Zelandish Lexicon

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A, a

abeck /ə'bɪk/ adv back

abië /ə'biə/ strong verb to expect

abirje /ə'bəɹjə/ verb to taste (abirgd)

ack /ak/ conj but

acwel /ə'kwɪl/ strong verb to die (acwull p.p.)

acwell /ə'kwɪl/ weak verb to kill

adoun /ə'dʉn/ adv/prep down

adreë /ə'dɹeə/ verb to endure

afande /ə'fandə/ weak verb to prove, to notice

afinde /ə'fəndə/ strong verb to discover (afand)

aforn /ə'fɔɹn/ adv in front

african /'afɹəkən/ adj African

agon /ə'gɔ:n/ past participle gone

ajinnend /ə'jɪnənd/ present participle beginning

akenne /ə'kɪnə/ verb to produce

alevednessferm /ə'le:vədnəsfəɹm/ noun sickness benefit

alieting /əlitiŋ/ noun photocopy

aliese /ə'li:zə/ weak verb to save

all /al/ adj all

also /'alsɔ:/ adv also

amerke /ə'mɛɹkə/ weak verb to describe

an /ən/ indef. art./num a, an, one

and /ənd/ conj and

andlang /ənd'laŋ/ adv along

anlipig /'anlipi:/ adj separate

andswern /'andzwəɹn/ verb to answer

andwerd /'andwəɹd/ adj present

andwerde /'andwəɹdə/ verb to present

andwerding /'andwərdiŋ/ noun attention

andwerdness /'andwəɹdnəs/ noun present (time)

ane /'anə/ weak.adj only

anfeld /'aɱfəɫd/ adj simple

ankleew /'aŋklæʊ/ noun ankle

anti-tigris /'anti:təgɹəs/ noun anti-tiger (used to discribe black stripes on black fur)

areie /ə'ɹejə/ verb to read out (areed)

asende /ə'sɪndə/ verb to send away

astië /ə'stiə/ strong verb to go, to get up, to rise, to arise

astirn /ə'stəɹn/ weak.verb to move, excite, rouse

avelbornness /'avəlbɔɹnnəs/ noun nobility

awende /ə'wɛndə/ verb to change, to translate

awerpe /ə'wɛɹpə/ verb to throw off, to cast off

B, b

Babilon /'babəlɔn/ proper.noun Babylon

banne /'banə/ verb to call, to summon (in some early entries used to mean 'call by telephone') (been 1/3.s.past)

be /bə/ prep by

beckdur /'bɪkdʊɹ/ noun back door

becumme /bə'kʊmə/ strong verb to arrive, to get (somewhere) (becoem 1/3.s.past, becoemme pl.past, p.p.)

bed /bɪd/ noun bed

beduw /'bɪdʉ:/ noun combat, fight, battle

beed /bed/ noun table

beerschip /'be:ɹʃəp/ noun party

beete /'be:tə/ verb (beete pl.past

befell /bə'fɪɫ/ verb to apply

befeller, -s /bə'fɪləɹ/ noun applicant

befelling /bə'fɪliŋ/ noun application

befellingwrit /bə'fɪliŋɹət/ noun curriculum vitae

befeste /bə'fɪstə/ verb to entrust

begn /bɪn/ adv both

begon /bə'gɔ:n/ verb to practice, occupy, engage in (begjeeng s.past, begange p.p.)

begrinne /bə'gɹənə/ verb to ensnare

behott /bə'hɔ:t/ noun promise, vow; lease

bejette /bə'jɪtə/ verb to get

bejinne /bə'jənə/ verb to begin, to start (bejunne p.p.)

bejonde /bə'jɔndə/ prep beyond

bell /bɪɫ/ noun bells

belleepe /bə'lepə/ strong verb to leap up, to jump up (belleep 1/3spast)

belocke /bə'lɔkə/ verb locked, closed

ben /bɪn/ verb to be; being

bend /bɪnd/ noun bond

berd /bɪɹd/ noun beard

bergje /'bɪɹjə/ verb to preserve

berjewered /'bɪrjəwɪɹəd/ noun berry-flavoured cordial

beschirn /bə'ʃɪɹn/ verb to shave

bestriepe /bə'stɹi:pə/ verb to strip, to trim, to prune (trees)

besuruw /bə'sʋrʉ:/ verb to surprise (besurd p.p.)

betiene /bə'ti:nə/ verb to close

better /bɪtəɹ/ comp. adj better

betwux /bə'twʊks/ prep between

betzt /bɪtst/ sup.adj best

berne /'bɪɹnə/ strong verb to burn (ik barn, jeburne)

bewȗrt /bəwʉɹt/ past participle built

bibliodeeke /'bəbliədekə/ noun library

biche /'bəʧə/ verb to buy (jeboût p.p)

biching /'bəʧiŋ/ verbal noun buying

bidde /'bədə/ verb to ask (for), to request (beië p.p.)

bisgo /'bəsgɔ/ noun occupation, business

bisig /'bəzi:/ adj busy

bisigbodig /'bəzi:bɔdi:/ pl.noun busybodies

bismringe /'bəzmɹiŋə/ pl.noun insults

bleckhorn /'blɪkhɔɹn/ noun ink cartridge

bleet /blet/ adj inactive

blerig /'blɪɹi:/ adj bald

bletzing /'blɪtsiŋ/ noun blessing

blietful /'blitfʊl/ adj joyful

blietmoed /'blitmœd/ adv joyfully

bliss /blɪs/ noun happiness

blisse /'bləsə/ verb to rejoice

bloestom, -s /'blœstəm/ noun blossom

boek, beek /bœk/, /be:k/ noun book, books

boekfoedder /'bœkfœdəɹ/ noun bookcase

boekhord /'bœkhɔɹd/ noun archives

boië /'bɔjə/ weak.verb to announce (boiëd p.p.)

