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Nobalingos is my conlang. It is based mostly on Esperanto, with some words from Greek and Russian. The adjectival form is Nobalinga; thus, the Nobalinga language. Nobalingos comes from two words: noba, meaning new, and lingos, meaning language or toungue.

1.0 Alphabet
1.1 Vowels:
a = short a, as in bat
au = either short o, as in bought, or ow, as in bout
ay = long a, as in bait
e = either short e, as in bet, short i, as in bit, or, at the end of a word, long a, as in bait
eu = you, as in butte
ey = long a. This is an alternate form of ay.
i = long e, as in beet
iy = long i, as in bite
o = long o, as in boat
oy = oy, as in boy
u = long u, as in boot

1.2 Consonants:
b = b,v
d = d,t
g = g,j and sometimes q,h
l = l
m = m
n = n
p = p,f
r = r
s = s,z
x = ch,k,kh(as in bach), and sometimes h
y = y
z = sh,zh, and sometimes j

Not used (except in foreign words): c,f,h,j,k,q,t,w,v

1.3 Capitalization
All words use the lower case, except for foreign words, newly created words, and some proper names.

2.0 Nouns
Nobalinga nouns have an ending which show the case.
2.1 Nominative case
Nouns in the nominative case end in -s (usually -os, but other endings are also possible, such as -as). In Esperanto, nouns end in -o, so just add an 's' and make other changes as needed for the spelling. For example: hundo (dog) becomes xundos.

2.1.1 Plural nominative. To make a noun plural, replace the s with a y. For example: dogs = xundoy. The ending -aros can also be used to indicate a collection of items. For example: tree = arbos; trees = arboy; forest = arbaros; forests = arbaroy.

2.2 Accusative case
Nouns in the accusative case end in -n (usually -on). This is the same as Esperanto.

2.3 Genitive case
Nouns in the genitive case end in -a. For example: house of God = domos dia. The English words 'of' and 'from' are translated with this case.

2.4 Prepositional case
Nouns in the prepositional case end in -e. If the preposition is omitted, the preposition at is implied. For example: at home = dome

2.5 Dative case
Nouns in the dative case end in -u. Here is an example that shows both the genitive case and the dative case: from the earth to the moon = dera lunu.

3.0 Pronouns
The pronoun system has not been finalized, and is subject to change.
mis = I
dis or dus = you
onis = he,she,it
zis = she
miy = we
oniy = they
Pronouns are declined the same way as nouns. For example: my = ma; me = min; to me = mu.

4.0 NobalingaVerbs

5.0 Adjectives.
Adjectives end in -a, the same as in Esperanto. Since this is the same ending as the genitive case, it is ambiguous as to whether a word is an adjective or a noun in the genitive case. For example: domos dia = either "house of God" or "Godly house".

6.0 Adverbs.
Adverbs end in -e, the same as in Esperanto. Since this is the same ending as the prepositional case, it is ambiguous as to which type of word it is, but usually this is not a problem. For example:
dre = very
gene = in the beginning

7.0 Conjunctions and Prepositions
These are the same as in Esperanto, except where noted.

8.0 Nobalingos-English Dictionary

9.0 Texts