Halcarnian; Language or Dialect?

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On first hearing Halcarnian, one could be forgiven for describing it as another language. However, Halcarnian shares over 90 percent Dalcurian vocabulary, and in formal conditions adheres to the same prepositional phrase word order rule as standard Dalcurian.
Some gramatarians argue that dialects are in fact languages unto themselves. I however, feel that, if a 2 forms of the same language are mutualy intelligeable (albiet with a little training), then they are in fact 'dialects'.

Having lived in Dalcuria for over 10 years, and actually in Halcarnia itself for 4 years, I feel that Halcarnian IS merely a dialect. I have had many a conversation with people from central Dalcuria-they speaking SD (Standard Dalcurian) and me speaking ED (Eastern Dalcurian/Halcarnian) with very little effort to be understood. It's akin to the way in which Finish and Estonian, or High German and Austrian are mutually intelligeable.

For me, what causes the argument is that, Halcarnian, unlike many 'true' dialects, has its own grammar and written standard.
I come from the north east of England, so I have a 'northern' accent-or a Geordie accent as it's commonly known. I class my everyday speak as a 'northern dialect'. I can still be understood anywhere in England, but 'Geordie' doesn't have a written form. For example, I might say to my pals:

  • "D'ye's fancy ganin oot f'ra bevvie the neet like?"
    (lit: Do you's [you all] fancy [like the idea of] going out for a bevvie [pint/drink] tonight)

Of course, if I was sending an email or maybe a text, then I wouldn't write it like that, I would write it in standard English.