bottom /'bɔtəm/ noun bottom

bour /bʉɹ/ noun chamber, apartment

brastel /'bɹastəɫ/ verb to crackle

brecke /'bɹɪkə/ strong verb to break ('jebreck 3.s.past)

breie /'bɹejə/ verb to spread

briekwerd /'bɹikwɪɹd/ adj enjoyable

bringe /'bɹiŋə/ verb to bring (broût 3.s.past)

brouke /'bɹʉkə/ strong verb to use (breek s.past; brucke pl.past)

broun /bɹʉ:n/ adj brown

bune /'bʊnə/ noun cup (cuppe is more common)

burdlingschell /'bʊɹdliŋʃəl/ noun tortoiseshell (black and white markings suggesting a tortoiseshell)

burgsted /'bʊɹstəd/ noun city

burst /bʊɹst/ noun injury

butling /'bʊtliŋ/ noun building

C, c

cann /kan/ aux.verb can 3.s.pres

caro /'kaɹɔ/ noun care, trouble

carte, -n /'kaɹtə/ noun paper, document, deed, letter

catte /'katə/ noun cat

cattieg /'kati:/ noun cat-box

censusleef /'sɪnsʊslef/ noun census form

cheepstoew /'tʃepstœʊ/ noun market, usually supermarket

cheese /'tʃezə/ verb to choose

cherel /'tʃɪɹəɫ/ noun person

chesels /'tʃɪzəɫ/ noun small stones, gravel, grit

chester /'tʃɪstəɹ/ noun town, city, often used to mean central business district

Chesterrich /'tʃɪstəɹətʃ/ proper noun hilly wooded area west of the city centre

chië /'tʃiə/ verb to call, invoke (chigd p.p., jechiënd pres.p.)

chieds /tʃidz/ noun seeds

chircolwurd /'tʃəɹkəɫwəɹd/ noun computer

child, -er /tʃəɫd/ noun child

chirn /tʃəɹn/ verb to return

civilisación /'səvələsaʧɔn/ noun Civilisation

cleen /klen/ adj clean

cleense /'klensə/ weak verb to cleanse, to clean

cleensoukend /'klensʉkənd/ vacuum cleaner

cleved /'klevəd/ p.p stuck

climbe /'kləmbə/ verb to climb

coel /kœ:l/ adj cool

compadder /kəm'padər/ noun fellow, peer

coud /kʉd/ sg.aux.v could

coudlik /'kʉdlək/ adv certainly

crave /'kɹavə/ verb to crave

cret /kɹɪt/ noun trailer

crist /kɹist/ noun Christ

cristen /'kɹistən/ adj Christian

crocodiel /'krɔkədiɫ/ noun crocodile (crocodilum)

culd /kɔɫd/ noun cold (low temperature)

culfer, -n /kɔɫfeɹ/ noun dove

cumme /'kʊmə/ verb to come (coem, coemme)

cunne /kʊnə/ verb to try, to test, to check

cween /kwen/ noun wife

D, d

danke /'daŋkə/ verb to thank

datorum /'datɔɹəm/ noun date

de /də/ rel pron that, what

/de/ conj though

decke /'dɪkə/ verb to cover

deë /deə/ weak.verb to join, associate

deed /ded/ noun deed, act, action

deel /deɫ/ noun part

deep /dep/ adj deep

deer /deɹ/ pron there; rel pron where

deer,-0 /deɹ/ noun animal(s)

deewe /'de:wə/ weak verb to serve

deg /dɪ/ noun day

degliet /'dɪlit/ noun daylight

degnschip /dɪnʃəp/ noun service

dende /'dɪndə/ conj while

derf /dɪɹf/ verb need 1/3.s.pres

det /dɪt/ def/dem art the, that, this, definite and demonstrative article

dette /'dɪtə/ rel pron what (subject/direct object form)

dick /dək/ adj thick

diek /di:k/ noun ditch, gutter

diet /di:t/ noun direction, purpose

diewiese /di:'wi:zə/ adv in this manner

dilk /dəɫk/ adj such

din /dən/ adj thin

ding, -0 /diŋ/ noun thing(s)

dinge /'diŋə/ weak verb to agree, to settle (wy dingde)

dint /dənt/ noun blow, strike

disch, -es /dəʃ/ noun dish

disig /'dəzi:/ adj foolish, silly

doen /dœn/ verb to do (hy did)

do...do... /dɔ/ adverbial construction when...then...

don de /dɔn də/ rel adv when

doun /dʉn/ noun hill

dree /dɹe/ num three, 3

dreë /dɹeə/ verb to feel (ik dreeg)

dreë /dɹeə/ verb to threaten

dreets /dɹets/ pl.noun crowds

dridde /'dɹɘdə/ ord num third

Driete /'dɹitə/ proper noun LORD, divine name

drinke /'dɹiŋkə/ noun drink

driversweg /'dɹivərzwə/ noun driveway

droglik /dɹɔlək/ adv periodically

drowung /dɹəwʊŋ/ noun suffering

duner /'dʊnəɹ/ noun thunder

Dunersdeg /'dʊnəɹzdə/ proper.noun Thursday

dur, -e /dʊɹ/ noun door, -s

dûr /dʉ:ɹ/ prep through

durfe /'dʊɹfə/ verb to need (durfe pl.pres)

durl /dʊɹl/ noun hole

duromet /'dʊɹəmɛt/ noun doormat

dûrwunne /dʉɹ'wʊnə/ verb to continue

dweel /dwel noun washing, noun

dweelwindel /'dwe:lwɪndəl/ noun washing basket

E, e

Ebrees /'ɪbɹes/ pl.noun Jews, Jewish people

edniew /ɪd'njʉ:/ verb to renew

edwend /ɪdwənd/ noun change

ee /e:/ noun river

eë, -n /eə/ noun eye

eedbilig /'edbəli:/ adj irritating

eedig /'edi:/ adj blessed

eedigness /'edi:nəs/ noun blessedness

eedmeg /'edmə/ adv perhaps

eegder /'e:dəɹ/ adv either

eek /ek/ adv including, also

eemtig /'emti:/ adj empty

eenig /'eni:/ adv any

eer /eɹ/ prep before (in time)

