Syrunian texts

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This is a collection of Syrunian texts and translations. For a description of the language and grammar, go to the Syrunian page.
Syrunian is a romlang, therefore the Latin (rather than English) translations are given for the sake of etymological comparison. However, Syrunian has numerous loan words from Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic. Some Latin words also underwent semantic shifts, of fell into disuse by the Syrunian people. As a result, the Syrunian text does not have a one-to-one correspondence with the Latin text. For example, in the Tower of Babel story, the Latin version uses "proficiscerentur" (to set out), whereas the Syrunian uses "miħavin" derived from the Latin "migrare" (to migrate).

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1)

1 הדעכלראתע הוניברסילי היורי די החונייא׃ פ״ק
אנאסחוטובין הכולס החוני ליבבריס ע עקליס כם הכובדם ע היורס.
אדונאבין הכולס לא-ראשין ע לא-כוצעט, ע דעבין אלו אוס סס אגיר ין הרוחע דפראתירייא.

h-declerate h-universili h-yuri di h-ħunyya: h-pasqute 1

Anasħuttuvin h-culs h-ħuni libris e eqlis cum h-cuvdim e h-yuris.
Adunavin h-culs la-raṡin e la-cussett, e devin alu aus sis agir in h-ruħe d-fratiryya.

Declaration universalis de jure hominum: I
Omnes homines dignitate et iure liberi et pares nascuntur,
rationis et conscientiae participes sunt, quibus inter se concordiae studio est agendum; or
ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent.

həðejχləˌɾa'θɛj huwnivəɾ'sili: həji'ɾi: dɪ həħu'nija həɸasˌqu'θɛ ͜ju'na
ʔanasxutˁu'vĩ:n hə'χuls həħu'i liβ'ɾi:s ʕeʔeq'lis kum həχuv'dĩm ej hɛju'ɾis
ʔaðuna'vĩ:n hə'χuls lɑɾa'ʃĩn ej lɑˌχu'sˁətˁ ej də'vi:n 'ʔa:lu ʔɪws ͜si:s ʔa'ɣi:ɾ in hə'ɾuħɛj dɪ ɸɾaˌθiɾ'ija

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The UDHR Article 1, read by David Salo in December 2013: Media:Syrunian_UDHR1.ogg

Genesis 11: 1-9, The Tower of Babel

חאבבית הכול הארץ לא לעזם הונם ע לא לוגס הפאראת.
כומיק מיחאבין אלו ש מזרחם, ינעניבין אלו אוס סס ין בקעה ין שנער, ע האבתאבין אלו ין עי.
ע דיחאבין אלו לא-פרישי: «בענימוס, פאחאמוס לא בבוריקי ע ינאמוס אוס» לור, חאבבין אלו לא בבוריקי פר הפעתיר, ע לא חמור פר מכעמיט
«ע דיחאבין, «בענימוס, פאחאמוס פר נש לא ורובבה ע לא תור קי פורבענות ין השלים, ע כעליבבראמוס הנאנע נש נעה אדעיזעבאם נש ין הכול הארץ
דעסחעטאביס אדוני פר בידר לא ורובבאה ע לא תור קי אפאחאביס אה-פילעס די אדם.
ע דיחאביס אדוני: «אקאה, היעניתי וני ע חאבין אלו כולס לא לעז הון. פאחאבין אלו האקם יקיפיתאמין, ע נן אין אלו דעציתער אטע האוניב דעקם כוגין אלו אפאחאביס.
«בענימוס, דעסחעטאמוס פר כופודיר לא לעזע אוס, פר נן ודין אלו לא בושע די פרישי
לור, דעיזעביס אדוני אוס ין הכול הארץ, ע כעסעבין אלו פאחאר לא ורובבאה.
לור, אבוטאביס הנאנע עי בבל, קא בבע כופידאביס אדוני לא לעזע די כולם הארצם, ע ש בבם דעפעראביס אדוני אוס ספר הפאכע די רעגונם הכולם


  1. Ħabit h-cul h-arass la lezim h-unim e la lugis h-parat.
  2. Cumiq miħavin alu ṡe mizraħim, inenivin alu aus sis in bqeh in Ṡiner, e havtavin alu in ey.
  3. e diħavin alu la-priṡi: «venimus, faħamus la buriqi e inamus aus» Lur, ħabin alu la buriqi pur h-petir, e la ħamur pur h-cemitt.
  4. e diħavin, «venimus, faħamus pur nuṡ la urubah e la tur qi purvenut in h-ṡelim, e celibramus h-nane nuṡ neh adeyzevam nuṡ in h-cul h-arass.»
  5. desħettavis Aduni pur vider la-urubah e la-tur qi afaħavis ah-files di Adam.
  6. e diħavis Aduni: «aqah, h-yeniti uni e ħavin alu culs la lez h-un. Faħavin alu haqim iqifitamin, e nun ayn alu dessiter atte h-auniv deqim cugin alu afaħavis.
  7. venimus, desħettamus pur cufidar la-leze aus, pur nun udin alu la vuṡe di priṡi.»
  8. Lur, deyzevis Aduni aus in h-cul h-arass, e cesevin alu faħar la urubah.
  9. Lur, avuttavis h-nane ey Babel, qa be cufidavis Aduni la leze di culim h-arassim, e ṡe bem deferavis Aduni aus sifr h-face di regunim h-culim.


