Body Parts in Your Conlangs/Novegradian

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This is a list of body parts in Novegradian. This list was created by Mecislau in 2006 as a response to the template Body Parts in Your Conlangs.

Body parts in Novegradian

Body тѣло tiě́lo 
-Blood vessel кревоносита жила krevonósita žíla (lit. "blood-carrying vessel") 
--Artery артеря artiéria 
--Vein вена véna 
-Material of which it is composed матеряљ зе котраево состаулене materiáł ze kotrájevo sostáulene 
--Bone кости kósti 
--Gristle or cartilage (sp? cartilege?) хреце hréce 
--Skin плоти plóti 
--Muscle мишка míška 
--Fat туке túke 
--Blood крев krév 
-Trunk (torso) торсе tórse 
--Chest грандина дантина grándina dántina (lit. "breast cavity") 
---Heart серце siérce 
---Lung плуце plúce 
--Abdomen or Belly желудок želudók (not distinguished from "stomach") 
---Stomach желудок želudók 
---Liver етро iétro 
---Spleen слезени sleziéni 
---Intestines есто iésto 
--Waist таля tália 
-Neck шия šíja 
-Extremity концина kóncina 
--Head глава gláva 
---Hair власи vlási 
---Ear оху óhu 
----Earhole --- 
----Earlobe? --- 
---Eye око óko 
----Eyeball оцное яблоко ócnoje iábloko (lit. "eye apple") 
-----Iris оцное кољце ócnoje kołcé (lit. "eye ring") 
-----Pupil оцней дѣде ócnej dědié (lit. "eye child") 
-----Sclera бѣлое око bě́loje óko (lit. "white eye") 
----Eyebrow брев brév 
----Eyelid вѣко vě́ko 
-----Eyelash ресница résnica or ресна résna 
----Eye socket оцней доље ócnej dółe (lit. "eye pit") 
----Tear gland слезная жлеза sléznaja žlezá 
---Nose носе nóse 
----Nostril носдера nosderá 
---Mouth роте róte 
----Jaw целусти célusti 
-----Maxilla (upper jaw) верхеная целусти verhénaja célusti (lit. "upper jaw") 
-----Mandible (lower jaw) нижная целусти nížnaja célusti (lit. "lower jaw") 
----Tooth забе zábe 
-----Incisor предней забе prédnej zábe (lit. "foretooth") 
-----Eyetooth or Canine Tooth коле kóle 
-----Molar (and/or premolar?) глауней забе gláunej zábe (lit. "headtooth") 
----Tongue лизике lizíke 
--Limb концина kóncina (not distinguished from "extremity") 
---Arm рока róka (not distinguished from "hand") 
----Shoulder плеѕо pledzó (not distinguished from "upper arm") 
----Elbow лакоти lákoti 
----Wrist подруцие podrucjé (lit. "beneath the hand") 
----Humerus (upper arm) плеѕо pledzó (common usage, not distinguished from "shoulder") or надлакоцие nadlakocjé (lit. "above the elbow", in medical usage) 
----Lower Arm предлакоцие predlakocjé (largely medical usage) 
----Hand рока róka (not distinguished from "arm") 
-----Palm длани dláni 
---Leg нога nogá (not distinguished from "foot") 
----Hip ланцо lancó 
-----buttock (if different) заде záde (lit. "rear, behind") 
----Knee колѣно kolě́no 
----Ankle глезне glézne 
----Thigh (upper leg) бедро bedró 
----Shank (lower leg, between knee and ankle) голени goléni (not distinguished from "shin") 
-----Shin голени goléni (not distinguished from "shank") 
-----Calf лиска líska 
----Foot нога nogá (common usage, not distinguished from "leg") or пѣхе pě́he (largely medical usage) 
-----Sole позпѣшие pozpěšjé (lit. "under the foot") 
-----Heel пида pidá 
-----Ball --- 
--Digit (toe or thumb or finger) порсте pórste 
---Nail ноготи nógoti 
----Fingernail ноготи рокѣ nógoti rókě (lit. "nail on the hand") 
----Toenail ноготи ногѣ nógoti nogiě́ (lit. "nail on the foot") 
---Toe порсте на ногѣ pórste nogiě́ (lit. "digit on the foot") 
----Pollex ("Great" Toe or Big Toe) палоке ногѣ páloke nogiě́ (lit. "thumb on the foot") 
----Pinky toe or little toe вейка ногѣ véjka nogiě́ (lit. "little digit on the foot") 
----Other individual toes? -just find the equivalent finger name and add ногѣ; each finger name can refer to either the finger or the equivalent toe, though in common usage it is generally assumed that the hand is meant unless otherwise specified or context makes it clear 
---Thumb палоке páloke 
----Thumbnail ноготи палокѣ nógoti pálokě (lit. "nail on the thumb") 
---Finger порсте pórste (like the individual fingers and toes, this term can refer to either a finger or toe in general, but by default is assumed to refer to the fingers) 
----Index finger предовоке predovóke (lit. "the front one") 
----Pinky finger вейка véjka (lit. "little twig") 
----Middle finger срединоке sredinóke (lit. "the middle one") 
----Ring finger безимѣнноке beziměnnóke (lit. "the unnamed one", a name you see in Russian and several Uralic languages) 
--My god, how could I have left out the genitalia?!?! плодовии plodóviji (lit. "[organs for] producing offspring") 
---female женески плодовии žéneski plodóviji 
----vagina туло túlo 
----womb трево trévo 
---male мужески плодовии múžeski plodóviji 
----penis шлене šléne (lit. "member") 
----testicle яйѕок iajdzók (lit. "little egg") 
-Side страна straná 
--Back заде záde (for the back part of the body) or спина spína (for the actual back/spine) 
--Front преде préde 
--Left лѣво lě́vo 
--Right право právo 
--Bottom (lower) низе níze 
--Top (upper) верхе vérhe 
-Orifices отуоре ótuore 
--anus задней отуоре zádnej ótuore (lit. "rear orifice") 
--urethral meatus? -- 

Additional Responses

--lap љону łónu 
--kidney нерка niérka 
--bladder пуғири puğíri (lit. "bubble") 
--brain мозгѣ mozgiě́ 
--lip осту óstu