eer, -n /eɹ/ noun ear

eerendwrit /'eɹəndɹət/ noun message, letter

eermoenats /eɹ'mœnəts/ adv of the previous month

eerst /eɹst/ ord.num first

eest, -e /est/ noun grace

eestad /'estəd/ noun riverbank

eethous /'ethʉs/ noun restaurant

eevenmet /'evənmət/ noun evening meal, tea, dinner

eeventied /'evəntid/ noun evening

eeweer /e'weɹ/ pron everywhere

efdanke /əf'dankə/ noun annoyance

efest /'ɪfəst/ adj religious

eft /ɪft/ adv again

efter /'ɪftəɹ/ prep after

eftern /'ɪftəɹn/ adv later

eg /ɛi/ noun fear

eier /ɪjəɹ/ noun eggs

eiturl, -0 /'ɛɪtʊɹɫ/ noun window

eiwo /ɛɪ'wɔ/ pron everyone

eld /ɪɫd/ adj old

elder /'ɪɫdəɹ/ pl.noun lives

elder, -s /'ɪɫdəɹ/ noun elder

elder /'ɪɫdəɹ/ sup.adj older

elderdegn /'ɪɫdəɹdən/ noun principal

eldern /'ɪɫdəɹn/ pl.noun parents

eldfeër /'ɪɫdfeəɹ/ noun grandfather

eldo /'ɪɫdɔ/ noun age, ages

elker /'ɪɫkəɹ/ adv otherwise

ellendisch /'ɪləndəʃ/ strange

ellendischness /'ɪləndəʃnəs/ strangeness

elo /'elɔ/ excl oh

emtwo /ɪm'twɔ/ adv in two parts

end /ɪnd/ noun end

ende /'ɪndə/ verb to finish

erd /ɪɹd/ noun land, homeland, Heimat

erde, -n /'ɪɹdə/ noun earth

Erdliet /'ɪɹdlit/ noun Earthlight

erfodful /'ɪɹfədfɔɫ/ adj difficult, troublesome

erm /ɛɹm/ noun arm

ervodlik /ɪɹvədlək/ adj difficult

essol /'ɛsol/ noun ass

êt /e:t/ noun property

et /ɛt/ prep at

ette /ɛtə/ strong verb to eat (dou et, subjunctive; hy eet, eete)

ettom /'ɪtəm/ prep+def.art at the

evenêt /ɛvə'ne:t/ noun neighbourhood, environment

evnliek /ɛvn'lik/ conj just as

evnso /'ɛvnsɔ:/ conj just as

F, f

fande /'fandə/ verb to attempt, to try

farn /faɹn/ verb to travel (hy foer)

/fe:/ noun money

fee /fe/ adj few

feer /fe:ɹ/ noun sudden attack

feër /feəɹ/ adj fair

feeringe /'feɹiŋə/ adv suddenly

feership /'feɹʃəp/ noun society, club

feet /fet/ pl.noun feet

feië /'fɪjə/ verb to feed (dou feedzt)

fel /fɪɫ/ adv/adj many, much

fering, -e /'fɪɹiŋ/ noun vehicle, -s

ferm /fɪɹm/ noun benefit, rent

fermischot /'fɪɹmɪʃɔt/ noun benefit tax

fers /fɪɹs/ noun verse, sentence

ferspeckend /fəɹ'spɹɪkənd/ noun telephone, phone is more common.

fêtcrefts /'fe:tkrəfts/ pl.noun fighting or combat skills

festne /'fɪstnə/ verb to fix

fette /'fɪtə/ verb to fetch

feur /fæʊɹ/ num four, 4

feurschitte /'fæʊɹʃətə/ adj square

fex /fɪks/ noun hair, fur

fier /fiɹ/ noun fire

fiern /fiɹn/ adj fiery

fill /fəɫ/ verb to fill

finde /'fəndə/ verb to find (ik fand)

firwit /'fəɹwət/ noun curiosity

five /'fivə/ num five (originally fief)

fleeschmet /'fleʃmət/ noun flesh (as food), meat

flet /flɛt/ noun floor, flat, apartment

flow /fləʊ/ verb to flow (fleew, past.sg)

foen /jə'fœn/ verb to catch (dou fiêst, hy fiêt, hy feeng, jefenge)

folk /fɔɫk/ noun people, folk

folkwegn /'fɔɫkwɛn/ noun bus

for /fɔɹ/ prep for

ford /fɔɹd/ adv forth, forward, on, away

fordgon /fɔɹd'gɔn/ verb to go out

forjeë /fɔr'jeə/ verb to forgive, to pardon (forjef 1.s.past)

fordjern /fɔɹd'jɪɹn/ adj eager to advance

forjette /fɔɹ'jɪtə/ verb to forget

forleese /fɔɹ'lezə/ verb to lose (forlorn, lost p.p.)

forleete /fəɹ'letə/ verb to abandon (forleete, abandoned)

for'm /'fɔɹəm/ conj because

forme /'fɔɹmə/ ord.num first

forsitte /fɔɹ'sətə/ verb to avoid

forstoed /fɔɹ'stœd/ p.p. prevented

forstoppe /fəɹ'stɔppə/ verb to stop

fôrte /'fɔ:ɹtə/ verb

free /fɹe/ adj free

'freelse /'frelsə/ weak verb to celebrate

freend, -s /fɹend/ noun friend

freese /'fɹezə/ verb to freeze

fremsumness /'fɹɪmsəmnɘs/ noun kindness

frette /'fɹɪtə/ verb to eat or chew, the subject is usually an animal

Friëdeg /'fɹiədə/ noun Friday

frôt /fɹɔ:t/ adj afraid, fearful (a varient of fôrt)

frumdig /'fɹʋmdi:/ adj curious

frume /'fɹʊmə/ noun beginning

fuël /fʊəɫ/ noun bird

fulfremdlik /'fɔɫfrəmdlək/ adv completely

fulje /'fɔljə/ verb to follow

full /fɔɫ/ adv very

full /fɔɫ/ verb to fulfill

fulnê /'fɔɫne:/ adv nearly

fulwexen /fɔɫ'wɛksən/ adj fulgrown, adult

furder /'fʊɹdəɹ/ adv, adj further

'furdo /'fʊɹdɔ/ adv even

G, g

gafspreck /'gafspɹɪk/ noun joke, jest

gaiërn /'gajəɹn/ verb to collect, to gather

game /'gamə/ noun game, sometimes primary school, schoel has wider use

gange /'gaŋə/ verb to walk, to go

gjoed /jœd/ adj good; weak adj gjoeië /'jœjə/

gjoedlik /'jœdlək/ adj nice

gjoedwief /jœdwif/ noun title of address to a woman, Mrs, Miss, moeiër is more common.

