Aen Mhiddrun

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Aen Mhiddrun

      dark    "twilight"    light
p     pˠ       p            pʲ 
t     tˠ       t            tʲ
c     k        k           kʲ
b     bˠ       b            bʲ
d     dˠ       d            dʲ
g     ɣ        g           gʲ
f     fˠ       f            fʲ
th    θˠ       θ            θʲ
ch    x        x           xʲ	 
v     vˠ       v            vʲ	
w     wˠ       w            wʲ
dd    ðˠ       ð            ðʲ
m     mˠ       m            mʲ		
mh    βˠ       β            βʲ
n     nˠ       n            nʲ		 
nh    zˠ       z            zʲ        
r     rˠ       r            rʲ  	
rh    hrˠ      hr           hrʲ
l     lˠ        l           lʲ	
lh    hlˠ      hl           hlʲ
s     sˠ       s            sʲ	
sh    ʃˠ       ʃ            ʃʲ

dark = before or after "o" or "u"
light = before or after "e" or "i"
twilight = preceded by a dark or light and followed by the opposite or preceded and followed by "a"

*note - fricatives tend to be dropped between vowels which includes the soft mutation 
they are often replaced with [j] after "i" and "e" or [w] after "u" and "o"
but a fricative will not become [j] if it is light ex. "prathi" [præθʲə] not [præjə]


a   æ
e   ɛ
i/y ɪ/ə
o   ʌ
u   ʊ

rad	soft	mix	nas

p	b	f	m
t	d	th	n
c	g	ch	g
b	v	w	m
d	dd	dw	n
g	j	gw	n	
f	v	f	mh
th	dd	th	nh
ch	chw	ch	nh
v	w	v	mh
dd	thw	dd	nh
m	b	mh	m
n	d	nh	n
r	rh	r	r
l	lh	l	l
s	s	sh	s

plural mutation
a > ai
e > ei
i > y
o > e
u > i

gen mutation
	a	u
a	a	e
e	a	e
i	e	i
o	o	o
u	i	u


        1st     2nd     	3rd   
obl.    oen	ddaor      	get   
        aorn    gevar    	thear
gen.    moen    nhaor   	net
        maorn   nevar    	nhear



"homestead" - chest
        sng.            plr.           
nom.    aen nhest       aen nheist           
gen.    aen nhasta      aen nhaista        

"shore" - scarb
        sng.            plr.          
nom.    ae sgarb        ae sgairb                  
gen.    ae sgerbu       ae sgeirbu      


sleep - sanaor

    past tense
sng   asanaor
plr   eseneorhudd

    present tense
sng   nur shanaor
plr   nur sheneorhudd

    future tense
sng   sanaor
plr   seneorhudd

aob - eye com.
aor - metal ore neu.
aorh - ear neu.
dac - bacon neu.
dalhyg - king neu.
daon - bone neu. 
daor - pig com.
darcha - poem com.
darna - child com.
darsua - fish com.
delby - bag neu.
drescu - breast com.
diarb - hill com.
dierhu - homestead neu.
dierh - bear com. 
dilhach - blade com.
dillion - flower com.
dilluch - blood com.
ddiold - lord neu.
ddorp - bark neu.
ddochyn - ground com.
gwycaor - witch neu.
gwydd - wood neu.
gwyn - friend com. 
gwioc - city neu. 
gwiof - woman com.
gwion - field neu. 
nach - man com.


bethyn - give
baelga - castrate
bemb - walk
baec - obtain 
braeca - forgive
fathyn - have
falga - hold
falsol - love
foeryspu - sour
faechel - heckle 
faest - pinch
faon - dwell
floet - run 
fomb - hunger
ioca - itch
lhiol - to be loyal
palh - call
pasca - throw 
pynath - eat
pynoch - marry
pynoef - kneel
pob - oppress
pothiem - keep
prathi - demand
sanaor - sleep
achyr - choose

bovethyn - generous 
bovemb - active
baovaec - greedy
baovaelga - weak
braobraeca - forgiving
favathyn - rich
feovoeryspu - sour
faovaechel - crude / rude 
faevaon - protected
fevomb - hungry
uegioca - annoyed
lhuelhiol - loyal
pabalh - poor
pabasca - boisterous 
bynath - glutenous 
bynoch - married
bynoef - enthralled
pebob - oppressive
pebothiem - cared for
prathi - pious
sanaor - lazy
achwachyr - adopted

elhiolhudd aorn ddiold
[ɛhlʲɪʌhlˠʊwˠ æʌrˠn ðʲɪʌlˠd]
we were loyal to a lord

bovethyn aen mrathi dach
[bˠʌvɛθʲənʲ æɛnʲ mræθʲə dæx]
the pious man is generous

nur shanaor ae thwiold
[nˠʊrˠ ʃænæʌrˠ æɛ θwʲɪʌlˠd]
the lord sleeps

ae thwioldu chest
[æɛ θwʲɪʌlˠdˠʊ wʲɛsʲt]  
the lords homestead