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There are no gender, number and casus declination/flexion at all. Where necessary, gender may be identified by a corresponding noun/adjective. The casus will not be needed, also no locative prepositions (in, at, to, from) since the unambiguous verb itself normally implies the cases and the object is defined clearly by its position in the sentence. Only in case of complexity the preposition may be needed.

Modal Verbs: ABCL has four real and one subjunctive modal verb as prefixes:

Modus ABCL Prefix English Modal Examples
Ability b- can bdene - can eat
Possibility d- may ddene – may eat
Necessity g- shall gdene – shall eat
Obligation ç- must çdene – must eat
Subjunctive s- would sdene/sdenö - would eat/ate-have eaten

Example: A g.vap.e.p az hanka: I shall get my house painted. They are placed as prefix to the verbs. Because this way a cluster emerges, in speaking only the first vowel of the verb repeats as gap filling and vowel harmony in between or soundless “ı” as convenient. The modals will not be conjugated and declined at all. There are countless “verbal modus” in living World languages. Which often used in one language does not exist such as in another at all. If necessary, modus is expressed using particles and prepositions. For the first level we abandoned most of them, leaving a few where we think it easy to learn and nice to have them for good expression. Possession is one, which “must be”, is formed by suffix “_z” and placed after nouns and pronouns. Plural “_i” is used as suffix also after nouns. ABCL has in Level 1 nine verb features indicated by a particle marker and suffixes. Suffixes come after the conjugated verb but before any further suffix as “x” etc.

Table of Affixes

Mood/Verb Transformation ABCL Marker/sufix ABCL example-English equivalent
Conditional (factual-predictive): marker conjunctions "if" fe… (he)fe a mefe - if I feel well
Imperative/jussive/infinite- Paceş "verb".eş yogeş - go! / to go
Verbal Conjunctive (gerund)- Paciş "verb".iş yogiş - going
Passive- Bunzu _n vapon - was painted
Ergative (Intrans. to transitive) - Röş.ato(.ado) _t (u) dolot (densu) – (she) boiled (water)
Reflexive (Transitive to intr) -Ver.ato(.ado) _m (a) dasem – (I) wash myself
Reciprocal (mutuality-intransitive) -Peş.ato _y boley - make love (sevişmek)
Causative (Transitive) -Bac.ato(.ado) _p vapep - get painted (boyattırmak)
Subjunctive/irrealis- Kök.ana
---Present subjunctive _k -- tisek - would sing
---Past/irrealis (counterfactual tisoç/tisüç - would have sung
---Future/irrealis (prefix) s_ (verb#)_ç stisaç - would have been sung
Negation _x vapenx - (is) not painted
Question(prefix to subject) _j jo mefe - do you feel well?

.#…vowel for tense

“Real” conditional mood marker is the conjunctional particle “fe”. Imperative/jussive/infinite will be performed by adding the related personal pronouns to the verb as prefix (o.Verb, u.Verb (let him.Verb), e.Verb (let us.Verb)…) and “_eş” as suffix. For second person singular the prefix “o” may be dropped thus imperative being “Verb.eş” Passive suffix is “_n”. Passive form will be in case of ergatives (from intransitive to transitive conveyed verb) Verb.t.n (for the example in the table above, passive will be “dol#.t.n”, e.g. … dolotn (… has been boiled by …), where between the cluster “tn” a weak “i or ı-sound” may be implemented in speech. ) ABCL uses for hypothetical, but possible subjunctive cases the suffix “_k”; for the past counterfactual subjunctives (irrealis) the suffix “_ç” and “_s” as prefix aspect-modal for the future cases. (see under “aspects” above) Other types of subjunctives will be marked by suitable particles. Negation suffix “_x” will be placed as a rule at the end of the conjugated verb and after the modal suffixes if any. In some cases, it could come to sequencing of two suffixes in a row such as “vapo.p.n.x” (the house was not get painted by…). In such cases also between “_x” and the suffix before a soundless “ı” or “i” or the last vowel can be put for vowel harmony.

Level 2 moods

Inferential mood/Hearsay-Binmi _v bol.#v--bolev - (it is said) (he/she) love …
Optative desiderative- An Mançu (in level 1 expressed by auxiliary particle "an") _s sen.e.s--(an) seves (o)- (I wish) (you) be well

Inflexional Suffixes for Nouns: Genetive and Plural

Genitive/Possesive-Huz.ato _z şintü.z şindü / o.z şintü of, _’s (kitten of the cat) your cat
Plural-Bunyu _i hanho.i _s - (houses)

Below are some aspectual compound verb features and moods from Turkish denoted by suffixes, applicable in Level 2 only:

These and similar are expressed in ABCL by suitable adverbial particles as given in underlined English translation. Copula mood will be enhanced by the adverbial suffix "uç", which understress the certainty of the act if and when required. (“John is big”, translates “John ebi” and if enhanced as “John ebi uç”)

Compound tenses in Turkish will be expressed by adverbial particles as:

- "Di" li geçmiş-hikaye (simple past-narrative): geldiydim (I had come there at …)

- "Miş"li (görünen, öğrenilen değil) geçmiş-hikaye (simple past-past witnessed): kırılmıştı (it had been broken by then)

- Şimdiki zamanın hikayesi (present-narrative): biliyordum (I was knowing it then/at that time)

- Geniş zamanın hikayesi (simple present- narrative: (eskiden) severdi (he loved erstwhile/one time)

ABCL does not include singular-third person (it, one) as unspecified subject. ABCL usues passive form instead: Ma osa venhi "daren.x". (without a subject as in Turkish -so called 'hidden subject') It can't/will not be slept in this heat-bu sıcakta uyunmaz.