placed before that consonant.

Other notes

w and y are written with the w- and y-series of vowel jamo, if they are followed by a vowel. If not, then w is written as ㅜ and y as ㅣ (both without any null initial).

Long vowels are marked by putting : (double dot bangjeom, U+302F) after the jamo or syllable block. Stress is unmarked.

Text samples

From Wikipedia

he had had in his possession a bunchberry plant

From some source

English Nuxalk Han'gǔl
One Maw 마ㅜ
Two Lhwaas ㅀ왜〯ㅅ
Three Asmús 앳못
Four Mús
Five Ts'ícw 쩨ㆅ
Man Kwtmts ㅱㅋㅌㅁㅊ
Woman Cnas ㆅ냇
Sun Snx ㅅㄴㅆ
Moon Tl'uk
Water Qla ㆁ라

From another source (probably another dialect because the numbers have different names)

English Nuxalk Han'gǔl
One Smaw ㅅ마ㅜ
Two Lhnus ㅀ놋
Three Asmus 앳못
Four Mus
Five Ts'icw 쩨ㆅ
Six T'xulh ㄸ쏧
Seven Nusalhklhm 노샗ㅌㅀㅁ
Eight K'ilhnus 낋놋
Nine K'ismaw 낏마ㅜ
Ten Ts'klakt ㅉㅋ락ㅌ

Tl'ux ta manlh t'ax
Putl'ilhsuts ulh inu alh ti suncwt
Stutwiniitulhcw ala snknicilhats
ㅅ톧위니〯 툻ㆅ애래ㅅㄴㅋ니ㆅ잃앷
Alhkaltcwmtulhx alh ti suncw

Our heavenly father
We come to you today
We thank you for the food
Take care of us today