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Baladzh -- Balaj

For more information on the Balaj Language please click on the PDF links further down the page.
Ster lëda inteleci goz Baladzhe ligriço kjolp dabariđ goz PDF linqev xoder kjuzh edzh.

Nëxkerç - Introduction

The Balaj Language gets influences from languages like Armenian, Russian, and other Middle Eastern and Slavic languages. However, this influence is not great since much of the Balaj Language is apriori. The grammar of Balaj is based on Western European languages. Please take your time and review the document on the Balaj Language. Thank You.

Baladzhe ligriço stenel kulpessicu el ligriçuc xele Ermeniaci, Russiaci, e qumac Međiad Duroc e Slaviq ligriça. Rëspi, pex kulpessic ë mar gjerd dzhovret Baladzhe ligriço ë lëd ‘apriori’. Baladzhi xolindec ë fimqrote goz vurocaj Jevropiaci ligriça. Kjolp lehmiđ deli zholt e qilpagiđ pësxale goz Baladzhe ligriço. Spimil.

Alfitro - Alphabet

A B C Ç D Đ E Ë F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Ss T U V X Z Zh

Linqi -- Links

Balaj Language(Grammar)
Balaj Dictionary