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Pronounced: /ɛ--mʁi/
Timeline and Universe: theoretically this universe, future
Species: Humanoid
Spoken: Trovog penninsula and coast southeast of there
Total speakers: ~3 million
Writing system: Faranih and Romanized Equivalent
Genealogy: Descendant of Proto-Etimri
Morphological type: inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Basic word order: SOV
Creator: Humancadaver101 aka Schwhatever aka Buckfush530
Created: August 2006

Etimri is a language spoken on and southeast of the Timeritah or Trovog penninsula on the continent of Lhined. The language contains several Faranit loan words, but shows very little, if any, linguistic relation.

Phonology and Orthography

  • "General" Consonants: /d b p t k g h j r x ɣ ʃ ʒ m n ŋ s z f ʋ/
    • Romanized As: <d b p t k g h j r c gh sh zh m n ng s z f v>
  • Affricatives: /ʦ ʣ p-f b-v ʧ ʤ/
    • Romanized As: <ts dz pf bv tsh dzh>
  • Vowels: /ɑ e ɛ i o ɔ u ø y/
    • Romanized As: <a ai e i o au u ou y>
  • Phonological Constraints: (C)(approximant)V(C)
    • Exception: Approximant+Approximant+V(+C) is not allowed
    • Exception: /j w/ can not be the coda.


  • /i u/ shift to [ɪ ʊ] when in a stressed syllable.
  • /xi ɣi/ shift to [çi ʝi]
  • /xu/ shift to [χu]
  • /e o/ when stressed shift to [eːoː]

Phonology Chart

  Bilabial Labio-Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Stop p  b   t  d     k  g  
Nasal m   n     ŋ  
Fricative   f s  z ʃ  ʒ   x  ɣ h
Approximant   ʋ r   j    
Affricative   p-f  b-v ʦ  ʣ ʧ  ʤ      

Pronouns, Conjugations, and Declensions

Etimri pronouns, Etimri Conjugations and Etimri Declensions


Etimri is dechticaetiative, meaning direct objects of monotransitive verbs are in the same case as indirect objects for ditransitive verbs.

pvi motsh cuto
I'm throwing you.

"motsh" is the second person familiar accusitive for monotransitive verbs, but dative for ditransitive verbs.

pvi motsh dvidz cuto
I'm throwing it to you.

Etimri has an interesting interrogative system. There are two sets of interrogative pronouns that are used, the responsive and the interruptive sets. The responsive set is used to question what another person has said or ask for more detail. The interruptive set is used to ask about a distantly related or unrelated topic and start a new topic or conversation. For example:

A: pvi foug ke fjeka
B: nav ngid ke fjeke?


A: I it.ACC.MASC not like (I don't like it)
B: You which.R.MASC not like? (You don't like which?)

The responsive form is used as the question directly responds and expands on the statement. The second person could have more colloquially answered "ngid?" as it would have been clear from context what was meant. A more formal version would have asked, "nav ngid ke fjeke?", substituting the formal pronoun. An example of using the interruptive is-

A: pvi foug ke fjeka
B: pvi shizo. fong shoh tetsid njoc?


A: I it.ACC.MASC not like (I don't like it)
B: I come to understand. It time which is being? (I understand. What time is it?)

Because the question is about another topic, the interrogative is interruptive instead of responsive. The usual intonation pattern is ignored for questions, where a rising tone is inserted. Informational questions, as shown above, substitute an interrogative pronoun for the subject, object, or compliment. Affirmative-Negative questions, however, use a similar construction to Chinese:

A: nav shizor ke shizor?
B: pvi shizo


A: You come to understand not come to understand? (You understand, not understand?)
B: I come to understand (I understand)

The verb is repeated, once negated, once affirmative. General form is to put the affirmative form first.

The imperative is formed by omitting the subject:


Objects are kept before the verb.

foug cutor
it.MASC throw

The use of the phrase, des njetsh ep, it may be that, is used before imperatives to indicate a more familiar atmosphere or a more gentle command or even a simple desire or wish. For example:

des njetsh ep foug cutor
it be.SUBJ that it.MASC throw
Would you throw it?

