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Part of speech
abho noun III year
âcat verb breathe
âce adjective eight
âcecren noun IIIc blood
acha verb eat
âci pronoun here alt. form térin
âci verb know
âgben noun IV flower
âgi adjective great included as "swell"
âgnâ adjective dull
âgne noun IIIc water
aicia pronoun I he/she
aieg noun III day
aieru noun II husband
âmethid noun III sea
ânce noun III breath
âniul adjective empty
âone verb float
âz adjective one
bagach noun IV road
bagh adjective good
bâkítte verb find
bhach noun III feather
bhach verb take
bhoggi adjective old
bhugi verb flow
bhuiu adjective wet
bigh adjective new
bocho noun IV forest included as "woods"
bocoiu noun IVc wood
bogu verb swell
bogu verb push
bunír verb involve
buthos verb kill
câdh verb stab
câdhogh verb pierce
caie noun II snake
câni noun III wave included as "swell"
carubh noun III bark of a dog
cci verb irr. be original form: ackí
ccin noun IIIc ice
chaggi adjective same
châgo verb farm
chal noun IVc grass
chan verb come
chari verb sleep
chaxin noun IIIc snow
chex noun III rope
chiârâ noun IVc dust
chiniâ noun II wife
chu noun III wing
chucat verb cut
chunio verb hunt
churia noun III world included as "earth"
chuth verb wipe
cich noun III cloud
cimu noun III star
cina noun III cut
coc noun IV stone
cor noun III root
cra verb bite
crag noun III head
crage verb freeze
crat noun III bone
cred noun II dog
criâr noun III horn i.e. on an animal
cu adjective ten
dâgu adjective warm
dhârgu verb stand
dhe pronoun IV it
dhia pronoun thou
dhoru noun III tooth
dixa pronoun III it
dogâ adjective big
doghâxi verb play
dugâth adjective rotten
dugu noun III mouth
dzia pronoun we
enior noun IV ash
gâga adjective thick
ganu noun III knee
gânum adjective sick
gânuthar noun III smell
geâ pronoun I
ghabo verb wash
ghaiâ noun III lie
ghaien verb live
ghaniu verb swim
ghârin adjective correct
ghâro verb lie i.e. tell a lie
ghes verb blow
gi adjective five
giârn noun II animal
gob noun III horn i.e. the instrument
gobut noun III neck
gogh adjective wide
gonia adjective green
gugh noun III night
iago verb have
íâri noun II child
ibhenaie adjective white
iebe pronoun II he/she
iet adjective seven
íggi noun II worm
ilin noun III sun
ínoxo adjective yellow
io adjective three
iogo verb go
iol pronoun they
iottic adjective near
iuri adjective few
iuri verb lie i.e. rest
mâgge verb say
menín noun III nose
mod noun III hand
mogge verb walk
monio noun III tongue
mul adjective many
nagu noun II person
nâth noun II mother
ni adjective two
niage verb tie
niagho noun III hair
níbho noun II woman
nice adjective nine
nieri noun II man
nocu verb throw
noneche pronoun there alt. form torin
obâ adjective blue
ocin noun III fear
oco verb hold
ogâ noun IVc dirt
ogi noun II louse
onâca adjective far
oniâ adjective black
osân noun II father
pacan noun IV seed
patuco noun IV mountain
pogu noun III tail
pothir adjective small
prâc noun III claw
pradhos verb die
pran adjective bad
noun III eye
râcci noun IVc meat also "flesh"
racha verb rub
raco adjective male
râcu verb see
râsu noun IIIc skin
râth pronoun this alt. form ací
râxu pronoun that alt. form ajo
rieru adjective long
rogir adjective red
rurâ noun III moon
seccig noun III bark from a tree
secrin noun III back
sedâ adjective beautiful
sedherax noun IIIc fire
sen adjective six
seprach adjective dry
