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Pronounced: [elesklavin]
Timeline and Universe: 2875 - 3859
Species: Ahlegonian Human
Spoken: Ellesklava, Tyordé, Celurhyo
Total speakers: 42 million
Writing system: Marcil Script
Genealogy: Ahlegonian
Morphological type: Agglutinating
Morphosyntactic alignment: Accusative
Basic word order: SVO
Creator: Eric B.
Created: 2007

Ellesklavan is an Alskev language spoken by about 42 million people, mainly in the west of Ahlegon. It is the official language of Ellesklava, Tyordé and Celurhyo. It is also spoken in Ihřnel, Krofsé, Noria, Erilnat, Kohltinet and Pyalurget.

It is the most widely spoken language in western Ahlegon and the North. For this reason it is also widely spoken by traders and travelers. Almost everyone who lives in the western half of Ahlegon knows at least a few sentences in Ellesklavan.


The IPA value is indicated in Red. The Latin transliteration is indicated in black.


There are 22 consonants in Ellesklavan

Bilabial Labiod. Dental Alveolar Post-alv. Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m m n n
Stop p p b b t t d d č k c g g q k
Fricative f f v v θ ť ð ď s s z z ʃ š ʒ ž h h R ř
Approximants j y
Trill r r
Lateral Approximant l l


There are 9 vowels in Ellesklavan

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i i y ü é é u u
High-mid e e ø eu A ö o o
Low a a


Stress is usually added (lightly) to the last syllable of a word.

Syllable Structure

The most common syllable structures in Ellesklavan are CCVC, CVC, and VC


Ellesklavan is an agglutinating language with a large set of prefixes and suffixes to modify words.


Most (but not all) nouns will end with ü or a.


The nouns and adjectives in Ellesklavan have 3 genders; masculine, feminine and neutral. Masculine nouns and adjectives end with the -ü suffix, and it will end with the -a suffix if it is feminine. If a noun has neither suffix, it is neuter.
gřön  (grain) Neutral, no suffix
monü  (horse) Masculine
séna  (floor) Feminine


Nouns are made plural by adding the u- prefix. E.g., néoi, "night"; unéoi, "nights".
If the singular noun begins with u, the prefix n- is added in stead. E.G. usoé, "colour"; nusoé "colours".


Possessives are formed by adding the appropriate suffix, before the gender suffix.

  • -öm: My
  • -sé: Your
  • -so: Your (plural)
  • -nar: Our (exclusive)
  • -ran: Our (inclusive)
  • -ber: His
  • -sel: Her
  • -kar: Their
  • -naon: Its

Example: monömü My Horse monberü His Horse


Verb Conjugation

The verbs in Ellesklavan are Conjugated by adding a suffix.

baüva To drink</td> </tr>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">Present</td>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">Past</td> </tr>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">mö baüv

tü/té baüve

ihl/el/ža baüvü

no baüvit

nya baüvaze

vo baüvazi

ehli baüven</td>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">mö baüvé

tü/té baüvé

ihl/el/ža baüvé

no baüvus

nya baüvan

vo baüvané

ehli baüv</td> </tr>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center"> Incomplete</td>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">Future</td> </tr>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">mö baüvet

tü/té baüveut

ihl/el/ža baüvöt

no baüvüt

nya baüvét

vo baüvot

ehli baüveti</td>

<p align="center" style="text-align:center">mö baüvain

tü/té baüvesni

ihl/el/ža baüvna

no baüvneri

nya baüveucü

vo baüvseuné

ehli baüvénat</td> </tr> </table>



The nouns and adjectives in Ellesklavan have 3 genders; masculine, feminine and neutral. Masculine nouns and adjectives end with the -ü suffix, and it will end with the -a suffix if it is feminine. If an adjective has neither suffix, it is neutral. An adjective is the same gender as the noun it is tied to.
gréni firo  (large animal) Neutral, no suffix
gréniü monü  (large horse) Masculine
grénia séna  (large floor) Feminine


The basic word order of Ellesklavan is SVO - The subject is first in the sentence, then comes the verb, and then the object.


Yes/No Questions

To form yes/no questions, you add nyé to the beginning of the sentence if you expect the answer to be yes, and you place it at the end if you expect the answer to be no.

Other Questions

For other questions you place a question word at the beginning of the sentence.

  • cev - which
  • ci - who
  • ca - what
  • feř - where
  • - when
  • cömé - how
  • peřca - why

Writing system

Ellesklavan is written using the Marcil script.

Sample Text

Lord's Prayer

English 1662 BCP version

Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
in earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from evil.
[For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.] Amen.

In Ellesklavan

vidrömü, ci eu en éfni,
aolé eu tli nömü.
tli řoyamü viyen.
tli sřay eu fazi,
en teřya é ža eu en éfni.
dono no sé širu pasirana kotined.
éti frocefi no trégepaseniran,
kön no frocefi elehli ci trégepaseni kontri no.
éti neu kleřtni pa no ostü betnosü;
mé délifeř no dé džharag.
(porceu lešé eu lé řoyamü, lé pufovřir, éti lé kloriyen,

por tu éti tu) amné.