gled /glɪd/ adj glad

gleed /gled/ noun piece of coal or charcoal

gleew /glæʊ/ noun pleasure

glew /glæʊ/ adj wise

god /gɔd/ noun god (generally not written with a capital g, even when a proper noun)

godcund /'gɔdkʊnd/ divine

gon /gɔn/ verb [to go] (gjeet, eed, eië, jegon, agon)

gree /gɹe/ adj grey, gray

greet /gɹet/ adj big

greeting /'gɹetiŋ/ noun greeting

greetness /'gɹetnəs/ noun height

H, h

hand /hand/ noun hand

har, -n /haɹ/ noun hare

/he:/ adj high

hebbe /'hɪbə/ verb to have

heedern /hedəɹn/ noun storehouse, storeroom (an early word for a shop, now replaced by schoppe, except as a proper noun, where it refers to a local franchise chain.)

heemer /'heməɹ/ noun lover

heer /heɹ/ pron here

heer /heɹ/ noun hair

heern /heɹn/ weak verb to hear

heest /hest/ sup adj highest

heeve /'hevə/ noun

hegl /hɪl/ noun hail

helde /'hɪɫdə/ verb to keep

Helend /'helənd/ proper name Jesus, Saviour

helf /hɪɫf/ noun half, helf ans... half a...

Helfwegwrid /'hɪɫfwɪrəd/ proper name a suburb

heló /he'lɔ/ excl hello

helpe /'hɪɫpə/ strong verb to help (sy halp)

hemdlees /'hɪmdles/ adj shirtless

hen /hɪn/ adv from here

herdecg /'hɪɹdədʒ/ adj sharp-edged

herm /hɪɹm/ noun hurt

herte /'hɪɹtə/ noun heart

herweed /'hɪɹwid/ noun armour

hevig /'hɪvi:/ adj heavy

hevigness /'hɪvi:nəs/ noun heaviness, weight

hiche /'həʧə/ verb to think (hôt 3.s.present; hich s.pres.subj. ik hôd 1.s.past, hogde pl.past)

hiër /hiəɹ/ adv to here, this way, hither

hillihomen /'həlihɔmən/ pl.noun crickets

hinde /'həndə/ adv from behind, at the back of

hir /həɹ/ poss.pron her 3.s.fem

hit /hət/ pron it, 3.s.neut

hoen /hœn/ verb to hang

hof /hɔf/ noun court, building

hold /hɔɫd/ adj kind

holetting /'hɔlətiŋ/ noun greeting

holig /'hɔli:/ adj holy

holwend /'hɔɫwənd/ adj healing

hom /hɔm/ noun home

hope /'hɔpə/ weak verb to hope

hotte /'hɔtə/ vt to call (heet 1/3.s.past)

hou /hʉ/ adv how

houro /'hʉɹɔ/ adv indeed, really

hous /hʉs/ noun house

housel /'hʉsəɫ/ noun communion

hund /hʊnd/ noun dog

hunte /'hʊntə/ weak verb to hunt, weak verb

hurd /hʊɹd/ noun vet, vetinarian, vetinary doctor

hy /hi:/ pron he, 3.s.masc

I, i

ietmest /'itməst/ adj last

in /ən/ prep in

inbords /'əmbɔɹdz/ adv at home

Indie /'əndi:/ noun India

ingon /iŋ'gɔn/ verb to enter (ineed, 1.s.past)

inne /'ənə/ adv in (early form; bin is more common)

insigl /ɘn'si:ɫ/ noun seal, ID card

interpetting /'əntəɹpɪtiŋ/ v.n dancing

intinge, -n /ən'tiŋə/ noun cause

irne /'əɹnə/ verb to run (hylie urne)

Israhel /'əsɹəheɫ/ proper.noun Israel, Hebrew nation

ivel /'ivəɫ/ adj bad

J, j

jeâte /jə'a:tə/ weak verb to esteem, to value

jecheese /jə'ʧezə/ verb to decide (jechorn p.p.)

jecleense /jə'clensə/ verb to clean

jecoemme /jə'kœmə/ past participle come

jedave /jə'davə/ vt to agree to

jedoen /jə'dœn/ past participle done

jeë /jeə/ verb to give (jef s.past, jeëstou imperative)

jeer /je:ɹ/ noun year

jedildig /jə'dəɫdi:/ adj patient

jefell /jə'fɪɫ/ strong verb to collapse (jefell p.p.)

jeflit /jə'flət/ noun conflict, competition

jefrette /jə'frɪtə/ to eat (used of animals), weak verb

jegon /jə'gɔn/ past participle gone

jeheelde /jə'heɫd/ past participle reserved, stuck

jeheeme /jəhe:mə/ weak verb cohabit

jeheld /jə'hɪɫd/ noun religious service

jehelde /jə'hɪɫdə/ verb to hold (jeheldend gerund)

jehelding /jə'hɪlding/ noun maintenance

jeknucke /jək'nʊkə/ weak verb to knock

jelang (et) /jə'laŋ/ adj belonging (to)

jelde /'jɪɫdə/ verb to pay (jald 1s.past, golde p.p.)