sethori noun IV tree
siben noun IV kind also "type", "species"
sír adjective cold
síre verb fall
sixo adjective sharp
sono verb sit
soxâ noun III leg
sperich noun II bird
stam verb turn
sugho adjective round
sumier verb smooth
tac noun III blow
taghâr adjective straight
tâgun adjective full
tâxe adjective hot
thâri noun IV sky
thas verb spit
thorich verb vomit
thormi noun III river
thuse verb pull
ti adjective four
tog adjective fat
tracci verb hit
trath adjective other
ucin verb fight
ucin verb dig
uddi noun II fish
uenna pronoun ye
uggierân noun IV fruit
ugha verb make i.e. es: hacer
ugier noun III belly
ugnu noun IIIc guts
uncu verb give
uraieni noun III lake
xa noun IIIc spit
xâan verb laugh
xabeb noun IIIc rain
xâce noun III wind
xach noun III scratch
xache noun IVc salt
xâchi noun IV leaf
xâgho noun III heart
xares verb burn
xâri noun III name
xâsen verb hear
xâth adjective split
xeggi verb sew
xobâ noun IIIc fog
xocu noun IIIc smoke
xonâ verb sing
xonia noun III liver
xucen verb fly
xucu noun IVc sand
zec noun III egg
zugâ verb drink


animal giârn
ash enior
back secrin
bad pran
bark carubh
bark seccig
be cci
beautiful sedâ
belly ugier
big dogâ
bird sperich
bite cra
black oniâ
blood âcecren
blow tac
blow ghes
blue obâ
bone crat
breath ânce
breathe âcat
burn xares
child íâri
claw prâc
cloud cich
cold sír
come chan
correct ghârin
cut cina
cut chucat
day aieg
die pradhos
dig ucin
dirt ogâ
dog cred
drink zugâ
dry seprach
dull âgnâ
dust chiârâ
eat acha
egg zec
eight âce
empty âniul
fall síre
far onâca
farm châgo
fat tog
father osân
fear ocin
feather bhach
few iuri
fight ucin
find bâkítte
fire sedherax
fish uddi
five gi
float âone
flow bhugi
flower âgben
fly xucen
fog xobâ
forest bocho
four ti
freeze crage
fruit uggierân
full tâgun
give uncu
go iogo
good bagh
grass chal
great âgi
green gonia
guts ugnu
hair niagho
hand mod
have iago
he/she iebe
he/she aicia
head crag
hear xâsen
heart xâgho
here âci
hit tracci
hold oco
horn gob
horn criâr
hot tâxe
hunt chunio
husband aieru
I geâ
ice ccin
involve bunír
it dhe
it dixa
kill buthos
kind siben
knee ganu
know âci
lake uraieni
laugh xâan
leaf xâchi
leg soxâ
lie ghaiâ
lie ghâro
lie iuri
live ghaien
liver xonia
long rieru
louse ogi
make ugha
male raco
man nieri
many mul
meat râcci
moon rurâ
mother nâth
mountain patuco
mouth dugu
name xâri
near iottic
neck gobut
new bigh
night gugh
nine nice
nose menín
old bhoggi
one âz
other trath
person nagu
pierce câdhogh
play doghâxi
pull thuse
push bogu
rain xabeb
red rogir
river thormi
road bagach
root cor
rope chex
rotten dugâth
round sugho
rub racha
salt xache
same chaggi
sand xucu
say mâgge
scratch xach
sea âmethid
see râcu
seed pacan
seven iet
sew xeggi
sharp sixo
sick gânum
sing xonâ
sit sono
six sen
skin râsu
sky thâri
sleep chari
small pothir
smell gânuthar
smoke xocu
smooth sumier
snake caie
snow chaxin
spit xa
spit thas
split xâth
stab câdh
stand dhârgu
star cimu
stone coc
straight taghâr
sun ilin
swell bogu
swim ghaniu
tail pogu
take bhach
ten cu
that râxu
there noneche
they iol
thick gâga
this râth
thou dhia
three io
throw nocu
tie niage
tongue monio
tooth dhoru
tree sethori
turn stam
two ni
vomit thorich
walk mogge
warm dâgu
wash ghabo
water âgne
wave câni
we dzia
wet bhuiu
white ibhenaie
wide gogh
wife chiniâ
wind xâce
wing chu
wipe chuth
woman níbho
wood bocoiu
world churia
worm íggi
ye uenna
year abho
yellow ínoxo