  1. erat autem terra labii unius et sermonum eorundem
  2. cumque proficiscerentur de oriente invenerunt campum in terra Sennaar et habitaverunt in eo
  3. dixitque alter ad proximum suum venite faciamus lateres et coquamus eos igni habueruntque lateres pro saxis et bitumen pro cemento
  4. et dixerunt venite faciamus nobis civitatem et turrem cuius culmen pertingat ad caelum et celebremus nomen nostrum antequam dividamur in universas terras
  5. descendit autem Dominus ut videret civitatem et turrem quam aedificabant filii Adam
  6. et dixit ecce unus est populus et unum labium omnibus coeperuntque hoc facere nec desistent a cogitationibus suis donec eas opere conpleant
  7. venite igitur descendamus et confundamus ibi linguam eorum ut non audiat unusquisque vocem proximi sui
  8. atque ita divisit eos Dominus ex illo loco in universas terras et cessaverunt aedificare civitatem
  9. et idcirco vocatum est nomen eius Babel quia ibi confusum est labium universae terrae et inde dispersit eos Dominus super faciem cunctarum regionum


  1. have.3SGf.PRF the whole the word the.ACC language.ABS the one.ABS and the.ACC word.PL.ABS the same
    • Had the whole world one language and the same words.
  2. when migrate.3PL.PRF they out.of East.ABS, find.3PL.PRF they them self in valley in Shinar, and live.3PL.PRF they in it.OBJ
    • When they migrated out of the East, they found themselves in a valley in Shinar and they lived in it.
  3. and say.3PL.PRF they the.ACC : come.1PL.IMP make.1PL.IMP the.ACC bricks and fire.1PL.IMP them. Thus have.3PL.PRF they the.ACC bricks for the stone, and the.ACC clay for the cement.
    • and they said to those around them: “Come, let us make the bricks and let us fire them” Thus, they had bricks for stone and clay for cement.
  4. and say.3PL.PRF : come.1PL.IMP make.1PL.IMP for us the.ACC city and the.ACC tower which reach.3SGm.IPF in the Heaven and celebrate.1PL.IMP the name.CON us that.not divide.1PL.PASS us in the whole the earth.
    • and they said: “Come, let us make for us the city and the tower which reaches into Heaven, and let us celebrate the name of us, so that we may not be divided in the whole earth.
  5. descend.3SGm.PRF Adonai for to.see the.ACC sity and the.ACC tower which make.3SGm.PASS by-child.PL.CON of-Adam
    • descended the Lord to see the city and the tower which had been made by by the children of Adam.
  6. and say.3SGm.PRF Adonai behold the people one.CON and have.3PL.IPF they all.PL the.ACC language the one. do.3PL.PRF they this.ABS start.ADV and not go.3PL.IPF they to.desist before the everything of-which.ABS think.3PL.IPF they do.3PL.PASS.
    • and said the Lord: “Behold, the people are one and they all have one language. They did this as a start, and will not desist before everything of which they have thought is done
  7. come.1PL.IMP descend.1PL.IMP for to.confuse the.ACC language.CON them, for not hear.3PL.IPF they the.ACC voice.CON of
    • Come, let us descend to confuse the language of them, so they won’t understand the voice of those around them”
  8. thus, divide.3SGm.PRF Adonai them in the whole the earth, and cease.3PL.PRF they to.make the.ACC city
    • Thus, the Lord divided them into the whole earth, and they ceased making the city
  9. thus, call.3SGm.PASS the name.CON it.OBJ Babel, because there confuse.3SGm.PRF Adonai the.ACC language.CON of all.ABS the earth.ABS and out.from there.ABS disperse.3SGm.PRF Adonai them over the face.CON of region.ABS the all.ABS
    • thus, the name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth, and out from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of every region.

"I love you"

[אמו ח טבא] amu eħ tava (man to woman)
amu eħ tiv (man to man)
[אמא ח טב] ama eħ tiv (woman to man)
ama eħ tava (woman to woman)

  • gender distinction has been lost on the first person singular conjugation; the final vowel liaises into the pronoun «eħ/ ח» and becomes [אמח]. For example «amaħ tava (>f)» and «amaħ tiv (>m)»

"Semper antequam cenat fenestram claudit"

כיודיא כליומין אטע הדעפנם לא פנעצאר

cyudya culyumin atte h- defnim la fenessar
IPA: kjuðiaʔ kuljumin atˁe ðʕɛfnim laʔ fənesˁaɾ
Etymology: claudere כל–יומא–mente ante hic- δεῖπνον illa fenestra
Gloss: close.3SF daily before the supper.ABS the.ACC window.EMP

English: She always closes the window before she dines.

