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Spoken in: (country)
Conworld: (universe)
Total speakers: 5,000,000
Genealogical classification: (Family)
Basic word order: VSO, free
Morphological type: fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: nominative - accusative
Writing system:
Created by:
Starbeam June 2021

Omiur is a dialect continuum conlang; spoken in and around Omiur City. Despite the relatively small area of use, the language is highly dialectal; with many dialects not quite being mutually intelligble to each other. In addition, there a handful of argots and cryptolects spoken between dialects. All of the Omiur languages are from a single proto-language that diverged over time due to shifts in geography and influence from other cultures.

The city itself is built on canals across various parts of the Omiur bay, with additional communities being built in shores nearby. Many residents are bi-dialectal.

Most of the sections below describe Proto-Omiur, with dialectal variations being mentioned as needed.



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n
Plosiv pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k
Fricativ Spirant ɸ θ̠ x
Sibilant s ɕ
Approximant j w
Front Central Back Rising Contour
Close i i: ɨ: u u:
Close-mid e: ə o: oi
Open a a:

Phonological processes

Consonant Fortition:

  • j→ɕ
  • w→f
  • f→ɸ
  • θ→t
  • s→t
  • x→k

All other consonants besides /r̥ r l̥ l/ geminate on fortition.


Personal Pronouns
Singular Paucal Multal
1st person Yat -a Pāra -ilā Pāru -iloi
2nd person Honay -wa Honayara -afilā Honayaru -afiloi
3rd person Animat Esed Esedara -ilū Esedaru -ilwi
Inanimat Esen -wi


-asa (verbal noun) Indicative Subjunctive Deontic
Present Nonpresent Present Nonpresent Present Nonpresent
1st person Singular -igë -irë
Paucal -igde -irgeth -ūth
Multal -igdai -irgaith -ūth
2nd person Singular -ibān -irwan -ūan
Paucal -ibāndo -irwando -ūatho
Multal -ibāndor -irwandor -ūathor
3rd person Singular Animat -is -iris -us
Inanimat -īn -irīn -ūn
Paucal -isdē -irteth -ūthi
Multal -isdai -irtaith -ūthi