jelieke /jə'likə/ weak verb to please

jelieve /jə'livə/ weak verb to believe (jelieft present 3s

jelike /jə'likə/ adv like, as

jelikest /jɘ'likəst/ sup.adj most like, very like

jelimp /jə'ləmp/ noun event

jeman /jə'man/ adj common

jemind /jə'mənd/ noun purpose

jemoet /jə'mœt/ noun meeting

jemune /jə'mʊnə/ verb to remember

jeogne /jə'ɔ:nə/ verb to prove

jerel /'jɪɹəɫ/ noun costume

jerke /'jɪɹkə/ verb to prepare

jeruw /'jɪɹʉ:/ adj ready

jeruwed /'jɪɹʉ:d/ past participle already

jeseeligness /jə'seli:nəs/ noun happiness

jeschie /jə'ʃi:/ noun pair of shoes

jeseeke /jə'sekə/ verb to go (to) (jesoûte)

'jesied, -s /jə'sid/ noun companion, fellow

jesomning /jə'sɔmniŋ/ noun gathering, assembly

jespreck /jə'spɹɪk/ noun discussion

jesterdeg /'jɪstəɹdə/ noun yesterday

jestern /'jɪstərn/ adv yesterday

jet /jɪt/ adv yet, still

jetoût /jə'təʊt/ noun view, thought, idea

jetrouwe /jə'tɹʉ:wə/ weak verb to trust

jetwisen /jə'twəzən/ pl.noun twins

jewane /jə'wanə/ adj lacking, wanting, out of, short of

jewelke /jə'wɪlkə/ weak verb to curl up

jewende /jə'wɪndə/ weak verb to return

jewilk /jə'wəɫk/ pron each (one)

jewinne /jə'wənə/ verb to gain (jewun sg.past)

jewiss /jə'wəs/ adj certain

jewittenness /jə'wətənnəs/ noun witness, testimony, evidence

jewittig /jə'wəti:/ adj reasoned

jewrit /jə'rət/ noun document

jewo /jə'wɔ:/ pronoun someone

jeving /'jɪviŋ/ noun giving

jieme /'jimə/ weak verb, vt to watch over, look after, care for

jieverness /'jivəɹnəs/ noun greediness, greed

jif /jɪf/ conj if

jilden /'jəɫdən/ pl.noun members

jo /jɔ/ adv already, ago, of old

Jobson /'jɔbsɔn/ proper name, surname, family name

Johannes /jɔ:'hanəs/ proper name, masculine first name (Johannem after a preposition)

joûve /'jəʊvə/ noun junior warriors, newbies

K, k

kee /ke/ noun key

keld /kɪɫd/ adj cold

kiemlik /kimlək/ adj lovely

kieping /'kipiŋ/ noun sale

kild, -e /kəɫd/ noun cold

kill /kəɫ/ noun bottle

kinn, -0 /kən/ noun kind, beings

kinrendeg /'kənɹəndə/ noun family day

kirk /kəɹk/ noun church

knape /'hnapə/ noun boy

kniet /hnit/ noun knight

knotte /hnɔtə/ noun puzzle

know /hnəʊ/ verb to know (less common than witte)

knucke /'hnʊkə/ weak verb to knock

L, l

lace /'lasə/ noun lace

lag /la:/ noun law

land /land/ noun country (as opposed to city)

lang /laŋ/ adj long

lave /'lavə/ verb to invite

lecge /'lɪdʒə/ verb to lie (legt 3.s.pres)

leedsmid /'ledsməd/ noun plumber

leef /lef/ adj favourite, dear, beloved

leene /'lenə/ weak.verb to lend, to reward

leerd /leɹd/ adv learnedly

lees /les/ comp.adj lesser (leesze)

leest /lest/ sup.adj least

leet /let/ noun light

leete /'letə/ verb to let, allow

leeve /'levə/ noun faith

leeve /'levə/ pl.noun permissions

leeve /'levə/ weak verb to leave (leeft 3.s.pres, leeved 1/3.s.past)

leew, -n /læʊ/ noun lion

leië /'lejə/ verb to lead (leedt 3.s.pres)

lencten /'lɪŋktən/ noun spring(time), originally used to mean Lent, this was later dropped

lerne /'lɪɹnə/ verb to learn

lernerschip /'lɪɹnəɹʃəp/ noun discipleship

letst /lɪtst/ sup.adj latest

lex /lɪx/ noun salmon

libbe /'ləbə/ verb to live, living

lied /lid/ noun limb

lief /lif/ noun life

liefdeel /'lifdeɫ/ noun lot or part in life

lieke /'likə/ weak verb to like, to please

liekness /'liknəs/ noun likeness, image, picture

lill /ləɫ/ adj little

line /'linə/ noun line

littel /'lətəɫ/ weak verb to reduce, decrease (litteld)

litwoen /'lətwœn/ adv a little, a bit

lleefdig /'hlefdi:/ noun lady

lleepe /'hlepə/ verb to leap

lleër /hleəɹ/ noun sound

llië /hliə/ verb to laugh

'llof /hlɔf/ noun bread

lock /lɔk/ noun sport, play, practice

llovord /'hlɔvəɹd/ noun lord

loê /lœ:/ adv place, stead, used in the phrase on his loê, on's loê, instead

loeke /'lœkə/ weak verb to look

love /'lɔvə/ pl.noun leftovers

luf /lʊf/ noun love

luft /lʊft/ noun air

luve /'lʊvə/ weak verb to love

M, m

m' /mə/ pronoun one

macke /'makə/ weak verb to make

macking /'makiŋ/ verbal noun making

mân /ma:n/ verb can pl.pres

manig /'mani:/ adj many

manigfeld /'mani:fɪɫd/ adj several

mann /man/ noun man

mavel /'mavəɫ/ weak verb to speak, especially formally, to make a speech

meel /meɫ/ noun marks

meerness /'meɹnəs/ noun honour

meest /mest/ adv most

meette /'metə/ verb to meet (jemeette past.pl)

melk /mɪɫk/ noun milk

melte /'mɪɫtə/ verb to dissolve

mennisch /'mɪnəʃ/ adj human

messedâs /'mɪsəda:s/ pl.noun mass days, holy days, holidays, in the last sense it has been largely replaced by wecke, watch, vigil.

