Conlang Relay 23/Ilaini

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Ilaini text

Mustenin rythein demein laysin

Arlut echain moye rythan lea rozein vestyen ludie sun yat havien astinat. Sahanrie rythan vanyinan rystena lhasat lea dilynat. Orea loch lea vanat, lea rastyna dilynat. Deman muy, orea loch lea torin, chan, airen pura dilynat. Rastien yat rythan lochyn gola purynat, ludena loch, cyne ali da airenit fere.

Lea dilynat so vai! fara verat! Vanyin hune lea vara mustyan musta so graya menat. Lei so nafalinan rodat, rodynat so bysat.


airena - to rule

airen - powerful

ali - 3d person inanimate plural pronoun

arla - to exist

arlut echain moye - "once upon a time"

astina - to live, to dwell

bysa - to beat, to defeat, to win

chan - one, only, unique

cyne - then, afterwards

da (V) fere - in order to

deman - ambitious person

dilyna - to do, to make, to cause

echain - past-tense marker

fara - to achieve, to complete

gola - to subdue, to conquer

graya - to know

havin - north

hune - because

laysin - story

lea - 3rd person animate; 3rd person relative ; impersonal pronoun

lea dilynat - it happens that

lhasa - to taste, to try

loch - much, many

lochyn - a lot, a great deal

lud - region, province

mena - to give

moye - much, greatly mustan - soldier

musta - to fight

mustyn - battle

muy - yet, already

nafalin (coll) - enemy

orea - power

pura - to wish, to desire

puryna - to want (something specific)

rasten - thought, idea

rastyna - to (suddenly) think, to have an idea

roda - to attack

rodyna - to hit

rozen - river

ryst - strong

rythan - "head person" - boss, commander

sahanrie - one day

so - and

sun pp+loc - near

torin - famous

vai! - hey! eek! coo! (exclamation of surprise)

vana - to intoxicate

vanyin - drugs

vara - to be brave

vestyn - spring

yat - here

Grammar notes

Stories are told in the narrative present: only the first verb can be in the past tense to set the time. (The expression "arlut echain moye", literally "it existed very long ago" does that in spades with both a past-tense verb and an intensified past-tense marker)

Ilaini is relentlessly SOV, where O can be anything from nothing-at-all to a whole phrase. There is no copula, nor indeed any verb meaning "to be" (as opposed to "to exist" or "to be in a place").

Phrase conjunctions come after the first constituent of the phrase.

Nouns: there are 3 noun classes, which is irrelevant for this text except that they take somewhat different endings. Basically, nouns ending in -n or -s preserve -n or -s in the ending, nouns ending in a different consonant or a vowel don't. Collective nouns (-in endings, plural form) take a singular verb; case endings of collective nouns have -i- rather than -e-.

Cases used in this text: nominative (subject): dictionary form accusative (direct object): -a (singular), -ena (plural) genitive: -ei, -eni locative/instrumental: -ie (causing -yn endings to be -yen)

Verbs: all verbs used in the text are either 3rd person singular (present -at, future -it) or infinitive (-a).

Smooth translation

(This contains singular 'they'. Culturally appropriate, and my source didn't specify the commander's gender either.)

The story of the ambitious army commander

Once upon a time there was a commander who lived near the spring of a river north of here. One day the commander happened to try strong drugs. The great power intoxicated them and gave them an idea. Being ambitious already, the power made them wish to be famous, unique and powerful. By that thought this commander wanted to conquer a great deal, many regions, in order to rule over them.

And see! it happened that they could achieve it! Because the drugs gave them bravery and the knowledge to fight a battle, and they attacked, hit and beat the enemy.