An important issue, unaddressed until now, is the dynamic and static distinction in Etimri. A verb can be conjugated in a static or dynamic form, changing its meaning. For example, the verb pfetroush can mean think in its static forms, but means question or interrogate in its dynamic forms. Another example is cutoush, which can mean throw (dynamically) or fly (statically). The essential distinction is that dynamic forms denote a change in state whereas static forms simply denote action. This is most obvious in the verb ngro, to be (statically) or to become (dynamically). The most common example, however, is that of fjekoush, which means to love/like (statically) or to fall in love (with). For example:

pvi motsh fjeka
I love you.


pvi motsh fjeko
I'm falling in love with you.

Tenses are also quite complex, as evident in the article Etimri Conjugations. Two auxiliary verbs, ngro and dzoush, are used heavily by speakers. There are both perfect and progressive past, a progressive present, a future, a subjunctive, and a conditional tense.

A few examples-

The Static Past Perfect:

pvi motsh fjekat
I loved you.

The Dynamic Past Perfect:

pvi motsh fjeket
I fell in love with you.

The Static Past Imperfect:

pvi dza motsh fjekoush
I come from love you. (I come from loving you = I was loving you)

The Dynamic Past Imperfect:

pvi dzo motsh fjekoush
I come from fall-in-love-with you. (I come from falling in love with you = I was falling in love with you)

The Static Future:

pvi motsh fjekur
I will love you.

The Dynamic Future:

pvi motsh fjekair
I will fall in love with you.

The Static Conditional:

pvi njetsh motsh fjekoush
I would love you.

The Dynamic Conditional:

pvi njai motsh fjekoush
I would fall in love with you.

The Static Conditional:

pvi njous motsh fjekoush
(if) I were to love you.

The Dynamic Conditional:

pvi njash motsh fjekoush
(if) I were to fall in love with you.

The use of the past progressive is used to highlight the habitual, processive, or repeated nature of the action, while the past perfect is used to denote a single or quick action.

For instance,

pvi motsh fjekat
I loved you.

stresses the singular period of love and its centralness to the action. Instead,

pvi dza motsh fjekoush
I come.STAT.PRES.1P.SING thee love
I was (in) love (with) you.

stresses the longer period over which the love took place and its possible role as backdrop, as it is often used for side stories or phrases only slightly connected with the speaker's main point. (I was in love (PROGRESSIVE) with you, while I ate (PERFECT) this soup.)

The subjunctive is used to denote impossible or highly unlikely events, whereas the conditional is mere possibilities. In short, the indicative, conditional, subjunctive, and negative moods form a spectrum of likelihood from definate to possible to incredible to impossible, respectively, rather than the English structure, which focuses on the syntactic role more than probability.

For example,

des njetsh foug fjekoush?
She be.COND him love?

makes evident that it is questionable that she loves him, but does not suggest its implausibility. In the subjunctive, however,

des njous foug fjekoush?
She be.SUBJ him love?

denotes that this is highly contrary to other evidence or previous knowledge. This all contrasts with,

des foug fjeko
she him love(s).

which can no longer serve as a question, instead the conditional would be used. There are limited other roles for the subjunctive and conditional moods. All of the above could reverse meaning through a simple negative particle to negate the verb or one of several negative prefixes.

Stress and Pitch

Stress usually falls on the second syllable. Accompanying this is a pitch system. Stressed syllables and syllables immeadiately following stressed syllables have a high pitch. Syllables immeadiately preceding the stressed syllable have low pitch. All other syllables have medium pitch. Thus:



Adjectives decline for gender. The masculine ending is <-d> while feminine adjectives end in <-f>. There are few irregular adjectives.


Only two articles exist, zhi and hjo. Zhi is definite (specifies one of the object) and hjo is indefinite (does not specify as one particular object. There are no plural forms. There demonstratives, quantities, or numbers are used. In many instances the articles are omitted.


Etimri Lexicon