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  • C: → C
  • voiceless stop → voiced stop
  • voiced stop → fricative (g → h, d → ď, b → v)
  • affricate → voiceless fricative (g → h, d → đ, b → v)

sometimes (p → f, g → dź, t → ť)

Present tense
Indefinite declension Definite declension
Positive Negative Positive Negative
Person 1st declension 2nd declension 1st declension 2st declension 1st declension 2nd declension 1st declension 2nd declension
1st sing. hatt-ak mek-ek hatt-an mek-en hat-* meg-* hat-awn* meg-ewn*
2nd sing. hatt-aj mek-ej hat-ajwo* meg-ejwo* hat-aju* meg-eju* hat-ajn* meg-ejn*
3rd sing. hat-e* meg-i hatt-e mek-e hat-a* meg-a* hat-en* meg-en*
1st plur. hat-áv* meg-ív hatt-ávi mek-ívi hatt-ev mek-ev hat-ávej* meg-évej*
2nd plur. hatt-al mek-ul hatt-anol mek-inol hatt-awl mek-awl hatt-el mek-el
3rd plur. hat-* meg-* hatt-anś mek-enś hat-awś* meg-ewś* hat-anś* meg-enś*
Past tense
Indefinite declension Definite declension
Positive Negative Positive Negative
Person 1st declension 2nd declension 1st declension 2st declension 1st declension 2nd declension 1st declension 2nd declension
1st sing. hatt-owg mek-owg hat-own mek-un hatt-ije mek-íje* hat-óje* meg-uje*
2nd sing. hatt-úm mek-ím hat-íwo* meg-ojwo* hat-oźi* meg-úźi* hat-óźe* meg-úźe*
3rd sing. hatt-o mek-ó hatt-u mek-u hat-á* meg-á* hat-ún* meg-ón*
1st plur. hat-úv* meg-óv* hatt-úvi mek-óvi hat-ív* meg-ív hat-íví* meg-óví*
2nd plur. hat-il* meg-il* hat-imil* mek-imil* hatt-ól mek-úl hatt-ómil mek-úmil
3rd plur. hatt-or mek-or hatt-úr mek-úr hat-ar* meg-ar* hat-owr* meg-owr*
  • participle : hatt-úg, mek-íg
    • perfect: present forms of auxiliary verb méllam + participle
    • plusquamperfect: past forms of auxiliary verb méllam + participle
    • future: present forms of auxiliary verb méllam + infinitive
    • conditional: past forms of auxiliary verb méllam + infinitive
Present tense Past tense
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Person Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative
1st sing. mík mílen muć mewn mug mun míje múje
2nd sing. maj majwo majo mejn mum mójwo múźi múźe
3rd sing. mén ma men mu mon
1st plur. meláv mellávi mellev mellévej melúv mellóvi melív melívi
2nd plur. mellal mellanol mellawl mellel melíl mellimil mellól mellómil
3rd plur. méś menś mewś menś mor mur mar mowr

Participle: mug

Four genders:

  • Human: most plurals are irregular; main rule: +(j)í
  • Animate: + (e)k
  • Concrete: + lenition of last consonant (if not in group) + (last vowel [shortened] reduplicated) + k
  • Abstract: + lenition of last consonant (if not in group) + (last vowel [shortened] reduplicated) + k
3: vít, house → vídik; kwall, bridge, → kwalak

Nouns decline according of only two cases: primary and oblique case; for the human gender the oblique case split in two subcases: genitive and oblique

Human gender

Consonantal declension
Case Singular Plural
Primary - -í¹
Genitive -ir -V²r
Oblique -an* -un
  • ¹: the plural is often irregular; when the irregularity is inside the word, this irregularity spreads to the other cases.
  • ²: the V is the last vowel of the root reduplicated
  • *: this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word
Vowel declension
Case Singular Plural
Primary - -jí¹
Genitive -r -jV²r
Oblique -n* -n
  • ¹: the plural is often irregular; when the irregularity is inside the word, this irregularity spreads to the other cases.
  • ²: the V is the last vowel of the root reduplicated
  • *: this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word

Possessive endings

Person Ending Note
1st sing. -(a)m
2nd sing. -(i)l this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word
3rd sing. -(e)n this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word
1st plur. -(e)jt
2nd plur. -(i)d
3rd plur. -(e)ś this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word
  • *: this ending triggers the lenition of the last consonant of the word
  • hattam: to take, to catch
  • mekem: to love
  • kugam: to see
  • rot: father
  • kugije rodil: I saw your father