metsië /'mɪtsiə/ verb to cater

mett /mɛt/ noun mat, carpet

michel /'məʧəɫ/ adj big, adv much

mid /məd/ prep with

middeg /'məddɛ/ noun midday, noon

midfêr /'mədfe:ɹ/ adj mediaeval

Midwald /'mədwɔɫd/ proper name name of a school

mildlik /'məɫdlək/ adj kind

misse /'məsə/ weak verb to miss

mo /'mɔ/ more (not a comparative)

moedjedank /'mœdjədəŋk/ noun thought

moeiër /'mœjəɹ/ noun mother

moenat /'mœnət/ noun month

moet /mœt/ noun meeting

moete /'mœ:tə/ aux.verb may, might, must moet 3.pres

morn /mɔ:ɹn/ noun morning

N, n

name /'namə/ noun name

nêbour, -s /'ne:bʉɹ/ noun neighbour

needl /'nedl/ noun needle

neenig /'neni:/ adj any (in a negative sentence)

neese /'nezə/ weak verb to visit

neeve /'nevə/ weak verb to risk, to venture

nemne /'nɛmnə/ weak verb to name

nering /'nɪɹiŋ/ verbal noun saving

nern /nɪɹn/ verb to save

net /nɪt/ noun net

nie /ni/ adverb not

niet /nit/ noun night

niew /niʊ/ adj new, recent

niexte /nikstə/ adj next

nimme /'nɪmə/ strong verb to take (noem, noemme)

nine /'ninə/ num nine

no /nɔ:/ excl no

noenmet /'nœnmət/ noun lunch, midday meal

non /nɔn/ pron none, no one

norde /'nɔɹdə/ adv from the north

nordmannisch /'nɔɹdmənəʃ/ adj Norse

nose /'nɔzə/ noun nose

nôt /nɔ:t/ noun nothing, naught

nou /nʉ:/ adv now

nutt /nʊt/ noun use

O, o

o /ɔ/ adv always

obië /ɔ'biə/ verb to wait

od /ɔd/ conj or

odiew /'ɔdjʉ/ weak verb to demonstrate

/ɔə/ verb to owe

oëne /'ɔənə/ weak.adj own

of /ɔf/ prep from, of

oft /ɔft/ adv often

okse /'ɔ:ksə/ weak verb to ask

oië /'ɔjə/ noun workshop

on /ɔn/ prep on

onbrirde /ɔn'bɹɪɹdə/ weak verb to inspire

ondagje /ɔn'dajə/ noun appointment

ondwerk /ɔn'dwəɹk/ noun matter

oneelend /ɔ'nelənd/ noun ignition, starter, on/off button

'onfind /ɔn'fənd/ verb s.pres.subj could find; onfindend /ɔn'fəndənd/ verb present participle finding

onfundelness /ɔn'fʊndəlnəs/ noun experience

onhiring /ɔn'həɹiŋ/ noun copy

onlietend /ɔn'litənd/ noun photocopier

onjette /ɔn'jɪtə/ verb to feel, to perceive, to notice (onjette p.p.)

onsteld /ɔn'stɪɫd/ p.p established, settled

onstolls /ɔn'stɔɫs/ pl.noun supplies, groceries, shopping

ontimber, -0 /ɔn'tɪmbəɹ/ noun matter, elements

open /'ɔpən/ adj open

or /ɔɹ/ noun honour, respect

ormoed /'ɔɹmœd/ adj despairing

ostië /ɔ'stiə/ strong verb to go up, ascend (ostog past singular)

ôt /ɔ:t/ pron something, anything, a thing

oup /ʉp/ adv up

our, -n /ʉɹ/ poss.pron our 1.p

out /'ʉt/ adv out

oute /'ʉtə/ adv outside, about, without, out

outgang /ʉt'gɔŋ/ noun parade

over /'ɔvəɹ/ prep over, across

overcumme /ɔvəɹ'kʊmə/ to overcome

overseeing /ɔvəɹ'seiŋ/ noun observance, survey

P, p

peruvianisch /'pə'ɹʉviənɘʃ/ adj Peruvian

pitt /pət/ noun well

plasma /'plazmə/ noun plasma

pleg /'plɪ/ verb to play (plegd(e) past tense)

postling /'pɔstliŋ/ noun pill, tablet

preutwiel, -e /'pɹæʊtwiɫ/ noun moment

R, r

reding /'ɹediŋ/ noun reading, lesson

reed /ɹed/ adj red

reedbor /'ɹedbɔɹ/ noun advisor

reeding /'ɹe:diŋ/ noun reading

reeke /'ɹe:kə/ verb to care for

reekels /'ɹe:kəls/ noun incense

reekig /'ɹe:ki:/ adj smoky

reënd /ɹeənd/ noun reader

reern /ɹe:ɹn/ weak verb to move

regjistar /ɹə'jəstəɹ/ noun register, dative -um

regn /ɹɪn/ noun rain

reie /'ɹe:jə/ verb to read, to advise (hylie reedt)

reninge /'ɹe:niŋə/ pl.noun mutterings

rerd /ɹɪɹd/ noun voice, language

rhad /hɹad/ adv quickly

rhamsifling /'hɹamsəfliŋ/ noun garlic condiment

rhaver /'hɹavəɹ/ adv rather

rheed /hɹed/ noun pen

rheël /hɹeəɫ/ pl.noun clothes

rhoer /hɹœɹ/ adj exciting, stirring

rhorelbacke /'hrɔrɛlbakə/ noun stirfry

riemt /rimt/ noun space

riene /'ɹinə/ weak.verb to rain (hit rient)

riet /ɹit/ adj okay, right; adv directly

riet /ɹit/ noun right

riming /'ɹimiŋ/ noun counting, reckoning, numbering

roetlik /ɹœtlɪk/ adj cheerful

S. s

schanke /'ʃaŋkə/ noun leg

scheffe /'ʃɪfə/ verb to hurt, to harm, to injure (schoeffe p.p.)

