Athonite Directions

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Pronunciation table

Athonite α β γ γγ γκ γξ γχ δ ε ζ θ ι κ λ μ μπ ν ντ ξ ο ου π ρ ς τ τζ φ χ ψ ω
Latin a v gh ng g ngks nch dh ɛ z th i k l m b n d ks o u p r s t tz f ch ps ō
IPA /a/1 /v/ /ɣ/2 /ŋ/ /g/ /ŋks/ /ŋç/ /ð/ /ɛ/ /z/ /θ/ /i/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /b/ /n/3 /d/ /ks/ /ɔ/ /u/ /p/ /ɾ/ /s/4 /t/ /ʣ/ /f/ /ç/ /ps/ /o/

Notes - Σιμιωςις

  • 1 when accented, otherwise /ʌ/.
  • 2 /ɣ/ before α, ο and ου; /j/ before ε and ι.
  • 3 final <ν> before <π> and <μπ> becomes /m/, e.g., δεν μπορώ, <dhemboˈrṓ>, I cannot. The <π> becomes /b/, e.g., δεν πιραζι, <dhembiˈrazi>, it doesn't matter.
final <ν> before <κ>, <γ> and <χ> becomes /ŋ/, e.g., δεν κοβω, <dheng'kovō>, I cut.
  • 4 /z/ before voiced consonants, e.g., ως Δεβτέρ, <ōz Dhevtér>, until Monday,


Where is ...?
the bank
the zoo
the museum
the hospital
the consulate
the hotel
What is the address?
Please write it down.
Show me on the map.
How far is it?
Turn ....
at the corner
in two blocks
straight ahead
Που ινε ...;
ι τραπεζ
ο ζωολογίκ κιπ
το μουςί
το νοςοκομί
το προξενί
το ξενοδοχί
Τι ινε ι διεθις;
Σιμίωνε το, λιτφε.
Διχνε μου ςτο χαρτ.
Πος μακρί ινε;
Στριβε ....
ςι γωνί
διο μπλοκ
Pou ine ...?
i trapez
o zōologík kip
to mousí
to nosokomí
to proksení
to ksenodoxhí
Ti ine i dhiethis?
Simíōno to, litfe
Dhichne mou sto chart.
Pos makrí ine?
Strive ...
si gōní
dhio blok
