LoCoWriMo/2009 October/Participants

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Participant Conlang Word Count Writing Tools Synopsis
Adam Walker Carraxan 167 / 5000 words Open Office/MS Word A less than accurate "history" of the War of the Two Queens from Carraxan history. The author of this piece wrote quite some time after the events and seems to have relied more on oral traditions than actual documents form the era he describes. The piece is important to Carraxan literature and to cultural perceptions of the birth of the nation, but makes historians moan.
Amanda Babcock Furrow mërèchi 0 / goal writing tools A conversation between two young women who had just been brought back vividly by hearing someone practicing the music of the cohort just ahead of theirs (the cycle having come almost back around to their own) so that they get involved in organizing the induction for the next generation of their own cohort. Partly like planning the high school reunion (but one to which only the most dedicated come), and partly like deciding to be a Girl Scout leader, or something.
Arthaey Angosii Asha'ille 952 / 6000


Google Docs

plain text

First contact between three Cresaean (empathic feline) hunters and a military/biologist scouting pair of humans. The Cresaean leader decides to trust the two humans and brings them back to his village. However, when they arrive at the Cresaean village, the humans are taken prisoner for murder of another Cresaean. The Cresaean leader must then decide whether trying to save the lives of these strange aliens is worth risking his standing in the community, especially when the truth is not clear.
Edward Miller Jezzali 2029 / 5000


hand-written A retelling of the Epic of Sulerain, a great hunter. Chronicles her hunt for a massive leviathon, and her demise at the hand of an ally who betrayed her in measures.
Jim Henry gjâ-zym-byn 60 / 60 pages (approx 6000 words) hand-written A paralyzed, mute telepath finds the only person within range of his powers he can talk to rather than just listen to, and begins a strange relationship with her.
Kate Rhodes olo count / 5000 Scrivener (for writing), Voodoopad (for language reference) Sadly, life interceded and I didn't end up doing it in Oct. I'm going to do it in Nov. instead of NaNoWriMo. Not sure what I'll write about yet though.
Lee conlang 0 / 5000 Word or Notepad++ fairy tale mashup?
Mechthild Czapp Rejistanian 5005 / 5000 joe as editor, XFCEterm as terminal it runs in, TXT fileformat, Xubuntu Linux as OS scroll down to read An exkola'het side (~= high school) student who is close to failing politics unless her final project about lekax'het xetsukovomin (the laws on elections) - and decides to make her point by running herself. The idea that a student is running spreads though the schools of the kalesa (district) and with the votes of many students, she gets into the lentinic convention. Despite a rather low hani-number, this is in the time, where 2 meta-liside'ny (~=coalitions) are struggling for power and both need her vote (despite having only a low value since comparatively few people voted for her) to get a mejiheji'het naiken ('parliamentary majority', ie: a 50%+1 vote majority).
Roger Mills Kash 0 / 5000 Word or OO Writer A first-contact story about the Terran who is sent down to Cindu.
participant conlang count / goal writing tools synopsis