scheft /ʃɪft/ noun creation, universe

schie /ʃi:/ verb shall, will (schold s.past)

schiene /'ʃinə/ verb to shine (schon s.past)

schier /ʃiɹ/ adj bright

schilf /ʃəlf/ noun shelf, drawer

schilling, -s /'ʃəliŋ/ noun a coin equivalent to NZ$1.20

schoe /ʃœ/ shoe

schoel /ʃœɫ/ noun school

schrië /ʃɹiə/ weak.verb to dress

schroud /ʃɹʉd/ noun clothing, garment

sech /sɪtʃ/ noun man, hero, warrior

seche /'sɪtʃə/ verb to say, to mention (the usual word for 'to say' is cweie) (segd(e) past tense)

seching /'sɪtʃiŋ/ noun declaration

seeke /'sekə/ verb to seek, search, look for

seekend /'sekənd/ noun searcher

seel /seɫ/ noun season, occasion, opportunity, time

seen /sen/ verb to see; seen, past particle (sô 1/3s.past)

self /sɪɫf/ noun self

selfness /'sɪɫfnəs/ noun "selfness", sense of selfhood

selfrietwies /'sɪɫfritwis/ adj selfrighteous

sell /'sɪɫ/ verb to sell

selt /sɪɫt/ noun salt

sende /'sɪndə/ verb to feast

seruw, -0 /'sɪrʉ:/ noun tool(s), equipment, gear

Seternsdeg /'sɪtəɹnzdə/ noun Saturday

sette /'sɪtə/ weak verb to set, to put, to place

sibb /səb/ noun relationship, peace

sicker /'səkəɹ/ adv surely

sieddreed /'siddɹed/ noun sub-thread

siedlik /'sidlək/ adv lately

siet /sit/ noun sight

siffe /'səfə/ conj since

sifling /'səfliŋ/ noun relish, condiment, sauce

simbel /'səmbəɫ/ noun feast

sinde /'səndə/ verb are, pl.present

singe /'siŋə/ verb to sing (sunge pl.past)

sleen /slen/ strong verb to slay, kill (hylie sloeg)

sleep /slep/ noun sleep

sleepern /'slepəɹn/ noun bedroom, sleeping quarters

slow /sləʊ/ adj/adv slow(ly)

smeck /smɪk/ noun taste

smegje /'smɪjə/ noun to consider, to examine

smegjing /'smɪjiŋ/ noun examination, exam, reflection

snack /snak/ noun snake, noun

snoed /snœd/ noun hood

so /sɔ/ conj so, as

soed /sœd/ adj real, true

soed /sœd/ noun truth

soedlik /'sœdlək/ adv truly, really, indeed, certainly

sôn /sɔ:n/ verb past plural saw

songtied /'sɔŋtid/ 'noun time for singing

sorness /'sɔɹnəs/ noun pain

sosam /'sɔzəm/ adv so on

sowl /səʊl/ noun soul

speië /spejə/ verb to succeed

speek /spek/ noun case, suit

spell /spɪl/ noun story

spende /'spɪndə/ verb to spend

spendcartspurte /'spɪŋkaɹtspʊɹte/ noun wastepaperbasket

spending /'spɪndiŋ/ noun spending

speië /'spejə/ weak verb to succeed (speedt)

spiewe /'spiʉwə/ weak verb to spew, vomit

spill /spəl/ weak verb to spill

spilling /'spəliŋ/ noun waste

spitte /'spətə/ verb to spit

sprecke /'spɹɪkə/ strong verb to speak, talk (spreck, spreeke)

spreek /spɹek/ noun conversation

spurte, -n /'spʊɹtə/ noun basket

staved /'stavəd/ adj striped

sted /stɪd/ noun place

stedheelder /stɪdheɫdəɹ/ noun representative

stemig /'stɪmi:/ adj steamy

stenk /stɪnk/ noun stink, smell

steppe /'stɪpə/ verb to step, to walk (stoep sg.past)

steps /stəps/ pl.noun steps

stoel /stœɫ/ noun chair

stoewe /'stœwə/ noun places

street /stɹet/ noun street

stund /stʊnd/ noun hour

sum /sʊm/ indef art/pron some

sunder /'sʊndəɹ/ adj separate

sunne /'sʊnə'/ noun sun

Sunnendeg /'sʊnəndə/ noun Sunday

sunnig /'sʊni:/ sunny

swelkness /'swɪɫknəs/ noun nature

swerd /'swɪɹd/ pl.noun swords

swert /swɪɹt/ adj black

swester /'swɪstəɹ/ noun sister

swied /swid/ adv very

swig /swi:/ adj quiet

swivest /'swi'vəst/ adv especially

sy /si/ pron she 3.s.fem

T, t

tal /tal/ noun tale, story, series, fable

tee /te:/ noun tea (beverage)

teekster /'te:kstəɹ/ noun female teacher

teerd /te:ɹd/ p.p tired

telephone /'tɪləfɔnə/ noun telephone

tell /tɪɫ/ weak verb to tell (telt 3.s.pres teld s.past)

tellend /'tɪlənd/ verb narrator

ten /tɪn/ num ten

tied /ti:d/ adv time

till /təɫ/ weak.verb to gain, to try

till /təɫ/ noun position

time /'ti:mə/ noun time

tinkdo /'tiŋkdɔ/ noun dignity

tinke /'tiŋkə/ verb to appear, to seem (toût /təʊt/)

tinkend /'tiŋkənd/ noun thinker

tinkendlic /'tiŋkəndlək/ adj/adv seemingly, apparently

toe /tœ/ prep to, per, for

toedeg /tœ'də/ adv today, adverb

toegaiër /tœ'gajəɹ/ adv together

toejeens /tœ'jəns/ adv on the way (to), towards

toel /tœl/ noun tool

toemorn /tœ'mɔɹn/ adv tomorrow

toeniet /tœ'nit/ adv last night

toever /'tœvəɹ/ num.adj second, other (2nd)