Compared to other Romance languages (from Wikipedia)

Latin (Ea) claudit semper antequam cenat fenestram.
Italian Ella chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare.
Romanian Ea închide întotdeauna fereastra înainte de a lua cina
French Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner
North Sardinian Issa sèrrat sémper sa bentàna innantis de chenàre
Portuguese Ela fecha sempre a janela antes de jantar/cear.
Spanish (Ella) siempre cierra la ventana antes de cenar.
Judaeo-Spanish Eya serra syempre la ventana antes de senar.

Miscellaneous translations

A collection of phrases, most of which were “translation challenges” on Conlang or the Facebook group.

Syrunian Gloss/ Literal translation Translation Notes
felše h-seftemane h-dume d-liver
פלשע הספתמאנע הדומע דליבער
happy (may be) the-week-[of] the-house-[of] of-book Happy Library Week
(a literacy ‘festival’)
Mar 2012
h-dume h-liveri the-house-[of] the-books the school (cf. Heb)
h-dume h-bivili the house of Bibles
Qey haraya la-cunirut h-psuħe miħ:
Uideya sifr h-ṡetlis, h-ucleyn miħ.
Though clings to-dust the-soul-[of] me: Sees above the-stars, the-eyes-[of] me
[qej haraja laχuniruθ həfsuħej miħ . wideja sifər həʃetlis həʔ uχlejn miħ]
My soul cleaves to the dust,
My eyes see past the stars.
Nov 2012
`Aliza in h-tir h-mirval
עליזא ין התר המרבאל
Alice in the-land the-wonderful Alice in Wonderland
Ħamaylun Chameleon
Uh Rab Yacuv, cire Yacuv
Eštin qu: durmus tu?
Audir tu h-šampini! (bis)
Ding, dang, dung; ding, dang, dung
Oh Rabbi Jacob, master Jacob
Are you sleeping?
Listen [you, to] the prayer-bells! (x2)
Ding dang dong…
Syrunian version of Frère Jacques
ħaver h-šešineš
חבר הששנעש
to have the sheshinesh
from Syrian-Latin "sine-sensum" (without sensation)
to have a limb fall asleep/ to have pins and needles c.Apr 2012
Adventure Time! venimus ħavari; ašdamus nuš in mizraħim.
Cum yaquv h-can e fin bar-adam, yucamus culyumi: Adventure Time!
Adventure Time! Let’s go, friends; we[‘ll] journey into the East.
With Jacob the dog and Fin son-[of]-Adam, [we’ll] have-fun all-day: Adventure Time!
Adventure Time theme song Aug 2013
h-sara h-ħalimte h-helsim
הסרא החאלימתע ההעלסימ
the-moon [is] the-dream-[of] the-sun La lune est le rêve du soleil Apr 2013
ħag Pesaħ cuṡre e ṡamte
חג פסח כשרע ע שמתע
Festival Pesaħ (which is) Kosher and blessèd (have a) Kosher and blessèd Passover
‘Pesaħ’ (from the Hebrew פֶּסַח) can also be also Easter.
felše e ṡamte ħage h-Pesħa
פלשע ע שמתע חגע פסחא
Joyous and blessèd (may be) Feast-[of] the-Phesəħa (have a) joyous and blessèd Easter
‘Pesħa’ (from the Aramaic פַּסְחָא‎ or Greek Πάσχα) can also be Passover.
Pušat desħusser ina pulħerut is-able to-disgust indeed beauty
Certainly, a beauty could disgust [someone]
beauty is in the eye of the beholder Oct 2012
diħ h-canis: hau
diħy’ h-šinat’: niau
diħ h-avis: tsuiss
e h-muš: ssiq
diħy’ h-vaš: muuu
diħ h-feqis: qvah
e diħ h-elifa: ttuyy
diħy’ h-nessat: gea
e pisħa: paa
e diħ h-fuqay: au au au
Sett aun sunim, cunu neqaun:
Qe diħ h-uelap?
says the-dog: haw
says(f) the-cat: nyaw
says the-bird: tsuisˤ
and the-mouse: sˤiq
says(f) the cow: moo
says the-frog: qvah
and says the-elephant: tˤuyy
says(f) the-duck: gea
and fish: paa
and says the-seal: aw aw aw
but one sound, knows noöne:
what says the-fox?
from: The Fox by Ylvis Sep 2013