Etimri Conjugations

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Present Tenses

Present Progressive Indicative Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -a - -id
Second Person -e -our -our
Third Person, Masculine -ai - -ot
Third Person, Feminine -ai - -ot

Present Progressive Indicative Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -o - -am
Second Person -or -or -or
Third Person, Masculine -izh - -i
Third Person, Feminine -izh - -i

Past Progressive Tenses

The corresponding present form of dzoush + infinitive

Past Perfect Tenses

Past Perfect Indicative Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -at - -at
Second Person -ip -ir -ir
Third Person, Masculine -ir - -ir
Third Person, Feminine -ir - -at

Past Perfect Indicative Dynamic

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -et - -et
Second Person -ef -ef -ef
Third Person, Masculine -et - -it
Third Person, Feminine -et - -it

Future Tenses

Future Static

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -ur - -ur
Second Person -ur -ur -ur
Third Person, Masculine -ur - -ur
Third Person, Feminine -ur - -ur

Future Dynamic

Singular Dual Plural
First Person -air - -air
Second Person -ite -ite -ite
Third Person, Masculine -ite - -ite
Third Person, Feminine -ite - -ite


The corresponding subjunctive form of ngro + infinitive


The corresponding conditional form of ngro + infinitive

Irregular Verbs

ngro = to be/become

Present Progressive Indicative Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person mish - njoc
Second Person njoc ngoc ngoc
Third Person njoc - njoc

Present Progressive Indicative Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person mje - ngos
Second Person ngos ngos ngos
Third Person ngos - ngos

Past Progressive Indicative Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njof - njof
Second Person njof njof njof
Third Person njof - njof

Past Progressive Indicative Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person nezh - nedzh
Second Person nedzh nedzh nedzh
Third Person nezh - nezh

Past Aorist Indicative Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njot - njot
Second Person njot njot njot
Third Person njot - njot

Past Aorist Indicative Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person mjo - mjo
Second Person mjo mjo mjo
Third Person njog - njog

Subjunctive Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njous - njous
Second Person njous njous njous
Third Person njous - njous

Subjunctive Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njash - njash
Second Person njash njash njash
Third Person njash - njash

Conditional Static:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njetsh - njetsh
Second Person njetsh njetsh njetsh
Third Person njetsh - njetsh

Conditional Dynamic:

Singular Dual Plural
First Person njai - njai
Second Person njai njai njai
Third Person njai - njai