Duud Spelling

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This is something approaching a respelling for English using just the current alphabet used for English and no diacritics. It's not really set in stone, but this page should give an impression of it. The name's because I had to think of something to call it, and it's pretty dudish, so there we are.

Basic Outline

  • Short vowels as in traditional (trad.) spelling, with for both /ʌ/ and /ʊ/
  • <-oh->/<o-> for /əu/ phoneme in "poke"


Biginning 'v dh' Yuniversel Deklereishen 'v Hyumen Raits

Ool hyumen bi-ings 'r born fri 'nd ihkwel in dignati 'nd raits. Dhei 'r indaud widh rizen 'nd konshens 'nd shud akt tewordz wun anudher in a spirrit 'v brudherhud.

Evriwun iz intaiteld tu ool dhe raits 'nd fridemz set forth in dhis deklereishen, widhaut distinkshen 'v enni kaind, such az reis, kuller, seks, langwij, relidjen, pelittikel or udher apinyun, nashenel or sohshel orrejin, propperti, berth or udher steitus. Ferdhermor, no distinkshen sh'l bi meid on dh' beisis 'v dh' pelittikel, juristikshenel or internashenel steitus 'v dh' kuntri or territri t' wich a persen bilongs, wedher it bi indipendent, trust, non-self-guverning or under enni udher limmiteishen 'v soverenti.