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Virelli is a language spoken by Zireen.



labial dental alveolar retroflex palatal velar glottal
stops th t ķ k
nasals m n ņ
fricatives v d s z hr r hj j g h
lat. fric. hl l hļ ļ


front central back
high i u
mid e o
low a



Nouns have three cases: Absolutive, Ergative, and Dative. Nouns ending in a vowel add the case ending in a relatively straightforward manner (although the ending varies according to the gender of the noun).

"person" "fire" "sea" "Rishai" "air"
Gender: I II III IV V
stem írrá- ’ahrí- zúlí- uļí- thú’a-
absolutive írrát ’ahrít zúlíl uļí thú’a
ergative írrájuk ’ahríjuk zúlísík uļísík thú’alik
dative írránu ’ahríņu zúlímu uļíņí thú’ají

Nouns with consonant-ending stems alter the stems or the endings in various ways according to phonological rules. Examples:

  • kaļút- "ice" (gender I) + ergative -juk > kaļúķuk
  • kaļút- "ice" (gender I) + dative -nu > kaļúntu
  • karas- "stream" (gender III) + absolutive -l > karahl