toewerd /'tœwəɹd/ adj future, coming

top /tɔp/ noun top

tumber /'tʊmbəɹ/ noun dancer

tuneche /'tʊnəʧə/ noun coat

treppe /'tɹɪpə/ noun trap

treew /tɹæʊ/ noun trees

twelf /twɪɫf/ num twelve (12)

twentig /'twɪnti:/ num twenty (20)

two /twɔ:/ two, number (tweer, tweem)

twuwe /'twʊwə/ adv twice

U, u

uldo /'ʊldɔ/ noun age

um /ʊm/ prep about, around

umwaië /ʊm'wajə/ verb to go about

umwerfe /ʊm'wɪɹfə/ to turn around

unabië /ʊnə'biə/ p.p unexpected

under /'ʊndəɹ/ prep under

underjinne /ʊndəɹ'jənə/ to undertake

undern /'ʊndəɹn/ adj/adv clearly known

unhidig /ʊn'hidi:/ adj unhappy

universitat /'ʉnəvəɹsətət/ noun university (dative universitatem)

unkemped /ʊŋ'kɪmpəd/ adj uncombed

unleed /ʊn'led/ adj miserable

unlleste /ʊn'hlɪstə/ verb to unload

unmeeg /ʊn'me/ noun outsider, alien

unmietig /ʊn'miti:/ adj weak

'unroet /ʊn'ɹœt/ adj unhappy, sad

unweers /ʊn'weɹs/ adv unawares

utte /'ʊtə/ verb let us, let's

V, v

veterinarium /'vɛtərɪnarɪəm/ noun veterinary clinic

W, w

wacken /'wakən/ p.p. born

waië /'wajə/ strong verb to go (ik jewoed, I went; hy weed, he went)

wann /wan/ adj dark

wandern /wandəɹn/ weak verb to wander

webb /wɪb/ noun web

wecke /'wɪkə/ weak.verb to watch

weckne /'wɪknə/ verb to be born

wedding /'wɪdiŋ/ noun wedding, marriage

weene /'wenə/ verb to expect

weër /weəɹ/ noun weather

weestefolk /'westəfɔlk/ noun desert people

weet /'wet/ adj wet

weg,-s /wɪ/ noun way

wegndriver /wɛn'dɹivəɹ/ noun busdriver

weldpol /'wɪɫdpɔl/ noun powerpole

weldunge /'wɪɫdʊŋə/ adj honoured

well /wɪɫ/ adv well

welneê /'wɪɫne:/ adv almost

welp /wɪɫp/ noun pup

welrhew /'wɪɫhɹæʋ/ adj blood-thirsty

werd /wɪɹd/ noun worth

werd, -s /wɛɹd/ noun guardian, keeper

werd /wɪɹd/ predicate adj price

werde /'wɪɹdə/ verb to become, to get (ward 3.s.past, jeworde p.p)

werfe /'wɪɹfə/ verb to change, to turn

werk /wɪɹk/ noun work

werkdegnship /'wɪɹkdənʃəp/ noun employment service

werke /'wɪɹkə/ verb to work

werkcreftig /'wɪɹkkɹɪfti:/ adj mechanical

werkwod /'wɪɹkwəd/ noun jobhunt

werm /wɪɹm/ adj warm

wern /wɪɹn/ weak verb to wear

werpe /'wɪɹpə/ verb to throw (ik warp, wurp)

wes /wɪs/ verb was, 3.s.past

weshendseruw /'wɪʃəndsɪrʉ:/ noun washing machine

wet /wɪt/ interrogative pron what

wetter /'wɪtəɹ/ noun water

wever /'wɪvəɹ/ conj whether

wexe /'wɪksə/ verb to grow (hylie weexe)

wicke /'wəkə/ noun witch, wiccan

wie /wi/ verb to want (wold)

wief /wif/ noun woman

wielo /'wilɔ/ adv for a while, sometimes

wierd /wiɹd/ noun fate

wilk /wəɫk/ interogative adj which

win /wən/ noun friend, used to mean fiance

windelock /'wəndəlɔk/ noun curly locks of hair

windig /'wəndi:/ adj windy

winsumness /'wənsʊmnəs/ noun delight

winter /'wəntəɹ/ noun winter

wise /'wizə/ noun way, fashion, manner

wistling /'wəstliŋ/ noun whistling

witte /'wətə/ verb to know (wiss)

wittig /'wəti:/ adj conscious

wlitschien /'wlətʃin/ adj lovely, beautiful

wlotte /'wlɔtə/ verb to look for

wo /wɔ/ interrogative.pron who

woed /wœd/ adj mad

Woeiënsdeg /'wœjənzdə/ noun Wednesday

wog /wɔ:/ noun wall

woreld /'wɔrəɫd/ noun world

woreldwied /'wɔɹəɫdwid/ adj world-wide

worn /wɔɹn/ noun number, amount

wrang /ɹaŋ/ adj wrang

wrenkwered /'ɹɪŋkwɪɹəd/ noun.pl trick-or-treaters

write /'ɹitə/ verb to write (wriet)

writbord /'rətbɔɹd/ noun desk

wrive, -n /'ɹəvə/ noun band

wrixel wordo /'ɹəksəɫ 'wɔɹdə/ verb converse, exchange words

wuck, -e /wʊk/ noun week

wuckend /'wʊkənd/ noun weekend

wuder /'wʊdəɹ/ noun woodsman, forester

wunelik /'wʊnələk/ adv usually

wunne /'wʊnə/ weak verb to stay

wurmpostling, -s /'wʊɹmpəstliŋ/ worm tablet

wurtettend /'wʊɹtɪtənd/ noun vegetarian

wurtjerds /'wʊɹtjəɹdz, 'wʊɹʧəɹdz/ noun gardens

wy /wi:/ pron we 1.pl.subject