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Almalinian is an a priori fictional artlang which was created in 2002 by Bryant K. It is associated with a conworld, Almalinë, and is the language of the two prinicipal groups of people there, the Men and the Celts (also known as the Races of Cardë). A complete grammar has been published online, and the language seems quite stable and usable.

The LangMaker page states that Almalinian has some influences from Esperanto, Latin, Turkish, Elet Anta, Valavya, Toki Pona, and "especially Quenya and Sindarin", but that the language has incorporated these in a manner which makes those influences not readily apparent.

Babel Text

1. Tol telgael i pennes dónumë éldamor niel lomen ar nomdan élcanen.
"(correlative of proximity) (that time) (the) (whole[nom. adj.]) (world[nom. noun sing.]) (have[past, 3rd person sing.]) (one) (language[acc. noun sing.]) (and) (common[acc. adj.]) (speech[acc. noun sing.])."
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

2. "Sen telgael anae enuilond astaldeclo, ar arthond hera·ilen diór Sennar ar éthlibond teldor."
"(during) (that time) (person[nom. noun plural]) (move[past, 3rd person plural]) (east-ward[adverb]), (and) (find [past, 3rd person plural]) (flat[nom. adj.])-(land[acc. noun sing.) (in) (Sennar) (and) (live[past, 3rd person plural]) (that place)."
"During that time people moved eastward, and they found flat-land in Shinar and lived there."

3. "Élcanond huin pennel, ""A penyaf, a canésinach cor·andae·alpaen, ar a cuelach pren pennes."" Anclesond cor·andae·alpaen, ar nui sornaden, ar conbenan, henotan anorsen eriol conbenatha alpë."
"(say[past, 3rd person plural]) (to) (every person), ""(Imperative marker) (come[present, 2nd person plural]), (imperative marker) (make[present, 1st person plural]) (four)-(side[nom. noun plural])-(thing[acc. nom. plural]), (and) (imperative marker) (cook[1st person plural]) (they[acc. noun]) (entire)."" (use[past, 3rd person plural]) (four)-(side[nom. noun plural])-(thing[acc. nom. plural]), (and) (not[adverb]) (stone[acc. noun sing.]), (and) (sticky[acc. adj.]), (black[acc. adj.]) substance[acc. noun sing.]) (as) (bond[nom. present participle]) (thing[nom. noun sing.])."
"They said to everybody, ""Come, let's make square-shaped things, and let's cook them wholly."" They used square-shaped things, and not stone, and a sticky black substance as a bonding thing."

4. "Telgael élcanond, ""A penyaf, a canésinach cilthonen hen essë·orae, parm átala·asë den paenar i balhalen, telsel télminach canésini ethuisnen hen essë·orae, ar telsel liyenech tersinetha théniel i nebantë alor i dónumë."""
"(that time) (say[past, 3rd person plural]), ""(imperative marker) (come[present, 2nd person plural]), (imperative marker) (make[present, 1st person plural]) (city[acc. nom. sing.]) (for) (we[nom. adj.])-(self[nom. noun plural]), (with) (high[nom. adj.])-(part[nom. noun sing.]) (that) (touch[present, 3rd person sing.]) (the) (sky[acc. noun sing.]), (so that) (can[present, 1st person plural]) (to make) (name[acc. noun sing.]) (for) (we[nom. adj.])-(self[nom. noun plural]), (and) (so that) (not[adverb]) (become[future, 1st person plural]) (scatter[nom. past participle]) (across) (the) (surface[nom. noun sing.]) (of) (the) (earth[nom. noun sing.])."""
"Then they said, ""Come, let's build a city for ourselves, with a high part that touches the sky, so that we can make a name for ourselves, and so that we won't become scattered across the surface of the world."

5. Erin i Dóminë penyor lumbúleclui laurebayi i cilthonen ar i átala·asen den i anae canésinondon.
"(But) (the) (Lord[nom. noun sing.]) (come[past, 3rd person sing.]) (down-ward[adverb]) (to see) (the) (city[acc. noun sing.]) (and) (the) (high[nom. adj.])-(part[acc. noun sing.]) (that) (the) (person[nom. noun plural]) (make[past perfect, 3rd person plural])."
But the Lord came downward to see the city and the high part that the people had made.

6. "I Dóminë élcanor, ""Ambar eriol niel aerë élcanatha i becan lomen naelebandon canésini tol telmen, numen den gálenend canésini ader necanésinalba hen prë."
"(the) (Lord[nom. noun sing.]) (say[past, 3rd person sing.]), ""(if) (as) (one) (people[nom. noun sing.]) (speak[nom. present participle]) (the) (same[acc. adj.]) (language[acc. noun sing.]) (begin[present perfect, 3rd person plural]) (to do) (correlative of proximity) (that thing), (no thing) (that) (try[future, 3rd person plural]) (to do) (be[future, 3rd person singular]) (un-do-able) (for) (they[nom. noun])."
"The Lord said, ""If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, nothing that they will try to do will be undoable for them."

7. "A penyaf, a enuilach lumbúleclui, ar a matach pran lomen telsel nui huilnend pennel."""
"(Imperative marker) (come[present, 2nd person plural]), (imperative marker) (go[present, 1st person plural]) (down-ward[adverb]), (and) (imperative marker) (confuse[present, 1st person plural]) (they[acc. adj.]) (language[acc. noun sing.]) (so that) (not[adverb]) (understand[future, 3rd person plural) (every one)."""
"Come, let's go downward and confuse their language so that they won't understand everyone."""

8. "Telsel i Dóminë san teldor brelnor hen prë adi tersinotha théniel i nebantë alor i dónumë, ar prelond canésini i cilthonen."
"(therefore) (the) (Lord[nom. noun sing.]) (from) (that place) (force[past, 3rd person singular]) (for) (they[nom. noun]) (to be) (scatter[nom. past participle]) (across) (the) (surface[nom. noun sing.]) (of) (the) (earth[nom. noun sing.]), (and) (stop[past, 3rd person plural]) (to build) (the) (city[acc. noun sing.])."
"Therefore, the Lord from there forced for them to be scattered across the surface of the Earth, and they stopped building the city."

9. Telsel ador ethuisnotha Babel -- med teldor i Dóminë mator i lomen alor i pennes dónumë. San teldor i Dóminë brelnor hen prë adi tersinotha théniel i nebantë alor i dónumë.
"(therefore) (be[past, 3rd person sing.]) (name[nom. past participle]) (Babel[nom. noun sing.]) -- (from) (that place) (the) (Lord[nom. noun sing.]) (confuse[past, 3rd person sing.]) the (language[acc. noun sing.]) (of) (the) (entire) (world[nom. noun sing.]). (from) (that place) (the) (Lord[nom. noun sing.]) (force[past, 3rd person sing.]) (for) (them[nom. noun]) (to be) (scatter[nom. past participle]) (across) (the) (surface[nom. noun sing.]) (of) (the) (world[nom. noun sing.])."
"Therefore, it was named Babel--from there the Lord confused the language of the entire world. From there the Lord forced for them to be scattered across the surface of the world."

External Links

This article is part of the Conlang Rescue Project.

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Some information in this article was taken from LangMaker. (For the specific article, please see the 'External Links' section.)